?In Physics,atom is smallest particle which retains and never lose its characteristic of what it is. In that level,there is nucleus that contains a proton which characterized as positive energy. As a structure,there are electrons which are characterized as negative energy. There is always balance between nucleus and electrons keeping distance and energy level. Both of them exist by keeping its balance. And atom create molecule in nature.
In Seth's interpretation of parable regarding bible was close to structure of atom and molecule
Seth implied Jesus as nucleus,which is pure positive energy, ego,nature of what it is, and twelve disciples as personalities who were created by the the core self. They are attracted each other getting apart each other in the movement yet they coexist within. Jesus often said"come with me="follow your heart"
In Buddhism teaching,it state that nature of reality as emptiness,and enlightenment is the way to achieve life's goal. It implies that all kinds of suffering is created by people's mind and that is origin of agony. Without the creation of the agony, nature of reality is supposed to be wonderful and filled with beauty .Therefore it teaches to reach the enlightenment,get closer to the core nature of reality. Opening eyes , reaching to enlightenment is to focus and find true self,to realize wonderful nature of reality..And whenever it dies, it all reaches enlightenment.
These are two different expression of the nature of reality.
The people's thought, people's emotion are the cause and origins of each world's creation, each one's life. Thought creates reality.
Souls, its entity are part of the whole which is characterized as process itself of development and expansion. Each soul existed before it obtain its physical body as it keep creating reality in this physical world(reality)
In this physical world, Christianity teaches love,and the purpose of life as joy. In Buddhism,it teaches values of true self,mercy compassion that are related to fundamental nature of true self. To eliminate counterproductive thought,where no agony or resistance exist refers state of enlightenment that would lead to better life.
What interesting is that in Christianity, it describes resurrection,but no recognition of reincarnation.
In Buddhism,there is an idea of reincarnation,yet it teaches all becomes enlightened being and emptiness.
In Buddhism,there is an idea of reincarnation,yet it teaches all becomes enlightened being and emptiness.
Asking the purpose of life was most simple yet practical question.
Whichever religion a person believe,whichever the god it believe, one thing for sure is everybody dies. The death exist in this reality.
There may be people who argue the fact that there are belief and people who live to destroy or control others. However there are basis of belief that power and control are necessary to obtain peace and love. There are sure understanding of nature about love and peace. The focus about what they want seems to be just hidden in the shadow time to time by misunderstandings.
The expression of "Eyes to eye" is not the teaching of revenge(surely the interpretation is up to individual) but it is about phenomenon that "Attackers only attack themselves". Anyone who take action of attacking, the person is also making own experience that is equivalent to the attacking to himself. It is just one of the expression to describe how it is in reality. Such person would just keep hurting self until he realize the solution to stop.
Love and hate maybe one sword with two expression. It is possible to be used as a tool to bring death or enlightenment.
But For the people who is in chronic pains,in the tremendous suffering,it mean salvation.
Despite the fact of such possibility,the life is great thing,and everyone knows he fact by nature. That is why people worry about righteousness, in attempt of trying figuring out what is right thing by suffering.
People afraid death,think of it as negative event is because it just know the value of life. The reason we feel grief for someone's death is because it banishes possibility of interaction in this physical world where we all know the great value of.
Both Love and hate sometimes cause unbearable pain to people. People suffer because of loving, because of the suffering, it causes hate. Loving is always great and only solution. Focus on loving and living. Should not be distracted by what it seems on the surface of situation or reality. All is well.
Whatever,however as it seems, one thing for sure is that what you see is not everything. And you are no such thing as god. Everything is just right. Nothing goes wrong.
No matter what religion you believe, physical body is destine to reach death someday. Before the death, saving your heart, focusing,liberate yourself for better experiences. That might be one of the interpretation of message.
Real fighting refers the process of searching for the answer, the way to bring happiness and joy toown life.
Achieving goal by power and control would just create bigger power and control, forced love and forced peace are just outlook without essence, victory for nothing.
Nature of reality could be understood at the state of fulfilled happiness. Every success is brought upon the decision made at such state. When being agony,should not make important decision,it would bring lesson,but it would not bring success itself.
Things touches heart have no boundary between past,present and future. Or boundary between imagination or reality,or boundary life or death. Everyone of being is loved. Loving further, being loved furthermore hold it as a part of the self,part of eternal self.
Things touches heart have no boundary between past,present and future. Or boundary between imagination or reality,or boundary life or death. Everyone of being is loved. Loving further, being loved furthermore hold it as a part of the self,part of eternal self.
To create memory and experience,and how develop them, and retain within is up to decision of individual.
When you reached death, and you read your life as a book of your life, it should be the book you would want to live once again.
Closing the book leaving many pages blank is too much to waste. It is book for yourself,for nobody else. It does not have to be right for anybody else but yourself.
Open your book and hold your pen as your heart desire,follow your heart,and Start writing, start living.
Reading many book, meeting many people,experience various things-hat would make your content of life richer and fulfilled.
That is real book of “secret”
wish to be a teacher to encourage such creation
religion's role maybe such encouragement itself
Of course,whatever you decide to believe is up to individual.
Diversity is a great thing.
Diversity is a great thing.
セスはたとえ話をもって聖書において伝えようと意図されその本質は中心に存在するキリストの存在、本当の自我、自我の本質、そしてその周りを取り囲む12人 の使徒の存在だった。もちろんキリストは純粋な善と愛のエネルギー、シンボル的存在であり、周囲に描かれた12人は彼によって創造され、その彼に引き寄せ られつつ、離れつつ、中心であるキリストを取り囲みながらそれぞれの生を生きる独立した存在として描いたのであった。come with me自分について来い=follow your heart自分の心に従え)のいみが見えてこないだろうか。
仏 教において無というものが本質であると意図されるのは、ひとりひとりの思い、こだわりが本当は存在しない苦しみを作り出している源であって、ものごとの本 質に近づけば近づくほどこの世というもののすばらしさがもっとみえてくるということ。生きている間に悟りをもつということはこの世の世界のすばらしさの本 質に眼をひらくことであるということだったのではなかろうか。死とはすべてが悟りを持つ事実ことであったともいえる。
愛 ではなく破壊、コントロールに生きようとする存在を議論したい者もいるのかもしれない、でもその根底には愛を得るために、平和を得るために権力やコント ロールが必要であると信じていることから生じているのであって、愛と平和の根本的欲求と理解がそこにある。本当に欲しいのは愛や平和であるいう欲求と主張 が表面から影に隠れてしまっているだけだ。
目には目を、歯には歯をとは決して復讐を教えたものではない。(もちろん、一人ひとりの解釈は異なっていいはずではあるけれども)Attackers only attack themselves. 攻撃しようと思う 者はその感情に相応の経験を己の経験としてこの世に作り出しているということの説明でしかない。それに気づくまで、解決策に気づくまで、そういう者は自分 を自己というものを傷つけ続けるということを教えている。
愛と憎しみは同じものの持つふたつの刃である。刃というものは命あるものを死するかもしれない、 しかし、死は辛い人生、痛みにもがきつつ生きることを強いられている者にとって、状況によって、死は救済でもあるともいえる。それでも生(命)の価値は偉 大であり、それをよく知っているがゆえに正しいことをしようと人は悩み苦しむのだ。死をおそれてしまうのは生命の貴重さを本当はによくわかっているから。 死を悲しいものと思うのは、この現実世界における人と人とのかかわりの機会のもつ意味、悦びをたましいのレベルでよく理解しているから。
愛も憎しみも時に耐えがたい痛みを引き起こす。時に人は愛するがゆえに苦しみ、苦しむがゆえに憎む。憎しみよりも愛に焦点を。目の前に見えているだけの状況に心とらわれてはいけない。All is well すべてはなるようになっている。あなたの目にどのように見え ても、あなたがすべてを知る神のような存在ではないことも確かなことである。すべてはうまくつじつまがあっているのだ。見ようとしても見えないからといっ てすべて判ったような気になってはいけない。どのような宗教を信じていようと肉体というものが死を迎えることは疑いない。その前に自己の心救済、自分の経 験の開拓に焦点を向けて初めてそれぞれの存在の解放が見えてくると教えたかったのではなかろうか。
本 当の闘いとは(闘いというものがなければらぬのなら)自分の幸せのために自分の世界の幸せを実現させる道をさぐり、悦びを見出すことである。権力やコントロールによるものごとの達成は更なる権力 やパワーをもつ存在をその世界に作り出すだけで、強制的な愛や平和という本質に欠けた勝利でしかなくなる。
物事の本質は人が幸せに感じるときに初めて見え る。すべての成功は幸せなときに導かれる意思決定にある。苦しいからといって無理な意思決定をすることに学びはあっても幸せな結果につながる意義は少な い。心で感じるということに過去も現実も未来も関係ない。想像も現実性も関係ない。生も死も関係なく、誰もが愛されている。さらに愛し、愛された者は愛が 自己の一部に永遠に残る。その存在の一部になる。すばらしい記憶や経験をどのように発展させ残すのか、それは一人ひとりの決断に任されている。死を迎え、 自身の人生を一冊の本を読むかのごとく振り返ったときに、もう一度繰り返したいと思えるような本であること、それこそが人生の目的かもしれない。すべての ページが空白のまま何もせず閉じてしまうのはあまりにももったいない。自分の為の自分が読む本であるのだから自分以外の者にとって正しい本である理由はひ とつもない。まずはページを開き、筆を持って心の赴くままに書き始めること、生き始めること、いろんな本を読むこと、いろんな人に出会うこと、いろんな経験をすることがその本の内容を豊かにする本当の秘密の要素、”秘密の本”という意味かもしれない。そのすばらしい本の創作を導いていけるような存在でありたいものだ。