
Dear national guard officers,

Please help me improving my life situation and situation in general of Humboldt county.

There are few point I would like to point about request for improvement.

This is my assumption.Please disregard all if its not true. My assumption is my religious identity is very significant and important. important enough for United States government and or international society have deep interest and feel obligation protecting, providing safe and secure environment for me to beand for me to work( spiritual work) in Humboldt.

There are two group of people in Humboldt county. I can almost distinguish whether native local humboldt county resident or not instantly All I see is things are not the way used to be any more.

Not because of my religious identity changed or not because the national gurad or military personnel started coming to town more. This place have known to have many federal employess due to pot growing culture and all. some stays same. Still so many things are different and things changed for worse way. Before it was sorely arranged for my safety and security only. There was surveillance for safety and security for myself and people I happened to be or see in town. Now it is all re arranged for protecting benefit of Jewish people and their coding, conspiracy like behaviors. Their crimes never get caught or stopped. with mind reading device or not, no one can behave or live right or act "normal" any more.

This situation is dangerous to me and harmful. People who wish to drug me making me ill keep coming to my life in same way every day. No one has ever been able to stop it.

Mind reading device is FALSE technology. they just  show, but unable to stop anything.
Any surveillance is set up for preventive action or prosecution purpose. but mindreading device do not work for total prevention of bad action. If no one get caught, no one get stopped or hold responsibility, it just get more and more dangerous.

I see people who is responsible and irresponsible.. I am assuming one that project self as responsible might be part of national guard, and one that project self as irresponsible probably just homeless that don't belong to no country not having loyalty, commitment to country of own.

Here is productive direction to change things all at once.

Please eliminate "anonymous" identification". Jewish knows who is military personnel, who is not. If they work for government. loyally being patient, they take all the insult by Jewish. ( sometimes only body is Jewish, sometimes, only mind is Jewish), sometimes, just military rules and laws are the cause. Please don't leave honest personnel left in the hole that is filled with Jewish sick drug infested nest long. If they can drug me, they can drug your soldiers all at once.

all the homeless national guard personnel should get home away from previous buddies they came to humboldt with. They should stay away from Jews, so no communication be provided in normal way. to Jewish who want to know what kind of communication no Jews are making. Anything they stole through the mind reading device got to be prosecutable if it affect national security.not for soldier, but whoever "access" to it.

all it takes is One Jews get in the environment and mess the group up.

Even if they hold mind of soldiers, If Jews cannot send message or sign out amongst them, the cynclonicity cannot be created. non Jews needed to be comfortable not having Jews around.

Once realize it, people without Jew environment started seeing phenomenon you don't see in normal life. consuming ham is one thing to see, identify leader int he Jewish mind reader is another. The device totaly breakes independent random actions.

soldiers being cynclozized for United States is good. and soldiers syclonizing for Jew is bad.

For example, five people plan to go from place A to place  B and four pepole made it and one did not, Jewish coder creates sign out of the situation, but in normal case,in normal structure its reasonable to suspect failure somewhere in intention or communication for successful team work.  eventually all five will make it without creating sign is success.   These are the people I would like to work with.  eitherone group is consisted from   pork consumer or all Jews.(No mixture ,  no communication between the two group   seems to be most uselful tactics for success.


Non Jews do not need to be part of sign or their servant for the world

Military official need to state clearly that the official stands on the side of soldiers NOT on the side of Jews who manipulate judgment and behavior pattern.

I do not mind acting like homeless. in some sense helping America before benefit of my country of Japan kind of make me homeless. I hope I have consent of my Japanese government.

One of the clue I found in my novel about Jewish conspiracy and the technology is that, it influences group dynamic and thought switch that changes in thought process.

For example, you could not find certain thing in the morning, and throughout the day, wondering about it but not finding it.and later at night, you may fnd it. you may not, and the thought switch opeartor kicked in for benefit of the planner of the day. they make decision operating the thought switch possible choices are " O, it was meant to be" or " O, I lost it or got stolen or hidden by someone last night" This cycle goes on and on. make people believe more about tarot cards and technology that create "things were  meant to be " kind of  feeling.

Please create a group that is surely non Jewish. and take over management of communication of the libraly and court house.

Jewish intention should not prevent my intention to spread message out. my message to be seen in side and outside of Humboldt. I am sure my intent and message to outside do not benefit Jewish or people who want to take advantages of the intention. Here is principle

My blog asset needed to be freezed. and not possible to cash out. No one cannot change my true identity as owner og the blog sites both profile and or my phone number information. these must be true based on the truth. all fake need to be asked for explanation for identity theft just by accessing it. Only true identity stays. My blog account adsense payout account I register is my legal name, and blog posting, my mail account is shown as T Horn as publishing name.

My blog posting should get published when I want, not when other people want or when some group of people are ready or not for any other reason or benefit.

My blog posting, my blog site needed to be out to be available to be viewed through out the world.

my mail recipient I send mail should get my mail.
My mail address book need to be kept confidential. No one other than me( myself) cannot access or use it . to prevent mail sent out in my name, in my account, this practice must be firm. this address book needed  to bekept out of authority access needed to be  asked for explanation as suspicion of identity theftor intention stealing  my  blog asset.


I do not mind sharing idea with national guards in this country. Just please understand that sentiment being burned by Jews go both way. either attorney or not attorney. I do not care, I cannot like certain people. Please accept this as my defense mechanism.
I love to post things that are beneficial to this country and the recovery work and processes.

Right now, all I can tell you is eliminate Jewish who want to give sign and steal plan, intention to broadcast outside.

Please be watchful about my life environment.  Jewss come to my life environment to broadcast their sign to the world.  My life is filled with Jews who want to make me see their sign. all get "inspired " to come close to me and started doing something "clever" all at once just because their mind reading operator think and act in similar, all at once like computer.

I hope my life environment be Jewish free. I don't mind staying the shelter, but probably have to be out sometimes soon. raper, Jewish mind controllers, druggers working very hard for kidnapping .
Its not about discrimination issue. Its about what's effective for purposeful activity and ultimate  goals.

If such plot becomes prominent, Please make decision  Join the Jews or not.  Its not reversible decision.

Which works better. If President Obama could manage entire United States, on his own, I don't need to be here. and If he need authority that world can agree, I will be on the side of this country.

Please remember that if America want right authority, it must be brought in right way. not through drugging or kid napping.through tactics, what kind of authority United States receive changes. through kidnapping, drugging, none of my standing, initiative, intention lives. just because who is making me write and saying becomes huge issue after kidnapping an drugging disappearing from mind of everybody.

It does not take words. but I need to see honest gesture that America needs me more than I need America.

Please catch al the pig that keep providing bad influences.

In Japan, there are many people behave right no matter how many people observed. even if no one is watching, probably Japanese will behave right and good. I understand hat in America, its not that way. if you don't get caught, many people probably act and behave bad.

I see the same  people around me. They  are very neat and clean and responsible no matter how others are watching or trashing. I am not sure if they are military or national guards personnel or not, but I want those people on my side.

Please create good communication here and out side of the Humboldt county.

at this point, Jews stop all the possibility of my possible moves and success.

I want Jewish control totally out of it. Piggy test works. O. Please don't let them throw up any. I want people who respect humanity as whole.

I need good communication with my local Japanese government. Please be aware the group of people who kept switching critical names ( noun)of objectives are not accepted any more

United States should mean United States. America is America, Japan is Japan. Japanese should mean Japanese. Israel should mean Israel. Islam should mean Isram.nothing else or room for bait and switch.

people's identity all get messed up through military personnel and self called government employee like politician.

If they claim its their identity, make them stick to it.If one is   being obligatedto own home country, there should not be any other choice.they are homeless. if there is no proof that governmental proof and support for legitimacy , then I think its time to investigate identity theft Its  reasonable to suspect identification is used in wrong way.,
I will never make mistake recognizing friends face and voice. I hope national guards and military feels same way about own family.

some people cannot tell difference between AmeriCorps and national guard

Please draw clear boundary in responsibility. I don't want people who is not responsible to own life, own country to be around in my life environment. Tit for Tat is not my belief, but I like people being responsible mature better.

Enough drugging practice done in my helter and house I previously lived for several months ( the house on huntoon and Wiliams) amongst self called politician group, attorney "intelligence", Hollywood recreational drug group pusher all work for same Jews.

Yes this kind of drugging happed in my past ten years and not new experience. both drugging and spider bites which people call it scabbies or bug bites when there is no biting spiders in Humboldt county.Please understand I cannot die yet for fake or real.

Amongst all the national guards,please identify each for protection If not eligible for identification, confidential information, just fire them and please deal with it immediately.
this is what Jews afraid most. They can alter memory, but experience how each felt cannot really recreated. Jews know which one is soldier and which one is not. acting like they have no idea who is who is quite joke. please provide appropriate support and assistance to real soldiers. not to the one that is fake and irresponsible.

iressiposible one is the one who work to break thestructure or the  system. not afraid of any   system or punishment. acting like part of the system, yet not really functioning or following.

I don't need to know who is who. but military official should know own people that hold responsible for. They are treated miserable between responsibility and how things are. no matter how hard it work to excel, the result always snatched by Jews and mind operators of others.

Outside of Humboldt county seems to be working with even more attorney Jewish group.

Please help me. help create safe environment here in Humboldt.


Please take me to Washington DC. I will work as same. just doing the same hopefuly away from Jews. and others.

Just a thought. Who could order or "ask" Jewish vice president Joe to be stay in the room independently because of Jewish conspiracy when both know the conspiracy summary when both made decision to run the election together.
In this mind reading device environment being independent thinker is one thing, and being flexible is another. and stay away from Jewish code or signs sending. is best.

My mind is open in the air. I know I cannot avoid. they just found me and come close to me to make point to see they can send a sign.  Yeses conversation is sign, implication is sign. action is sign, smell is sign, sound is sign.

and sign is used for cynclonizing some of the thought program my mind is set to programmed to react to sound of ambulance for insecurity .


things that never changes

I have been wondering current situation from several perspectives  and makes me really agitated and angry.
What  learned from the religious activity is that, entire world know that there is mind reading device infestation. It is also obvious that Jewish community has high hope managing world economy by plannting the mind reading device throughout the world.  They resist all te screening and removal principle. 
Because of the mindreading  device spread, there is no such thing as safely or   secured passwords protection. 
There are many financial organization that cannot screen themselves for the mind reading device in the hope that Jewish community take over world economy knowing figuring out the plot of making profit by diverting natural flow of economy,  Surely Jewish people know how to make profit and asset employing  both mind reading device and practicing world economy stockmarket exchanges and  changes. 
Its all collective move in order to let Jewish community to  win the financial aset by planning the mind reading device and plot in their mind.
mind reading device infestation is overly spread. I have strong belief and suspicion that most Middle Eastern official of the countries are affected secretively.  but their food source is deeply depend on  Europe and EU nation. unable to take action for screening, unable to take action for removal.  I strongly feel that there are organization that are planning going after financial asset that resulted from oil business in the Middle East.
When Middle Eastern countries are the one who manages biggest share holder of businesses in Europe and  United States, even Asian countries,  who could be most honest and be reliable in  practice business  is real issue to me.
  It is easy assumption that they should not trust Jewish community or people that exist in their land. For  screening and removal, there is no  firm way other than cat scan and brain surgeries so far.
United States government  seems to be confused.  from Jewish side of the story, they are so sure that Jewish community wins this financial wars. and at the same time, the United States government has such problem trusting people who do not wear mind reding device.  More they plant, they get deployed、deceived by Jewish  winning doctrines.
 most Jewish people wear mind reading device. openly state, they are and  claim loyalty for US government, yet They always seems to  ruins core of the problem or situations.which is screening and removing the mind reading device.
Problem and fact I witness is that American people who  consume pork openly, working for governnment is very enthusiastic and loyal to the government.
However, people who make issue or argument of " fairness" between Jewish and non Jewish,  non "iscrimination" over food habit are not so enthusiastic about recover of united States.
All intentions are  are disgracefuly working toward ceising recovery of  United States government. They cease many financial process and the  transactions for good reasons. 
Its simple fact that no one want to risk own money to be stolen by Jewish or anyone who hold mind reading device control.  
Worst  thing I witness is Jewish and non Jewish,they blend each other in the name of buddies and loyalty for the country.  Even President Obama's partner is Jewish.  former presidential runner,Al Gore,  his partner was Jewish.  both probably were fascinated over technology of mind reading o make device managing America into one without thinking over infestation, restoration cost and  or healthcare for fairness, restoration of humanity.

Jewish people have signs and codes which only  they can understand, communicate each other. they come to my life vicinity to brodcast their messege and signs  overly.  Its known fact whatever I witness or hear, all the people both Jewish and non Jewish get to listen my thought.  Non Jewish has no clue when it comes to conspiracy or decoding signs and message. or conspiracy  taking over the world.  Jewish  people communicate every day just being in my eye sites, life enviroment, listening to my  thought spreading code out.  that's why they insist being in my life vicinity.
What  irony and funny phenonmenon to  witness is that   United States army nationals are  programed to trust Jewish over loyalty to the Government.
Here is simple fact of things.

1 Religiously,  spiritual sentiment and how each conventional Christian feel about Jewish people never gonna change.
 2 Financialy, IF United States government took leadership "stealing" and cheating"( not restoration)  financial asset joining Jewish conspiracy, the decision  would  not  make Jewish people  lovable, use of technology will not be justified nor make look American lovable being organized thieves.
3 America has been disliked so many years being so bold about foreigh policy as much as Jewish people being  disliked by people who loved Jesus Christ  in certain ways.
Its just sentiment that changes at degree.   I  hope and pray  America to be always  on the side of Justice.
Justice,how  things people feel ease,how they cope with justice never changes.

Islam countries never consume Pork product and as much strong belief that they are not gonna love  American easily nor  love  stock market here with or without influence of the mind reading device.
  There is tricky situation or question. 
To find out whether or not Islam countries have free will over investment and financial product or not. They perform away from their belief and  what they are led to believe is least likely to change.
I have strong suspicion that "Jasmin revolution" is facade. So Is 9.11 incident in New York world trading center.
  Hollywood people  seems to be very insightful over  buying life insurance, business insurance, property insurance. Leaving  taped evidence recording entire scene of the towers fall.
  Its all  about inheritence tactic employing life insurance, informalwitness protection,( becoming black widow) after  "acting like dead"keep living in different name,  receiving  pre  planned financial asset/ benefit and arrangement. Presumably "dead people "cannot die twice.  and they have no responsibility or reliability as normal civilian.

Please note that  with the mind reading device,  "operator" can manage thought process,  level of depression, helplessnes, euphoric stateof mind,,sexual drive, and aggression and insecurity  of the people who are planted in  the  mind reading device without consent.

I did not care much about Pork or beef over vegetable before.
but I started loving pork to consume  to drive devil away. and  am grateful over fresh vegetable and seafood's.. 
In my opinion, vegan or strict  vegetarians got to be something wrong with their spirituality.  Please know that I respect all the spiritual difference and food habit.  Just when comes to effectiveness, Pork works to repel Jewish controller  "as sign"

There is two kind of people managing mind reading device.
One is programmer like typist/ operators that manage series of number/ data that goes brain to alter behavior and thought process.  Another is "sign maker" that manages implications to convey certain message out through me, or through electric database in order to manipulate group dynamic psychology .operating, recognizing sign create sense of bonding and having security being part of the group dynamics. Mostly done and practiced by Jewish people who  do not eat Pork or people who has Jewish "operators" in the mind.



decision and messege of Jesus Christ

1.No matter what, country of Greece will not receive any Christianity funding. not from catholic church, not from United nations.  the country has to make decision how to survive on its own being part of EU.

2. Technology that alter behaviors of human through mind reading device  CANNOT be accepted as part of humanity what" meant to be" 
   No human should make peace with this chaotic situation and I want to know who created such technology, who is responsible. and who improvised and who made financial benefit employing the mind reading device.

3. I hope the day I  find the truth  coming out.  the fact to be in my eyesight which broadcast the truth all over the world someday. The need is clear. 

4.Only one good thing is Hitler stated looking like a Saint as investigation goes.  I hope love and forgiveness come easy to Jewish people  naturally out of heart which they deprived from most. especially from  most  people who are planted the mind reading device.



latest storm children of Israel

as I read a book about brain technology and series of numbers.  I realized some things.

  money is just number
 people are just number
  your voice in digital is number
   all the electric signal is either 0 or1
  thought is becoming digital.

 I feel such need and desire  for system to clean up our  life environment.

  I need a building which  diagnose(find the mind reading device through CAT scan)
 and right next to this facility, I need surgery room that just operates removal of the device under the visual surveillance.  doctors are fully reliable, facility must be clean and safe for  entire removal surgeries.
 to do this,1 switchboard operators must be arrested or must become under governmental authority both mind and body.2 doctors must be able to prove own reliability proving no mind reading device or full consent of removal both from mind and body.  the doctors should not be  able to claim disability or insanity if doctor is  is able to operate to plant mind reading device, he or she must be able to operate,    and all are considered as not disable, not insane. means fully responsible as doctor. Violation of medical law and mal practices, all can be defined accordingly.
either case, law enforcement will observe and employ surveillance to reinforce removal only surgeries here in my life vicinity.

identify the facility that has cat scan.  or get hold on full body scanner for the mind reading device
identify the doctors and operators of mind reading device and,  the switch boards

core of the problem is  diagnosis and decision making  cannot be recognize as one firm decision.

Both Jewish and non Jewish must agree on "removal" and recovery of United States legislature.

any act or thought,plot who hold AGAINST THIS POLICY TO BE CONFINED AND ISOLATED"




もう一つのアカウントはシティカードで、720ドル(plus late fee 20- 30 dollars)to
 processing center
 Des Moines, I A 50363-0005
 私のリーガルネームがカード表記ネーム となっています。カード番号その他の情報は本国日本の  郵便局扱いの 保持記録を参照してください。(ウエブサイトにカード番号はセキュリティ上。出せません)
 トラッキングの記録の残る方法で 送付よろしくお願いします。


 It is really tempting to go to Japan or other part of the world.  But I know and please aware that I have to stay here in humboldt inorder to contain or stop spread of guerrila surgeries all over the world.


個人的なことでお願いしにくいのですが、 5868.93ドルの国際郵便為替((plus late fee $20- 30)をunitedのマイレージプラス  チェイス ビザカード までトラッキング、受け取り確認つきで送付してください 住所はcard member service PO box 94014
Palatine, IL 60094-4014
1月に新発田郵便局から 送付した国際郵便為替の送付先、口座番号と同じであるはずです。
Tomoko IkarashiHorn
アメリカ国内の金融機関のずさん管理に、考えが変わりました。これから毎月’千ドルの支払いを小切手でとカード会社に送れるような大勢にして下さい。今の時点ではシティカードとunited航空の発行するマイレージカードの二つのみがわたしのクレジットカードです。プリントされた明細が正しければ、united 航空発行のカードは6千ドルから7千ドルの間と推測していますが、私個人の使用金額以外支払うべきではないと固く信じています。 シティ銀行発酵のクレジットカードは レンタルカーの金額次第ですがおそらく2千ドル近く。
 私個人のクレジットのトータルは今二つを合わせても、日本円で150万を超えることはないと いうことを知っておいてください

 本国とここの日本政府職員 両方の連絡を密にしてわたしの生活支援をお願いします。
 It is really tempting to go to Japan or other part of the world.  But I know that I cannot.  Please aware that I have to stay here in humboldt in order to contain or stop spread of guerrila surgeries all over the world.

mind reading device infestation

I would like all to know what I am working on.  In order to  bring full recovery to United states, I am repeating same daily routine.
  I would like all the people on earth to know Not to come to my life vicinity. Please don't even make plan about it .
  Priority of this chaotic situation is that a group of people who want to modify my free will and decision keep operating on people who may encounter in my life vicinity.
Hard working, serious minded nationality individuals seems to be target for planting device. My assumption of the hard working serious  atonality people are, Germany, Japan China, and or Taiwan.
 when travel abroad. 
Please be aware that  there are bad people out there looking for people to plant device  (robot making) Purpose is making you come to my life vicinity to work for the puppet master.  The puppet master never consume Pork or pork product.   Even if you consume pork, they switch operators to non vegetarian and as soon as finish eating, things get back to normal.

Surgeries are operated while asleep or under influence of alcohol or  date drug
 drugging, drinking alcohol really is becoming risk  for all the travelers.
  All need to be aware that where is safe to eat and drink, and where is not safe  to eat and drink.
Please learn to protect  by opening can or bottle on your own and serve yourself.
 Most bad people who hunt people for operate are in witness protection faking death and owns fake ID cards that does not represent true identity of themselves. as long as they are alive on the records, the identity could be retrieved, however, all need to be aware that one with fake IDs  could do anything without taking responsibility or being reliable for nothing.  all the celebrity, famous people that are deceased with money or inheritance were objective of  fund making activity  for cult like Organization "Seth followers".

  911 incident, other terrorist outlook  incident, auto accident anything that are related to life insurance and witness protection with  inheritance related to the fake death are all under investigations.


最近私が取り組んでいるのは、アメリカ合衆国のマインドリーディングデバイスの一掃と再起にあります。 日本を大切に思う気持ちはわかりますが、日本は小さな国で、他国とのよい国際関係なしには存在しえない小さな国 だといううことをまず理解してください。わたしが日本にいてもできることは限られていますし、日本の内情も、わたしの視点ではそう甘くはありません。

 日本に存在するしないにかかわらず、 違法の手術を行っている、指示している存在は目視で確認できない状況にあります。過去になくなったことになっている人が 現実上存在していて、 勝手に違法巣術を行っている場合も想定し、現場管理をお願いします。  

  いつのまにか菜食主義者になってしまっていた医師,菜食と肉食両方だったのに、サラダにしか食欲が起きなくなった医師や医療関係者はあえて一斉に、病院ごと、医師会ごとに 豚肉製品を定期的に食用することをお勧めします。
それから、日本の経済が今も、中東のイスラム諸国との友好関係、信頼のもと、日本の原油輸入、貿易関係がテクノロージーの誘惑よりも重要であるということをきちんと認識してください。イスラム教徒の国々、ユダヤ人の国イスラエルの両国が豚肉を食用としない文化であることから、 二つを混同しないよう、よく留意してください。



もし国内で、わたしのクレジットカードの支払金その他問題が生じるようでしたら後ほど事態収拾後、 協議したいものです。







Key words

my books index key words(1st half)
title: end of world and hardboiled wonderland( not hard boiled egg, not egg or anything in wonderland) written by Murakami Haruki. ( coincidentary, the name of town of metal hospital I was told to go was city of Murakami(above villege, upper villege) ,Haruki translated as spring tree in direct translations.)
end of the world( gold colored beast)
elevator, no sounds,obesity
end of the world(libraly)
end of the world(shadow)
end ofthe world(General)
appetite,apathy(depression)lenind glade
end of the world( Wall)
end of the world(map of the end of the world)
flankfrueit,door,ind ependent organization
end of the world(forest)
whiskey,tourture,tsulgenef(russian writer)
end of the world(arrival of winter)
Charlie parker,time ticking bomb
end of the world( reading dream)
hamburger,skyline,dead line
end of the world( death of beasts)
bracelet,Ben Johnson, devil
my books index key words(2nd half)
end of the world(grey colored smoke)
end of the world(plaza of shadows)
meals,elephant factory,traps
end of the world(popwer plant)
encyclopedias, eternal life, paper clip
end of the world (music instruments)
lake water,Masaomi Kondo( Japanese actor),Panty atocking
end of world(holes)
ticket gate,Police,cleaning detergent
end of the world(dying shadows)
laundry in rainy days,rental car,Bob Dylan
end of the world(skulls)
nailcripper,butter souce,iron base
end of the world(hand wind harps
light,inner search,cleanliness
end of the world(escape)
Popcorn,lord/road,Gym, Jim,vanishment
end of the world(birds)
continued to to beginning of the book??


Dear local law enforcement

Would you please send my request I composed on my cell phone to my daddy. I want all the serial number of laptop/ computer that manages the mind device of this area, gift to United States government. 
All the disabled people out of this management. definition of disability.. we could look up certification of SSI and approval so far. if government want to provide life fund or not. I think its reasonable to think its legitimate. Or up to whoever want to pay for the  each.

I want my babies to be safely protected.  My babies' birthday, are January16,1964 and May 13,1966.

Capricorn baby   has Aquarius moon and the Taurus baby has moon in Pisces. both has

both has Pluto and Uranus conjunction in their chart.

I did not sire or approved any kid rock, Robert Richie whose birthday is January 17 1969 or (Jan 17 1971), family businesss. they lost fund. What else do you expect for good sports to play game or catch the malicious ones. trying to push against in good sports way is wasting money and time.

make me wonder why the family still holding all the switchboard access and other management flaws.

I don't mind helping in normal definition for United States.  Wasting work and time on bait and switch cannot be tolerated.

Would you make sure there is enough fund for IRS and national guard could work together.  catching in act is not really effective or possible. So many Aliases standing around the core that needed to be stopped.

by the way, my birthday is Februaly19,1974, and I am Japanese who has passport always in my hands.

what happened to blethriser test on the street all over the town?
Yes driving is privilege given by government.  attorney group  codes, military codes already clacked here and not functioning to catch any.cant drive safely everybody so drunk and high on device management.




Some times
I forget how much I am blessed
I forget the pain I have that exist in part of my heart
I forget how far I walked in this journey
  Sometimes I see the sky
before flowers  around my feet
  Sometimes I see smiles
before pains of people
 I saw hopeful light
that looked like end of tunnel
sometimes the light show up
 from nowhere

I hope my appreciation and gratitude reaches to God
and to  people on earth who knows me.




world is not against Christianity.
Yet, words of god, gods, God holy bible confuses people both Christians and non Christians every day.
 you should have read it before you commit crime, make sinful behavior. It seems that bible comes around  after you made mistakes or commit sinful behaviors, having panic attack unable to trust words of Jesus or follow his directions and his love.
If he is watching your behavior in front of you, do you still ask him "really really... are you real? " kind questions???Or started wishing he was just psycho psychic or just stupid man Just in order  to give you reason not to do anything good or not  to be lovable.
Just   because being honest seems so silly when public is confused. furthermore it takes a lot of courage and FAITH. its  a lot easier to take blame being of anti Christ until it realizes easy ride cost a lot more..

being good, being honest is easiest life Jesus prepared for all of us.
one lies  create thousand lies
 one deception make you lose millions of trust at the end.
 both takes a lot of work and chances.
 whether you grab  the chance or not, is "choice"  each individual makes.

 At this day, some may argue how I see the teaching of Abraham, law of attractions and Seth Speaks.
 I think some or more than half of that is relevant spiritual information. but lacking most critical information or message and they have not provided solution yet.

I understand why the followers of Seth committed similar behaviors of first phase of  Christianity expedition of the world.  having someone else to "work" and have profit out of colony and plantations. and made peace with greened asset and   the abundance believing there is no consequence to repay  or  work. The continent of the world still struggle with straight borderlines that was drawn through power game of western expedition of old Christianity.

law of attraction, bird of feather flock together., and as much as that, what goes around comes around because it is cycle of life.  make peace with where you are is one thing, and figure out which direction to go is another.  its circle. either shorter or longer.
tarot cards reading is not manifestation of spirituality. It merely is part of information of intentions and desire that changes as climate changes moment to moment and trying to catch up with the cosmic speed of "changes" got to be limitation of human.

There is no punishment I could provide. other than compensation and guidance about it.although pain and life consequences must be dealt believing that is coming from  God, gods,and Jesus Christ providing to each as part of his teaching and his promise to all.

I I hope to have understanding with Catholic church that we should not issue any more indulgence on such repeated bad behaviors as part of Christianity blessing.

Honey is sweet and nutritious for adult, but it is harmful for infant that do not have  immunity for the  pathogens that contained in the raw honey.  we do not need any more sick children.  hope to have more healthy faithful Christianity love child..

I t


my prayer for today

I pray for all those who are so weak to follow guidance of Jesus Christ, unable to  believe happy ending to the every day of life to  have peaceful sleep and rest for the day.

 fact is no sinner hear the words of Christ.
  sin make you hear more of his words for more understanding.
  truly good faithful people just know who he is and who he was.
 no  more words for stupid and animals who still have mind of sheep. Please find own Shepard that is still patient merciful.Amen

everybody can't wait for Passover...??
Yet true Christians eat and feast Pizza!!


Whether money is rot of evil or not

Possible solutions I want to choose from

I would like to offer all the possible solutions for United States for financial recovery. though considering 3 trillion dollar aount of deficit and cash flow in the world economy, the decision really is depend on the will of the countries who wish to maintain healthy world economic activity or recessions that is size of the world. this huge sum of money or defcit is possible reason for inflation as much as deflations who had received the monetary power in the past because of the fund.

In today'ss technology, I want all the people on earth to know that IT IS possible to find where the funding went and had spent in detail. In financial world and the records, it just accumulates and no matter what, digital data never get erased unless it is terminated physicaly melted into piece of metal, though, detatching the database, equipment, always leaves records of things. It is possible to identify individual that is responsible. However, I would like to offer solution to all.Instead ofcreating decoy of Hitler in this time age, before the collapse of the world financialy,politicaly, I want all to come to agreement to maintain safer inflation nd monetary value of the financial market.

considering the technology that dominatedmind of people, yes, perfect crime was possible before without confirmed identity, however, same reason mentioned above, w have database of thought process who operated on whom.

This situation is really tricky and easier to cause unnecessary argument and blame game, possible warS.

I want world peace and I feel need to offer possible solutions that works for most of people on earth at this point oftime being. There is no permanent solution that function eternaly. That is work of God and all I could hope and ask is faith in God, gods, whatever expressed in many cultures, languages, and expression. God do not live in tarrot cards or in the shrines or anywhere.It does not have human form, it does not have physical forms, but it hold mighty power and possibilities.To bring and express its power and mighty of the "God", I abelieve I am here with spirit of Jesus Christ.

whether christians or not christians, whether believe it or not, I, we want all the people to be happy and being able to find own happinessand joy that each defined on your own. Jesus gave you chances,teaching, and oppotunities, and tools and love, mostly best of everything. both people and expressions, parables for understanding. I want all to know that no matter how it looke like, how painful it seems,Jesus wanted you all same things. joy and happiness for all. To accept it or no tis choice that each individual make. If you commited crime or sinful behavior, longer the time it passes, harder it gets to accept his love and the intentions. choice is everything. I hope all make best decisions and find happiness in your heart. It goes both spiritualy and financialy.


I need statistics of IMf rating of the following countries Germany, France,and England,Spain and Portugal.

I need to see the numbers and transition records sincethe year 2000 to 2012.and I am going to JUSTIFY ALL to same level.