
Silence 2

I believe translations could be close to perfect,but sometimes emphasis  and point could be blurred.  I looked at Wikipedia and compared the description both Japanese version and English version.  Although the main idea was same,but there was distinctive difference.  I believe Japanese version is more appropriate way of presenting the plot where English version was described from Christian's view.  I think both is right,but I like japanese version that also explain each characters and personality along with story summary.

So here is Japanese version's of summary
quoted from Wiki(日本語 version)

神の栄光に満ちた殉教を期待して牢につながれたロドリゴに夜半、フェレイラが語りかける。その説得を拒絶するロドリゴは、彼を悩ませていた遠くから 響く鼾(いびき)のような音を止めてくれと叫ぶ。その言葉に驚いたフェレイラは、その声がいびきなどではなく、拷問されている信者の声であること、その信者たちはすでに棄教を誓っているのに、ロドリゴが棄教しない限り許されないことを告げる。自分の信仰を守るのか、自らの棄教という犠牲によって、イエスの教え に従い苦しむ人々を救うべきなのか、究極のジレンマを突きつけられたロドリゴは、フェレイラが棄教したのも同じ理由であったことを知り、ついに踏 絵を踏むことを受け入れる
夜明けに、ロドリゴは奉行所の中庭で踏絵を 踏むことになる。すり減った銅板に刻まれた「神」の顔に近づけた彼の足を襲う激しい痛み。そのとき踏絵のなかのイエスが「踏むがよい。お前のその足の痛み を、私がいちばんよく知っている。その痛みを分かつために私はこの世に生まれ、十字架を背負ったのだから」と語りかける。
こうして踏絵を踏み、敗北に打ちひしがれたロドリゴを、裏切ったキチジローが許しを求めて訪ねる。イエスは再び、今度はキチジローの顔を通してロド リゴに語りかける。「私は沈黙していたのではない。お前たちと共に苦しんでいたのだ」「弱いものが強いものよりも苦しまなかったと、誰が言えるのか?

One night,for Rodrigues who is staying in the   prison, for the   glorious martyrdom, Ferreira started talking to him. Rodriguez who does not agree Ferreira's idea for apostatize,refused to hear him first,and then asked to stop someone's snoring that was ongoing for many nights, which he was feeling great discomfort for. Ferreira explains to Rodriguez that it was not snoring,but moaning of the Christians being tortured. And told Rodriguez further explained that those are already swear to apostatize,yet until Rodriguez himself agree to apostatize, those would not released from the tortures.
Rodriguez faced great dilemma,Whether to keep faith and the religion、 to be martyr of own faith or to save people in pain, save  those  Christian being tortured. Finally he understand  Ferreia's intention and reason for apostasy, and Rodriguez himself agree to apostatize and decide to face the stepping the picture of Jesus to prove own apostasy.

Next day, Rodriguez are there to step on to picture of the Jesus in front of people. When he is about to step onto the picture, the silence was broken finally, and Rodriguez hear Jesus's voice that "Yes go ahead, step on the picture, I know the pain more than anyone. I am here, and I was born to be here to share the pain, and that is what I died for.

After stepping on the picture, as Rodriguez spending time of grief, Kichijiro who betrayed Rodrigues, came to him asking for forgiveness. And then Jesus's face showed up over Kichijiro's face and spoke to Rodrigues that “I was never been silent,but was sharing the anguish with you” “ How could you say the weak( people) did not suffer as much as the strong(people)?”
After experiencing apostasy,Rodriguez finally understand the teaching of God,and realize himself that he has become the last Christian priest left in this country.


And so it goes (Billy Joel)

In every heart there is a room
A sanctuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers past
Until a new one comes along
I spoke to you in cautious tones
You answered me with no pretense
And still I feel I said too much
My silence is my self defense
And every time I've held a rose
It seems I only felt the thorns
And so it goes, and so it goes
And so will you soon I suppose
But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break
And this is why my eyes are closed
It's just as well for all I've seen
And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows
So I would choose to be with you
That's if the choice were mine to make
But you can make decisions too
And you can have this heart to break
And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows

Silence( book)


I read the book called Silence written by Endo Shusaku.
I have read the book long time ago when I was  a college student in Japan. This novel is written by Japanese who was Christian and I thought I remembered about the book most,but also had some unsure part of the plot,and more than anything, I was curious that how it is translated into English.
The book is about faith and martyrdom,torture and life in Japan during time period,when idea of Christianity was introduced to country of Japan for the very first time.

In our text book taught history in Japan,western people arrived part of Japan for commercial trade,and that is how Japanese obtained guns(firearms) and idea of Christianity.  The book is about when western knowledge was introduced for the first time although as a country part of Asia, there was long history of communication between neighborhood countries.
And Japanese text book teaching of history state that the   Christianity was strictly banned and missionaries, and Christians were persecuted by feudal rulers of the time in those days.  The reason they banned Christianity was because it  teaches the existence of power   other than governmental authority, it was viewed as threat affecting people's  loyalty to the   rulers of where  people lived.     the teaching was considered to be very harmful and people who believed Christianity received surveillance and severe tortures until they abandon their religion. As a result of the principle, many newly taught Christians were hunted down, tortured and rooted out. This book asks questions about tortures,and what is real  martyrdom and role of  religions.

It describes two kind of martyrdom. One is holding religious belief and end up  losing  life as receiving tortures being unable to be apostate,losing life, killed for the religious belief. Another kind is to keep asking questions and as going through similar experience in order to hold onto the faith as it receives tortures,mentally and physically,and at the end decide to apostate just to save life and people,and also experiences spiritual martyrdom as result.
In this story, it questions what is faith, and what is meaning of mercy,and questions who get most benefit having religions.
In this story, the part of regions of Japan were described as poor and no life energy in people,being oppressed physically and emotionally. The priest first saw fast growing of Christianity because of it,but the fact was for the people who live with nothing,live for nothing,anything could accepted as better,and to live dream of the life, death eventually became  life's salvation,and it just keep creating idealize view of Christianity God and deceptive view of the religion and the death and martyrdom just became glorified as losing more and more lives as result.
When the Priest finally saw the big picture from inside and out,they saw no joy, they saw consequences of their teaching. The priests who teaches Christianity started seeing the country as bottomless swamp where no hope of Christianity to grow. More they plant the seeds, the were killed,rooted out by tortures.

Irony is that both people who practice torture and receive the torture argues the meaning of mercy. when religious belief became pain of life, both are in similar position and argue what is being generous,what is meaning of helping each other,meaning of  abandoning  religious belief just to to live happily ever after.

There is two kind of people in the world, those with strong in faith and understanding and those who are weak in faith and understanding. When everybody is following their heart, the God they both thought believing remained silence. This story addressees what faith really mean,and what is meaning of religion, what is real “help” for life means.

Somewhere in the book it state that its easy to die for good and beautiful,the hardest things is to die for the miserable and corrupted. However,when it justified martyrdom,it also show some contradiction of life and love here on earth.

I just thought hat sometime, it is good thing just let go things away from perfection or the ideal. I am not perfect. I cry,we all cry,make mistake, fear death,and fear life as much. People who believe power in wrong way are to be scared,but anyone could impose such torture to self, torture to anyone,not knowingly,sometimes.
There is no right or wrong answer.
Belief is always strong when it is believed something to be good. And probably the opposite is just as same. We all are holding the power whether called love or destruction.

I hope many people lean about Japan and this Author. I herd that this novel is going to be released as movie in few years by martin Scorsese.

I am sure that Japan's history is interesting to many. I saw news about Dr. Donald Keen, American famous scholar is decided to move to Japan recently. I think I saw him giving speech at my College once. My English was so bad that I didn't understand much.
I am not good at English,but this is not my primary language..
some break please??
I hope many people enjoy this book first handed away from my opinion.




Abraham daily quote 04/17/11

It's ever so much more satisfying to get into a blissful place and attract a blissful person and live blissfully hereafter than to be in a negative place and attract a negative partner and then try to get happy from that negative place.
--- Abraham




Abraham explains 30 days thought process





ものごとにこうやって抵抗をなくしていくことは自己の態度をみなおすことでもあり、自己が最も欲している感情に近づいていっていることだときづくでしょう? 思考を正しく導いていくことは愛というものを感じたり(それを人から)受け取る為に(自分以外の)人に好ましい行動や態度を強制してしまう、自己のそのときの感情のあり方にきづいて解決策へ導いていくことです。そうすれば嘘ということがあなたという存在を苦しめたり悩ませたりすることなどないのです。無償の愛を与える、与えることに価値をみいだすことこそあなたが(考え得る抵抗というものを取り去った存在の有り様そのものなのです。貴方はただ愛を与え続けることに 解放を感じる存在だということです。その経験の継続というものが物事を(あなたに内在する霊的、精神的な目をもって)見聞きし判断していく経験へ導いていくということであり、全てのヒントがそこにあるのです。




fear or courage?

Sometimes,just watching,seeing news is hardest chore of my day.

Politics,natural disaster,and everything about life could get hard sometimes. But fact is there is not enough money or event exist to make unhappy people happy instantly in this reality. there is always richer, healthier,less things, or more or less fortunate thing to argue endlessly. And I am not wealthy or healthy,or smart,but I know when I am really hungry, any food taste good and always make me happy as much as I was hungry. I never had much on anything,but would like to believe internal happiness are always connected to outer happiness that takes many forms of wealth and health. Internal happiness is the only thing you could take with you when we die, isn't it?

If I want to feel myself happy for others. I I would probably keep watching news and read some about politics,but it is not my responsibility to make unhappy people smile.   It might be fun,time to time,but.
It is hard to argue or to watch politics, people expecting government to make life happier,and at the same time, many argue to find phenomenon or  a way to rock the boat which they all are in,too.

Anyway, enough my blurring about news or TV. TV or news sometimes really scares me. but I know the value of status quo,and importance of keep moving forward,importance of freedom,so I am digesting my fair dose of "fear" out of my responsibility.

I heard great thing in yoga class today. It was about not to be fearless about who you are and it was about courage. A teacher taught us that the word courage originated from the word "core" which refers "heart" and being able to show own heart to the others is origin,meaning of courage.
Isn't that somehow eye opening?


Abraham explains Eyes of source






Abraham daily quote 04/11/11

The best thing you could do for anyone that you love, is be happy! And the very worst thing that you could do for anyone that you love, is be unhappy, and then ask them to to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make you happy. If it is your dominant intent to hold yourself in vibrational harmony with who you really are, you could never offer any action that would cause anybody else to be unhappy.
--- Abraham


a part of story from a book

There was a wise man in part of India. And there was a young man who killed nintynine people in the village.  And the young man tried to kill the wise man to make hundredth of the  killing,but could not succeed no matter what he tried,and  instead,the young man decide to become the wise man's apprentice to spread the wise man's  teaching.

So everyday, he walked around to meet people in the village,but people who knew that the young man as murder who killed many  people in the village,many threw stones and things to hurt the man being very angry, being very violent to him.

As he came back being injured and,bleeding,torn at the end of each  day after doing his role as missionary, the wise man said to him "You just need to put up for this pain caused by  your own action now  otherwise its burden be carried,and  if you escape from the pain  without doing your best now,it may come back to you as many times bigger than you could handle, later on.


Abraham daily quote

Everyone doesn't have to be the same. Most say,"Well, it's so much easier if we're all the same." And we say, it is not easier when you're all the same; conformity is the thing that thwarts you most. That massive wanting to get you to conform - to all think the same way and want the same things - is what is causing the revolt that is happening within you. You are determined to be freedom-seekers in a Mass Consciousness society that is determined to make you the same.

誰一人として (他人と)同じでなくていいのだ。ほとんどの者は皆が同じであったらものごとが簡単にうまくいくでしょう? というが我々は皆が同じときにものごとが簡単にうまくいくことなどありえないと教える。一致性や服従ということこそ最もあなたという存在を打ちのめすものそのものなのである。あなたという存在を(何かに)従わせようとするその強い欲望、みんなで同じものごとをおなじように欲するようにと考えるその考えこそあなたという存在の中で最も反発を起こすものなのである。言うなれば、密集したこの意識の社会において、あなたという存在は何があっても自由を求めようとする(常に自由を求めようとする)存在なのである。
--- Abraham


April Fool day

 I found the article and news that was so sad.  I found out that one christian in Florida burned Islam's Quran.

I know and feel that America is free country and  right to express is assured based on whatever they believe?  I am not American or Christian,and have pretty confused view of everything,but  it seems holding bible or being christian becoming signs of fool sometimes?,out of respect to the others??  If so, just  so sad.
I tried to look for good aspect of the behavior or intentions,and could not find any!!  So I hope to get help understanding it someday.
But I feel bad about the whole things,so  here is my personal apology for the people in Afghanistan who is upset about one of Christians, one of Americans  burning Quran.    I would like to believe that burning books or destroying things is not what Christianity is about,it is not what America is about.  It is about freedom, and that one christian's behavior was foolish and I would like to apologize for that behavior as a person who love this country, who love to be free.  The person does not  represent what I love and believe.   All books and things should  be handled with love and care with respect.

I am sorry that sometimes freedom means free to be  violent, freet to be a fool.

I am trying my best what really is best,but have not found the answer yet.
I hope you all find peace in your heart.