


第一にアメリカと日本両国の 調和と理解に基ずく 調整ができる関係を維持し コミュニケーションしつづけていくこと。
 第二に 自国における国民感情のマネージメンとを同時に有効におこなってどのような状況になっても理解解が求められるよう心理的な サポート、情報公開を繊細に提起しつづけること。

今一番日本にとって必要なのは、この一連の キリスト教への宗教活動に携わったことにおいて、成功と調和をどのような状況にでももとめつづけること出会って、 全てを放り投げることではないということ。日本は他国のサポートなしでは健康的に存在することのできない国であるのだから、 ここまで来たら、ひとまずの成功を提示することができるよう配慮することが大切です。

その成功は日本にとって、アメリカにとって、キリスト教にとってそれぞれ違うことを意味するのだということをまず理解してください。 一番おおきな視点で見た成功は調和と平和、以前のように それぞれの国の国民性、長所短所、国民性を維持し、それを継続できるように結果を求めていくこと。アメリカがアメリカらしくいられるれるよう、日本が日本らしくいれるようにというのがひとまずの成功地点です。
 そのためには、今混乱混雑しきった状況の 改善修復にあり、脳のデバイスの管理が一貫性を持って管理できない今の状況において、これをを受け止めたうえで、私の身の 安全、健康、金銭的、精神的安全 の管理を中立なものにもっていくこと。アメリカにそれを任せきってしまっても波が立つでしょうし、日本がそれをすべてまかされてしまっても、結果としてそれがどちらの国にも不平不満の残る結果となったら、国としてどこの国ともいい関係を保つことは難しくなるでしょう。これはアメリカについても同じことが言えますし、 両国で これだけは保つべきべきだという私の生活のスタンダード、 あらゆる側面でのスタンダードを安全と健康維持のために決めることが一番いいことだとおもわれます。

危機的な状況で、 いい決断、いい成果を今出すのは不可能に近く、いいプロセスを提示しながら 少しずつ でいいではないですか。今すぐ大きな成功にもっていくというのはとてもむずかしいこと。スタンダードを決めて、それがたもたれていくよう、皆が、最低限の安心と安全の中で、 自己人生のの意思決定が行われていくよう、配慮していくのが 最善作であるとおもわれます。
 個人的、意見において、事態の改善、複雑化しきっててしまった人間関係、金背に基づく関係のよき解決は いい始まりをもつこと、は7月の 中旬まで、自己修復することはないでしょう。
 それでも結果がいまほしいと、 失敗を覚悟でいろいろ試みyてしまう状況も、理解はできますが、おすすめしません。責任の所在を明らかにした上で、行動に移してください。
  宗教団体のポリシー、政治的立場も理解推測はできますが、最終的にすべての責任はわたし自身にふるいかかってくるもの。 あの宗教活動において、私個人の生活の質の保持を直接的に関与することを無視したまま2年間継続する道を取り続ける決定をしてしまった以上、あのようなミスマネージメントの状況を継続させたり 危険を承知でなるがままにさせておくことは私の立場では許せません。一番大切なものが何であるのか、誰であるのか、宗教団体としての強固な意思決定を行い保持し、持ったうで、状況に対処し始めてください。

日々よい選択をしていくのが キリスト教のideaではあり、安全な意識的ガイドをもって人生の選択をいろいろな経験を通して、おこなってよい人生、幸せな一日を過ごせる道を模索し、かなえていくというのが わたしの 手短なキリスト教の 理解で、その選択をなくして一ことではないということを理解認識してください。 全てを承知で危険を承知でなすがまま、ありのままの野放図を作りあげることではないということを理解してください。
 安全のため、成功のため計画には個人的に自発的に従事しましょう。すでに起こってしまった失敗すべてを知らせなさいなどと 自虐的なことを求めるような事は私は求めませんが、それなりの解決策が必要であるのならば、節度をもってそれを直接もとめてください。
 人間関係においては有効でポジティブな関係を はじめ維持していくには対面から始まり(大切なお礼お詫び対面でという日本のいい文化を強調してもいいではありませんか)  匿名で責任も何もない状況で 無責任に何かを はじめるのではなく、人としての常識や節度をもった始まりを国として周りにも提示していってくれるよう 願っています。
 恋愛,よい関係というのは カードを読んだり、人の指示によって始まるのではなく、 どんなに不自然であっても、 対面で、一緒にいて心に響くものがあるかどうかにもとづくものであるということを理解してください。これは文化の違いを超えて、日本でもアメリカでも同じだと私は認識しています。





Message to people who provided support to my life

First of all,what I want  everybody to know that what I want and desire is harmony and  maintenance of whats is good about this whole world.
 Second of all, there were issues about people who truly supported my life spiritually and financially. I felt the support, but I also understood that there are people  who have  intention to control and manage own privileges and advantages.    life environment was originally managed and controlled by the organization, and it was limited time, yet, everybody  could not figure out how to go back to life how things used to be.
It was fortunate and unfortunate to find out that the fund was not utilized for better outcome of every situations of my life.

 There are many issue regarding my blog asset and my legal right,copy right of things. As much as I want the issue to be resolved, I would like prioritize things for better process and management to conclude this religious activity.  Please  first allow me to secure my life safety and health. along with financial security,  the  freedom to choose what to write, what to do and what I could desire are very important to me.

 Even for a day or two, all the fund and everything that was provided to me  should be documented and should be put it together and documented  and should be kept with confidentiality.
 These information should be  kept by the third party, and time to time, my conservator  should be able to manage for my well beings.  I want United States government to be responsible to keep this information with responsibility and confidentiality.  These information should be used or viewed to determine my life safety and well beings.
Japanese government has personal commitment with private party and my own family.It is more desirable that all the financial contributions,  supportive information from Japanese government side  to be put together and should be provided  to US government for better decision making.
Documentation, all the asset would be transferred to my own personal asset.   Ultimately, at the end of this process, these entire fund would be transferred and combined to    be my own personal financial asset.( I will be sole owner of the entire asset is principle here to avoid further conflicts and possible confusion and resentment that resulted from  unfair management of the asset )
I would promise to make my personal effort to answer all the support and expectation.  Hope everybody understand I have only one life with one body.However, I sincerely want y all the people  to know my appreciation and my gratitude  in any means personally.
 Just no one could not understand how to make access for me to have until today.

My experience and realization from this past three years, was that America did not like me to stay or did not prepare for me to stay  in this country.  Turned out it was just out of reach of things in my life environment. I apologize my misunderstanding and  reciprocated behavior..
  I need someone who manage my financial aspect of life for everybody that includes myself.
I want My friend John Nisky to be my financial executor in my behalf.  himself and his attorney should work together immediately.
He in my representative to  view things along with the documentation and he should be able to make appropriate financial management for me. first priority is to   provide direct financial solution based on the asset that accumulated  and start making suggestion to myself and my life for better management.
I am hoping he would provide appropriate advice for my life safety and other personal issues by providing  financial security, by providing means and guidance for healthy life.  These two are main priority  of my life and he was most appropriate for this role in my observation.
  This arrangement is temporally and tentative at this day; However,it   becomes  renewable with both patiess consent for  better arrangement.  roles and terms  under the both parties
I hope  this consolidating process starts immediately and  appropriate attorney start preparing documentatons and records.   My hope is that John and I start working together to secure my financial aspect of  life.
 I want him to manage my  financial security at this point until more detail discussion  becomes necessarily in timely manner.
Please contact and inquire what kind of management and contract be appropriate..

I have not obtained his consent for my request. I hope he has better suggestion as he always do  for my life security and well being.

His e-mail address is johnniskey@yahoo.com


Its funny
if you show up
 you break my expectation
 that you never existed in my life
 Its funny
 if I say and express how I think and feel
I used to get beat down pretty harsh
 that never worked in my life
Its funny
 everybody expect me to change and behave
 in their standard
that never worked in my favor
 Its funny
 nothing changed

 the way I live had changed forcibly
 the way people see and expect changes without evidence
 Its funny
 difference between you and me ain't my problem
 I don't read your thought
 you read my thought words to words
 wondering why my thought ain't same as yours
 wondering why I am the one and can't see the things I see

 nothing to win or lose
 you cheated my heart
I never cheated or played anyone's heart
 I  just have to act like nothing happened
I just had to act like I know nothing
nothing changed
 my long kept secret just revealed

and it will always be there
 as much as your past and your present
 from here to the rest of our lives
Its funny
 that is real transformation
depends on how you see
its nature of human
 always want to know, but cannot understand it
 holy bible prove the fact every day, every page of knowledge

 there is not enough words to express those here on earth
but you know it  when you see it
 you would always know what it is where it was
 when you see it
when you feel it
 you would know
 just takes time to understand
  until lose it or  untill get it again
until  its too late to  realize
Or too late to let it go


Suggestion and opinion(revised)

安全な日本へと 私の身の安全への配慮には心から感謝しますが、 この夏、少なくとも、8月末までは ここアメリカでいられるように、計らい、心つかいをお願いします。(延長可能な短期計画で構いません)
人間関係においては、家族が 婚姻契約に似た約束をあちらこちらでして内密にし、金銭,物ものの授受が行われてしまった以上、血縁の家族が衝突を免れるよう(私が誰の所有、誰にも属さない、拘束されない)状況にいられるれる状況をベストに考えてください.
 日本国内に存在する資産財産はりっちー家の補助を受けて成り立っていますし、飛行機および 日本に存在しない海外での資産のほとんど は、がとこすき家を通してもたらせたものだということを充分理解してください。どちらにも私とのパートナーシップをもとに 結ばれたものであり、どちらも純粋な好意と信仰心から 始まったということを充分理解したうえで 節度をもって、日本とアメリカ間の 調和に努めてください。どちらの家にわたしが迎え入れられても、 返金や調整をしてきちんとしたり、 なあなあで済ませられるような金額でも関係でもなく、そうシンプルな内容の契約でもないのです。きちんとしたお付き合いを関係を始められる状況にはないし、そう簡単に処置できるような金額ではもうないのです。 私を自立させることは家族にとって、家族の収入源が失われることをも意味し,国への協力、アメリカへの協力は見せかけのものと私は推測するしかない状況です。宗教活動のある意味での成功を日本のために友考えていましたが、アメリカにだけ私の生活の保護を依頼するのも おかしな話。 日本とアメリカ両方で生活をささえてくれるよう私の自由意思を尊重できる道を模索していただきたかったのですがそうもいかない状況であれば、 アメリカでの存在証拠を抹消し、私を日本へ移送して家族とのつながりを抹消したうえで、金銭サポートを行った両家だけにわたしの身柄についてどうするか契約の決定権を与えてください。日本とアメリカの両方の国のためになる判断、決断がなされ調和をつくってくれるようのぞんでいます。
カソリック、キリスト教団体におけるここ数年の活動の締めくくりとして、パートナーを持つことは その活動の 締めくくりを与える という意味で、避けられないと判断しました。
一生このままという契約、決め事は 具体的にすべてが現実化するまで、慎重に願います。
まだこれからすること、はたくさんありますし、私の役割、仕事を理解し支えていってくれるのに ふさわしい友人、和を保てるよき理解者、サポートを与えることのできるのできる人物がパートナーであることを願っています。それでも責任所在をあきらかにするうえで、私個人の生活が限られた情報、管理された状況で生きていくことになった以上、 脳のデバイスが 公に随時暴露されている状況が続く間、身の安全のためにも、経済活動、意思決定のプロセスが政治的、宗教的に利用されることのないように、中立でいる状況を助ける事ができる存在、役割をもつ人物を私の生活にもたらしてください。
  宗教活動、その意図を理由にパートナーはもてても、生活と恋愛、 セックスと結婚は別のものと 今は割り切ってきていることを理解していただいたうえで、対面でのコミュニケーションを重視できる状況、この夏以降の長期計画を よく模索してくさいますよう願います。

日本での私個人の戸籍の復活、保護者、責任者の国定、国選の責任者を私の保護責役割を持つ人を 家族とは別に私のために選定していただけたら、日本でくらすにも、アメリカでくらすにも 両国の衝突を避けるのに役立つかもしれません。
 その人物は日本語英語両方、ができることが最低必要条件ですし、私の身の安全、健康、幸せを第一に両国の安全と調和を考えることができるということが 最低必要限条件であると考えていますがいかがでしょうか。その人が認めるパートナーならば、将来的な婚姻正式な法的パートナーシップを結んでもいいと考えていますが、今は誰も何が 最優先事項を理解できていない状況のようですので、 ここに私の考えを提案させていただきます。
両国の宗教観の違いは どちらも甲乙つけがたく複雑なものでどうしてあげたら一番最善なのか判断がつきにくく苦しいのですが、そのうえで、どちらも、私の精神状態、身体状況、生活の質の維持を 二の次にしてしまった状況を目にしなければならないのするのは哀しい限りです。



King of Pentacle in my dream

I love you more than anything
 there is not enough hands to touch and feel you
 there is not enough breath to live through with you
 there is not enough lips to feel your kiss
 there is not enough blood to feel your passion of  the love

 will marry you
 there won't be nothing fancy
 there be just you and me
 there be everything new
 you leave all your stuff behind
 I will buy you everything new to replace what you have
  everything new
 I will give you everything
 I will buy you everything to express  this new love

all want is the body with your  whole soul and heart
 everything that exist in every inch of the body

will marry you
 love you
live with you
be everything you need
be everything you want
 be there whenever you want
 be there whenever you need

Its OK as long as you are smiling
to me and to the world
 your day is my day
when your happiness becomes my happiness
it gets easier
  to make it happier
 to make it cloudier
to make life brighter
 to make life more fun

will be Sunshine

 above the cloud
under the Sun


John Lennon

If he were alive today, what he would advise me? that was my one of questions and in my  prayer.
dream of artist  stands on the ground of grace and beauty
When I listened songs of Beatles  it was just because my former boyfriend was in love with John Lennon.  I was never into English songs before. One of mix tape he made for me was filled with songs of Beatles.
All my loving, Norwegian wood were good ones as much as only you (platters), white room(cream).

John Lennon,He was great artist. that is one thing for sure.His life made me think which direction I should be following.
Push against something, rebel against something are not my game.  My horoscope is made to endure till its break. not to fight or rebel against by fighting. Violence or not non violence, Gundi was christianity preacher, and taught non violence to stop the wars.It was  the life of Gundi and Martin Luther King Jr. rebel against unfairness and injustice.  they are great achiever of"change "in  this whole world.dream, love. They pushed for  the peace(cuz they had to?) peace were shouted out mostly  in  this country, US.  this fact  is very interesting.
 But what if peace were to be natural desire of majority,  love were to be natural desire if everyone given same chance?!

Gundi  preached non violence  harming his health and his physical body. What a self destruction that was.  I could follow his path, I could follow path of John Lennon made , I could follow path of Martin Luther King Jr. made.
 Do we need to PUSH or just follow natural desire...?!

Want and Need are two different issue.  Is it really wise to make me live being  blind ? in order to get decision direction/ clues to manage    whole world?
 When there is no enough laws and rules, promise exist on earth to kep status quo, there is nothing to move forward or move  backward.
  I ant to make peace with where I am.  right here  with people who wish to be part of my life.

As a Japanese woman,  I have great respect for YOKO Ono. for  her effort and support for this man, John Lennon.  In the 60's and 70's country of Japan was still conservative uptight culturally.  He must have seen eyes of Japanese toward her which was different from  how they treat him.  Money or fame cannot change how people really feel and think.status of woman in Japan is  far behind of the world standard.
I read in the book that they spent  family vacation in Japan .   If Double fantasy were to be one of his successful work, I think  he realized how to protect her and his family in better different way, here in America realizing something    by visiting, staying in Japan for family vacation.(its merely  my personal opinion.)
Yes Japan is nice place for vacation as much as Hawaii,Las Vegas,.Chicago, NY.  Washington D.C.!!! Its very beautiful......

his idea of God is interesting.(John Lennon)

God is a concept
By which we measure
Our pain
I'll say it again
God is a concept
By which we measure
Our pain

I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in I-Ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in yoga
I don't believe in kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles
I just believe in me
Yoko and me
And that's reality

The dream is over
What can I say?
The dream is over
I was the dream weaver
But now I'm reborn
I was the Walrus
But now I'm John
And so dear friends
You just have to carry on
The dream is over

my new friends

studying history of Middle East....mmm

look how beautiful this world is!



as sky falling down  on earth
 love stay in the air
 life stay in the water
 power stay in the mountain
 love is nothing to conquer or conquest
 love is surrender
 sweetness of  letting go
 love is surrender to what superior to what it is
 all the possibilities
No human could ever manage happiness of ALL the  individual
 love is nothing to see
 love is to believe there is something mysterious

 crusade sounded good
 until each started realizing how pointless of whole actions
 no one got happier
 no one got richer
the lord was crying
 everybody suffered
   Sweetness of life
 fruit of life
 juice of life
 wine of life
   bread of life

nothing to live for
nothing to die for

 without dream,
 people call  life "crusade"
 not getting nowhere
 not accomplishing anything
  just creating history
  its based on  mystery called faith
 don't talk to me if you do no  speak my language
crashing  tower  of Babylon was my work
 my job
  never ending work of perfection.

Its not about the tower
 Its about  finding what you stand for in life

 my crusade is
to find someone who speak same language as mine
 Jesus was one,
 Budda was one, Mohammed was one
 never seen nothing
 what hell going on in this heave earth?


burn one down (killing two bird with one stone)

Let us burn one, from end to end.
And pass it over to me my friend.
Burn it long, but burn it slow,
to light me up before I go.

Help, I need somebody, 
Help, not just anybody, 
Help, you know I need someone, help. 

When I was younger, so much younger than today, 
I never needed anybody's help in any way. 
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured, 
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors. 

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down 
And I do appreciate you being round. 
Help me, get my feet back on the ground, 
Won't you please, please help me. 

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways, 
My independence seems to vanish in the haze. 
But every now and then I feel so insecure, 
I know that I just need you like I've never done before. 

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down 
And I do appreciate you being round. 
Help me, get my feet back on the ground, 
Won't you please, please help me. 

When I was younger, so much younger than today, 
I never needed anybody's help in any way. 

t's been a hard day's night
Repeat 'til the tape(time) runs out

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! 

If you don't like my fire, then don't come around.
Cause I'm gonna burn one down.
Yes I'm gonna burn one down

My choice is what i chose to do;
and if I'm causing no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you chose to be;
and if your causing to harm, then your alright with me.

If you dont like my fire, then don't come around, cause I'm gonna burn one down.
Yes i'm gonna burn one, down.

and you'll see it's a blessing and it's not a curse.
If you don't like my fire, then don't come around,
cause i'm gonna burn one down.

And I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night
I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you
I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright.

You know I work all day
To get you money to buy you things
And it's worth it just to hear you say
You're going to give me everything
So why on earth should I moan
'Cause when I get you alone
You know I feel ok

When I'm home everything seems to be right
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah

It's been a hard day's night
And I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night
I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you
I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright

So why on earth should I moan
'cause when I get you alone
You know I feel OK

When I'm home everything seems to be right
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah

It's been a hard day's night
And I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night
I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you
I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright.

You know I feel alright
You know I feel alright

Everybody's talking' 'bout
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, ism ism ism
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

Everybody's talking' 'bout
Minister, Sinister, Banisters and Canisters,
Bishops, Bishops, Rabbis, and Pop Eyes, Bye bye, Bye byes
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

(Let me tell you now)
Ev'rybody's talking' 'bout
Revolution, Evolution, Masturbation, Flagellation, Regulation,
Integrations, mediation, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

Ev'rybody's talking' 'bout
John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary,
Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper,
Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna
Hare Hare Krishna
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

He's a real nowhere Man, 
Sitting in his Nowhere Land, 
Making all his nowhere plans 
For nobody. 
Doesn't have a point of view, 
Knows not where he's going to, 
Isn't he a bit like you and me? 
Nowhere Man, please listen, 
You don't know what you're missing, 
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command. 
He's as blind as he can be, 
Just sees what he wants to see, 
Nowhere Man can you see me at all? 
Doesn't have a point of view, 
Knows not where he's going to, 
Isn't he a bit like you and me? 
Nowhere Man, don't worry, 
Take your time, don't hurry, 
Leave it all 'till somebody else 
Lends you a hand. 
He's a real Nowhere Man, 
Sitting in his Nowhere Land, 
Making all his nowhere plans 
For nobody.

When you're everywhere
Come and get your share

But we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
And we all shine on
Come on and on and on on on

Yeah yeah, alright, 

But we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
And we all shine on
On and on and on on and on
But we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
But we all shine on
"Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right. 
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!" 

Rise up this morning', 
Smiled with the rising' sun, 
Three little birds 
Pitch by my doorstep 
Singing' sweet songs 
Of melodies pure and true, 
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:") 

Singing': "Don't worry 'bout a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." 
Singing': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!" 

Rise up this morning', 
Smiled with the rising' sun, 
Three little birds 
Pitch by my doorstep 
Singin' sweet songs 
Of melodies pure and true, 
Saying', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:" 

Singing': "Don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh! 
Every little thing gonna be all right. Don't worry!" 
Singing': "Don't worry about a thing" - I won't worry! 
"'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." 

Singing': "Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry! 
Singing': "Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." 
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, oh no! 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! 
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! 
Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight! 

Preacher man, don't tell me, 
Heaven is under the earth. 
I know you don't know 
What life is really worth. 
It's not all that glitters is gold; 
'Al the story has never been told: 
So now you see the light, eh! 
Stand up for your rights. come on! 

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! 
Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight! 
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! 
Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight! 

Most people think, 
Great god will come from the skies, 
Take away everything 
And make everybody feel high. 
But if you know what life is worth, 
You will look for yours on earth: 
And now you see the light, 
You stand up for your rights. jah! 

Get up, stand up! (jah, jah! ) 
Stand up for your rights! (oh-hoo! ) 
Get up, stand up! (get up, stand up! ) 
Don't give up the fight! (life is your right! ) 
Get up, stand up! (so we can't give up the fight! ) 
Stand up for your rights! (lord, lord! ) 
Get up, stand up! (keep on struggling on! ) 
Don't give up the fight! (yeah! ) 

We sick an' tired of-a your ism-skism game - 
Dyin' 'n' goin' to heaven in-a Jesus' name, lord. 
We know when we understand: 
Almighty god is a living man. 
You can fool some people sometimes, 
But you can't fool all the people all the time. 
So now we see the light (what you gonna do?), 
We gonna stand up for our rights! (yeah, yeah, yeah! ) 

So you better: 
Get up, stand up! (in the morning! git it up! ) 
Stand up for your rights! (stand up for our rights! ) 
Get up, stand up! 
Don't give up the fight! (don't give it up, don't give it up! ) 
Get up, stand up! (get up, stand up! ) 
Stand up for your rights! (get up, stand up! ) 
Get up, stand up! (... ) 
Don't give up the fight! (get up, stand up! ) 
Get up, stand up! (... ) 
Stand up for your rights! 
Get up, stand up! 

in appreciation and credit for Ben, Bob, John.....

Yes i'm gonna burn one.

true love

Under the Sun
waves sing a song of love
 gentle breeze sing a song of past
water in my eyes
 nothing is too late
 smoke got in to my eyes
 right by the side of the fire

Under the bridge
 counting rain drops
spotting flying seagulls
savor honey of the past

Under the sky
clouds opens
door to the beam of light
Under the ground
god of ocean
playing my mind
shaking my heart
breaking my heart
right below my foot step
whatever you like
 make noise
do something
singing a song of love
 endless flow of the tear and fear

Under the ocean
endless breathing of the music
where time slow down
where light never get through
bottom of the ocean
where pot of gold sleeps
where dream sleeps
 your heart dances
where rain never falls
 your hands get warmed up
 your heart revitalize

just to caress you
 just to hold you
 love of ocean
 love of the sea
water of the water
flower of the flower
flower of the world
 that is you



O by the way, this blog's stat is all fake. no matter how you click, I don't get NOTHING.
Its free  work be sure NOT to click anything.
remote controller, website managers,
  slave master to avoid conflict between countries. wonder why Japan US, Islam do not wanna be part of management.
Its FREE stuff .
wherther I go Japan or not, what I want  not gonna change


in my life

There are people I remember
some are going out of my life
 some stay in my life
  worst pain of life is to lose true love of life
when you both are in love
 worst life you could ever live is after losing true love,
you still have to live with people who caused the loss
in the faith and love of God

 I live hell of life every day
 when you are in pain, time slows down
 when you savor moment, time slow down
 does anybody have clue how long really  is two thousand year?
wanna hold your breath and test it?

There are people I remember
 some love me
 some hates me
out of love
out of regret
Some stay close by
 some lived far away
 best part of life isto  re unite in friendship in good term
worst part of  life is something keep reminds me of the past

nothing real
nothing true
 survival is everybody's game
 where there is no survival
where there is no food to live
 everybody fair
 fair game is my sole winning game
 and  then wonder what and why  I am here right now
 have body
 not have body
it doesn't matter
life is  given gift
experience is flesh and blood of souls
I do not really have to help those in need of my help
why do they ask my help, someone who lost lid of the brain?
lost quality of life
cuz my information worth a lot more than everything combined in the air
 its useless any way.
  need find someone who know what is good life, meaningful life in my situation.
need to find someone who know value of life,who know what love is

something new
something new



Ocean sooth my heart wherever I go
clean cool air
  flower of wave flying in the air
  By the lake you blossom
 you showed me the series of shooting stars
 gentle breeze that carries flagrance of soil
 gentle breeze that carries flagrance of the flower
 gentle breeze that carries to where you want to be
 gentle breeze that carries  a drop of rains
 gentle breeze that carries my dream
 toward the ocean toward the Milky sky
 cosmic vacation
 by the sea
 rhythmic vacation right by your side
sound of ocean is every breath of  your soul
 deeper and deeper
 brighter and brighter
 flower of the garden
 flower blossom right by the side of road
in big picture
 its all microcosmic world of flower
 petal is you
 stem is your heart
your hands are for the sky to hold you


Solution today

1. the religious organization who set up the religious activities  take responsibilities of  the whole mess of Christianity.
 this means that  the religious organization give up EVERYTHING( entire asset that belong to organization would be his asset.Everything  they have to be given to   to  John to compensate entire personal loss both financially and emotionally, spiritually.   The organization is responsible for his decision and judgement because of their practice of Christianity and  their teaching.

2.  John give up entire asset that is manipulated out of my account.

3. anyone who took action regarding my true asset based on my work , actions and writing   be my legal  Posession in the United States and  the other part of the world.
  4. Any spiritual guidance and information he receive would be responsible for their own action.
 financial and personal damage would be judged by pre existing laws and rules of the United States.

4.based on this decision,the organization can hold right to make legal justification or make  compensation of their activity failure.  to john or to country of  Japan, to whatever it cause the failure.  it is not under my knowledge how they set this activity and  People who have the information is entirely responsible for  the new Christianity.


good life

What is good life
what is life
what is better way to live life
 without deception,
without fighting
without stealing
 what is best method of life
  when you lost faith
 when good did not prevail over bad
 when   everything you worked for is ruined, taken away
 when everything you worked for is stolen
when   everything you believed proved against before eyes
 when everything you loved for was ruined for worst creation of the world

 when love seems to be worst  creation of the world
 What is good life?
 What is solution
 other than change what it is
how things are
  true good life exist in happiness
 where there is love
 true intention
 called truth
 the good life exist in natural environment to love

not whole a lot of love
 not whole a lot of pain
  that is called good life
  nothing bad as long as there is good

half the moon

When you are there I lost counting those stars  to look up
 When you look up the sky
 I smell and taste the dry hay far away from us
 When meter shower finishes
 I wear clothes of milk
in a way you feel the wind  of tunnel
 When the moon get dark
 you lose your shadow in  your room
 you are the light
 that shines my day
 day and night
 When I am alone
 you hid behind the morning
 When I sleep
you rise above the darkened night

your time is faster than me
 my time is a lot faster in the sky
 where you float
 where you watch over
 your clouds is veil to grab and hold you
 kiss is  await after the night
 your lips are on my eyes
caressed with eyebrows
 I just know its you
 by closing my eyes


that goes through every inch of body
that shine  through this universe
 over the time
 that bring you higher and higher
 over he drunken half moon

clockwork prophet

It ring in the morning
 It sing in the evening
 with the sound of silence
  It moves in a way moon  crosses the sky
it shines in a way stars shoot  above the sky
  It sing a song of love
 it cries for song of  life
  It is the sounds that is created by thousand clouds
 It is visible for you and me
 It is a view that is created by wind  and flows of the water

  It sing a song of love
 It echoes in the helpless sky
 It moves  touch of the heart
 the love of the flower
 flower of love
 life of the flower
   losing the petals
 after losing water
   It has to be called flower
 welted yet wet flower
 closing the day for night
 clock works to save the day
 clock works between the times
  work of prophet
 never ending work of the time

clockwork prophet
 getting  faster and getting behind
 works of prophet
 always stay still

loved those days

beautiful words
 that comes from mountain
 that comes from heart
 that comes from mind and body
  beautiful feeling that comes to heart
beautiful river
 that flows to my life
 that bring breeze to my cheek
  I kept all to myself in my packet
  a man showed up  offered me money
 for the words
 for the beauty
 for the heart I wore
    When I woke up
 I lost my packet
 I lost the packet and the beauty
 over a night
 looking for  the man
 to put my  heart in to the place
   No one cannot afford
 the piece of heart that lost over a night
 beautiful world
 that still make it live
 beautiful intention
 other than empty heart
 to work
to be free
 other than empty hands to touch and feel
 Loved those days
 when things were perfect in the eyes of God
  Loved those day
 I was under the protection
loved those days
 when believing was easier
 loved those days
 when smiling was easier
 freedom  of thought
 come naturally
  priceless heart of pieces
  lost and found
 pieces heart everywhere
  I still love those days when I  had everything
 every moment just to myself

 priceless heart
never offered to sell