
Silence 2

I believe translations could be close to perfect,but sometimes emphasis  and point could be blurred.  I looked at Wikipedia and compared the description both Japanese version and English version.  Although the main idea was same,but there was distinctive difference.  I believe Japanese version is more appropriate way of presenting the plot where English version was described from Christian's view.  I think both is right,but I like japanese version that also explain each characters and personality along with story summary.

So here is Japanese version's of summary
quoted from Wiki(日本語 version)

神の栄光に満ちた殉教を期待して牢につながれたロドリゴに夜半、フェレイラが語りかける。その説得を拒絶するロドリゴは、彼を悩ませていた遠くから 響く鼾(いびき)のような音を止めてくれと叫ぶ。その言葉に驚いたフェレイラは、その声がいびきなどではなく、拷問されている信者の声であること、その信者たちはすでに棄教を誓っているのに、ロドリゴが棄教しない限り許されないことを告げる。自分の信仰を守るのか、自らの棄教という犠牲によって、イエスの教え に従い苦しむ人々を救うべきなのか、究極のジレンマを突きつけられたロドリゴは、フェレイラが棄教したのも同じ理由であったことを知り、ついに踏 絵を踏むことを受け入れる
夜明けに、ロドリゴは奉行所の中庭で踏絵を 踏むことになる。すり減った銅板に刻まれた「神」の顔に近づけた彼の足を襲う激しい痛み。そのとき踏絵のなかのイエスが「踏むがよい。お前のその足の痛み を、私がいちばんよく知っている。その痛みを分かつために私はこの世に生まれ、十字架を背負ったのだから」と語りかける。
こうして踏絵を踏み、敗北に打ちひしがれたロドリゴを、裏切ったキチジローが許しを求めて訪ねる。イエスは再び、今度はキチジローの顔を通してロド リゴに語りかける。「私は沈黙していたのではない。お前たちと共に苦しんでいたのだ」「弱いものが強いものよりも苦しまなかったと、誰が言えるのか?

One night,for Rodrigues who is staying in the   prison, for the   glorious martyrdom, Ferreira started talking to him. Rodriguez who does not agree Ferreira's idea for apostatize,refused to hear him first,and then asked to stop someone's snoring that was ongoing for many nights, which he was feeling great discomfort for. Ferreira explains to Rodriguez that it was not snoring,but moaning of the Christians being tortured. And told Rodriguez further explained that those are already swear to apostatize,yet until Rodriguez himself agree to apostatize, those would not released from the tortures.
Rodriguez faced great dilemma,Whether to keep faith and the religion、 to be martyr of own faith or to save people in pain, save  those  Christian being tortured. Finally he understand  Ferreia's intention and reason for apostasy, and Rodriguez himself agree to apostatize and decide to face the stepping the picture of Jesus to prove own apostasy.

Next day, Rodriguez are there to step on to picture of the Jesus in front of people. When he is about to step onto the picture, the silence was broken finally, and Rodriguez hear Jesus's voice that "Yes go ahead, step on the picture, I know the pain more than anyone. I am here, and I was born to be here to share the pain, and that is what I died for.

After stepping on the picture, as Rodriguez spending time of grief, Kichijiro who betrayed Rodrigues, came to him asking for forgiveness. And then Jesus's face showed up over Kichijiro's face and spoke to Rodrigues that “I was never been silent,but was sharing the anguish with you” “ How could you say the weak( people) did not suffer as much as the strong(people)?”
After experiencing apostasy,Rodriguez finally understand the teaching of God,and realize himself that he has become the last Christian priest left in this country.