There was a story that Abraham explained about happiness using example about two oranges.
When they were traveling, they stopped at the light,and there was a person holding a cardboard sign saying "hungry",there was a few cars in front of them,and people who was in the car right ahead of where Abraham was, looked at the person's sign, and gave the person two beautiful large oranges. But as soon as the person noticed it was not cash, but oranges, threw them back into the car being angry about getting oranges.
And Abraham said that it would be a great movement that till every person realize the value of the two oranges,we should just keep throwing oranges to those people who do not know how to appreciate such offering and love
Law of attraction states that we receive what we ask for. If you are happiest state of mind,things come easily,naturally.amount of faith in dream always match up the reward at the moment. When having wish or favor,desire in mind, it is easier to receive from someone happiest or most confident. Tricky part is it works for fear, anger and disappointment.
Another story was that when Ester and Jerry were traveling using a cutting edge GPS system,that always tell where they are, Jerry said we must be going wrong direction just by looking at the scenery, and as Esther kept driving,they decided to test to see whether they were heading right direction or not,after finding out right direction to go, Esther kept wondering where did things go wrong,and suggested to go over every step by checking things in order to find the cause of error happened in the travel route?or equipment they took?, yet Jerry just suggested that they both know that now, they are heading right direction, just keep going right without looking back. and agreed that seems to be most noble idea.
why? because as we keep focusing on a mistake of the past or history, we are more likely to repeat itself again till we clean up the air and create something new away from it.
When someone is trying to make a pie in the kitchen,she was really worried about Tabasco source getting into the pie and worried about ruining everything. So she kept worried and worried about the pie Tabasco getting in, ruining every work she's done so far. so she did everything about NOT to spill the Tabasco sauce just because it was in the kitchen where she was working on the pie. yes, she did everything to avoid Tabasco sauce getting into the pie. But it did,why? because she kept worried about Tabasco sauce,couldn't keep eyes and attention away from it. when trapped in the fear,law of attraction will prove the law this way.
so lets focus on love and peace, and success in every dimensions we could ever think of
FYI,I like oranges,strawberries,cantaloupe, I like money,honey,tea,coffee, a sweet pie,chocolates.and I love people,love making love,love to smile, love to see smile, love fun, love party!!!
When they were traveling, they stopped at the light,and there was a person holding a cardboard sign saying "hungry",there was a few cars in front of them,and people who was in the car right ahead of where Abraham was, looked at the person's sign, and gave the person two beautiful large oranges. But as soon as the person noticed it was not cash, but oranges, threw them back into the car being angry about getting oranges.
And Abraham said that it would be a great movement that till every person realize the value of the two oranges,we should just keep throwing oranges to those people who do not know how to appreciate such offering and love
Law of attraction states that we receive what we ask for. If you are happiest state of mind,things come easily,naturally.amount of faith in dream always match up the reward at the moment. When having wish or favor,desire in mind, it is easier to receive from someone happiest or most confident. Tricky part is it works for fear, anger and disappointment.
Another story was that when Ester and Jerry were traveling using a cutting edge GPS system,that always tell where they are, Jerry said we must be going wrong direction just by looking at the scenery, and as Esther kept driving,they decided to test to see whether they were heading right direction or not,after finding out right direction to go, Esther kept wondering where did things go wrong,and suggested to go over every step by checking things in order to find the cause of error happened in the travel route?or equipment they took?, yet Jerry just suggested that they both know that now, they are heading right direction, just keep going right without looking back. and agreed that seems to be most noble idea.
why? because as we keep focusing on a mistake of the past or history, we are more likely to repeat itself again till we clean up the air and create something new away from it.
When someone is trying to make a pie in the kitchen,she was really worried about Tabasco source getting into the pie and worried about ruining everything. So she kept worried and worried about the pie Tabasco getting in, ruining every work she's done so far. so she did everything about NOT to spill the Tabasco sauce just because it was in the kitchen where she was working on the pie. yes, she did everything to avoid Tabasco sauce getting into the pie. But it did,why? because she kept worried about Tabasco sauce,couldn't keep eyes and attention away from it. when trapped in the fear,law of attraction will prove the law this way.
so lets focus on love and peace, and success in every dimensions we could ever think of
FYI,I like oranges,strawberries,cantaloupe, I like money,honey,tea,coffee, a sweet pie,chocolates.and I love people,love making love,love to smile, love to see smile, love fun, love party!!!