This is just Tomoko's monologue about books, movies,people and the world we live in
Abraham daily quote 07/27/11
A young Palestinian man was found in Israel; he had a bomb strapped to him. And when it detonated, it didn't detonate properly and he was wounded. But he did not get the triumphant results that he was seeking; he did not blow himself up and the people that were around him. And so he was captured. And when the newsman was asking him, why did you do this? He said, "They killed my friend and I wanted to die." In other words, it was that simple: "They killed my friend and I wanted to die." We think that those pure and simple words speak to this (Middle East Crisis) more clearly than all other words that have been spoken. It is that feeling that you've done this to me, so I'll do this to you, then you'll do this to me, and then I'll do this to you. And what happens in that is: It just gets bigger and bigger, and bigger. And no one ever wins. There is no triumph that ever comes from any of that.
--- Abraham
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Thursday, October 4th, 2001
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther
Jerry and Esther
the universe
My friend just told me that universe knows everything.
Yes there was behind the scene manipulation and deals to purchase salvation regarding prophecy and translation of things somewhere between United State and Middle Eastern countries, and somewhere? Maybe?
I am sorry to tell you all that some of you lost in translation and betting wrong about the meaning of "new world order" and other things. One of American family might have made the decision to purchase the salvation for all and arranging balancing, promising religious political issues in past? maybe? Please acknowledge that they are not so good any more. People elected someone else to do the right thing in honest way.
Yes United States had such surplus and someone created trillion deficit in order to buy and make behind the scene,making deal. Maybe?
Yes we want the Surplus back and we want those illegal money to be confiscated. It was stolen money and you all knew the fact and did not represent public will as Americans here in America. Hopefully the gamble does not represent decision as Islam countries. I hope all those good people or true believers of God help those who took part in that gamble straightening things out before the year 2012.
Why 2012? you probably know that if you are player of the gamble don't you? I don't really know till its too late.
I do not know much about world politics or economy,but I know that in any data base,especially financial records, there is no such thing as "deleted" information even due to death or due to illegal activities. If there is exceptions to be.. WHERE?? which bank? which country??
Usually,It just create new records data base to be kept making it harder to be accessed to. (like "soul" works?) Please be helpful to solve the issues. if asked in that matters.
gambling is no good.dying for money, ruining life for money is stupid.
trying to purchase salvation sounds good intention,but I believe it is not good enough to show the faith and love, in the eyes of God (god or gods). I believe and heard that God, god,gods are way more generous and loving than we could ever think of. but I am still alive and no proof about that or whatever. therefore what to believe, that is gamble,too.
hope to survive this hardest test together...honestly.
follow your heart,do the good thing do the right thing.. shall we?
yes I do also believe the universe knows everything.
Hear that traditional Christians?
Hear that Muslims?
Hear that country of Japan?
Hear that country of United State of America?
HEY!! give my life back first!! too.
I am not happy being planted chip set into my brain unknowingly(they called "treatment").
So Japanese gov can read and steal my thought and ideas? Sure they ruined this whole world, entire my life. Hope to God they pay for that.. Watch out for the move of Uranus and Saturn. I will see the result watching news and TV someday would I say "I told you so" or " Well too bad all are so stupid unable to correct the mistake on time when I told you the answer"
Yes there was behind the scene manipulation and deals to purchase salvation regarding prophecy and translation of things somewhere between United State and Middle Eastern countries, and somewhere? Maybe?
I am sorry to tell you all that some of you lost in translation and betting wrong about the meaning of "new world order" and other things. One of American family might have made the decision to purchase the salvation for all and arranging balancing, promising religious political issues in past? maybe? Please acknowledge that they are not so good any more. People elected someone else to do the right thing in honest way.
Yes United States had such surplus and someone created trillion deficit in order to buy and make behind the scene,making deal. Maybe?
Yes we want the Surplus back and we want those illegal money to be confiscated. It was stolen money and you all knew the fact and did not represent public will as Americans here in America. Hopefully the gamble does not represent decision as Islam countries. I hope all those good people or true believers of God help those who took part in that gamble straightening things out before the year 2012.
Why 2012? you probably know that if you are player of the gamble don't you? I don't really know till its too late.
I do not know much about world politics or economy,but I know that in any data base,especially financial records, there is no such thing as "deleted" information even due to death or due to illegal activities. If there is exceptions to be.. WHERE?? which bank? which country??
Usually,It just create new records data base to be kept making it harder to be accessed to. (like "soul" works?) Please be helpful to solve the issues. if asked in that matters.
gambling is no good.dying for money, ruining life for money is stupid.
trying to purchase salvation sounds good intention,but I believe it is not good enough to show the faith and love, in the eyes of God (god or gods). I believe and heard that God, god,gods are way more generous and loving than we could ever think of. but I am still alive and no proof about that or whatever. therefore what to believe, that is gamble,too.
hope to survive this hardest test together...honestly.
follow your heart,do the good thing do the right thing.. shall we?
yes I do also believe the universe knows everything.
Hear that traditional Christians?
Hear that Muslims?
Hear that country of Japan?
Hear that country of United State of America?
HEY!! give my life back first!! too.
I am not happy being planted chip set into my brain unknowingly(they called "treatment").
So Japanese gov can read and steal my thought and ideas? Sure they ruined this whole world, entire my life. Hope to God they pay for that.. Watch out for the move of Uranus and Saturn. I will see the result watching news and TV someday would I say "I told you so" or " Well too bad all are so stupid unable to correct the mistake on time when I told you the answer"
Who we are
If I were to be Jesus at some level of consciousness
I am not really so sure about literature of Christian bible,this is my finding and conclusion. And I am not a Christian although I believe his teaching and his messages and his accomplishment. He was and is REAL.
my role is not religious accomplishment,but to keep diversity and maintain the beauty of the world we live in. Please remove and release Jesus off from the cross. He suffered enough. And from now on, I guess just T would work keep moving on. T is my initial of the name.
I wanted to tell you all in person,but I guess I am getting grumpy and inpatient waiting too long. So here is the answer.
Abraham is and was teacher for us all.
JG, you are to be the John the Baptist,who taught me what love is. my JC...
( I found you, baby :)
RJ, you 're to be (Paul or Saul)------you are "real" --love you,sorry to make you wait,made you suffer like others. forgive me

whoever you are reading this,you just lived part of the drama prepared for us all in same reality same time frame.
Maybe we all are soul mates to each other
No matter what religion each believe
No matter which country each live
No matter what race you are
life is gift to us all and best gift for our future children
hope to hand down our experience and love for our future generations value of life,meaning of love,meaning of life
No matter who you are
hope to laugh about this whole thing together as friends.. and thats my goal
yes we all are protected
yes we all are receivers of the blessing
yes we all are receivers of love
yes we all deserve to be free
yes we all are creators
yes we all are allowed to be imperfect
yes we all are loved
yes life always goes on
yes life is worth "living"
Be happy!!!
This is supposed to be perfect world God created for us all
Having good time?
Are you loving and giving?
I am not really so sure about literature of Christian bible,this is my finding and conclusion. And I am not a Christian although I believe his teaching and his messages and his accomplishment. He was and is REAL.
my role is not religious accomplishment,but to keep diversity and maintain the beauty of the world we live in. Please remove and release Jesus off from the cross. He suffered enough. And from now on, I guess just T would work keep moving on. T is my initial of the name.
I wanted to tell you all in person,but I guess I am getting grumpy and inpatient waiting too long. So here is the answer.
Abraham is and was teacher for us all.
JG, you are to be the John the Baptist,who taught me what love is. my JC...
( I found you, baby :)
RJ, you 're to be (Paul or Saul)------you are "real" --love you,sorry to make you wait,made you suffer like others. forgive me

whoever you are reading this,you just lived part of the drama prepared for us all in same reality same time frame.
Maybe we all are soul mates to each other
No matter what religion each believe
No matter which country each live
No matter what race you are
life is gift to us all and best gift for our future children
hope to hand down our experience and love for our future generations value of life,meaning of love,meaning of life
No matter who you are
hope to laugh about this whole thing together as friends.. and thats my goal
yes we all are protected
yes we all are receivers of the blessing
yes we all are receivers of love
yes we all deserve to be free
yes we all are creators
yes we all are allowed to be imperfect
yes we all are loved
yes life always goes on
yes life is worth "living"
Be happy!!!
,life is most precious thing, good always overcome bad,also something describes the existence of hell. Probably it means hell of living in this one life experience or next,but no analogy is always perfect, who knows?
And whatever I say and do, there always be gap between understanding in each of us. And that creates diversity and beauty. It is precious thing.
And whatever I say and do, there always be gap between understanding in each of us. And that creates diversity and beauty. It is precious thing.
Even after I was affected by western culture, I still believe how I am raised,and distinction between good and bad. I also acknowledge wisdom of love and mercy, importance of ,being compassionate and I am trying to practice that at my best. So I did my best to look for best answer about my opinion about Christianity. I tried my best to find my own perspective away from conventional,superficial Christianity, by following my heart.
I am not looking for ways to express justice because that is not my job or not anybody's business. I am just a human.
My question to all (so called) Christian and people who believe Islam is that are there any good teaching worth saving in your soul, worth handed down to our children?
It was meant to handed down as gift,wisdom to enjoy life,yet all I witness was argument,pain and blaming each other because of lacking the real understanding of life and both seems to share same roots.
It was meant to handed down as gift,wisdom to enjoy life,yet all I witness was argument,pain and blaming each other because of lacking the real understanding of life and both seems to share same roots.
Do you really believe in love? Do you understand what love is? Do you have faith in love and life? Do you really believe in peace and practicing the idea with strong enough faith? Are you free? Can you let others be free as much as you are? Are you happy?
God didn't make harder to believe in love, human did
Jesus didn't do anything to make things harder to believe in love, other human did
God didn't make harder to believe in love, human did
Jesus didn't do anything to make things harder to believe in love, other human did
Having good time?
Are you loving and giving?
a friend's mail to a friendly astrologer
Who is this friend?
I have been in struggle and been in journey associated with Astrology, dream, destiny and life work for about a year now. I have learned more about Astrology,and believe more. yet I am doubtful person especially when it comes to my knowledge and my ability. Yes for somethings, other people know better at practical level. But I happen to see more than others and started to believe part of vision I had these several year was relevant for something I could not put my both hands physically,but it seems important,so I have been in struggle to what to let go out of my life to make my life simple yet meaningful. The problem is no one could be sure till die and I am in same situation having no way convincing anyone.
Some of the reading was new information,yet I still think it describes well. If knowing Astrological chart interpretation could help life's improvement, I would certainly try to affect my life better using that information.
Lately, I think about meaning of the "help" and Astrology and association of my vision and about the knowing...
Yes I tend to see things how I want to see away from realistic practical view. I like helping others, I like interacting others. many come to me for help sometimes.
three years ago, I met a man and felling love with the guy. At the point, he was in life big chaos because of unfortunate accident of his step son. I now he had step son,but was not sure if he was still with the wife or not,so started talking about the accident and more and more we got closer. When we exchanged our phone number, I happened to find out the fact he is married and also had two small kids with the wife. But I wanted to help him and kept e-mail, phone text contact and we got closer. And when we had lunch talking about each other, talking about God, and other things, I had strange vision that his wife lied the paternity to him just to get married with the guy. It was shocking,but he seems not to know for sure at that time, so I decided to stay friends in case he needs help get over the lie and deception. The fact was he loved those kids, could not say or do anything against,since legal marriage was only way to keep seeing those kids. I wanted help him,he was Taurus, with Moon in Pisces,(his wife was Aquarius with moon in Aquarius) and we made love and found that he was so sensitive and caring that I fell in love with him which was wrong thing, but I wanted to do everything to make him survive. He was cancer survivor who deserved a lot of break from life with many medical episode who did not need any more stress. Yes he also lied to me a lot,but it was nothing to me I never believed in myself or in life at all before then. I had just left my husband and was experiencing so much freedom and love for life. So much so that I didn't care about consequences much. seemed he was best thing happened to me.
Coincidentally, it was only my individual love fool story with so much pain and restlessness till sometimes end of year 2009.(well it was started far earlier than that,but I was so focused on him to be OK that I didn't care or could not see.
Whole year 2009 was about reading and writing to me. And had strange religious dream and idea coming from no where,too. But I was never be religious although I loved reading Astrology. I was no one no important existence being child being a woman, being mature and being cheap and cost effective,just typical of my culture,but one day, my friend told me I had grand trine in my horoscope, I never felt special,loved the sense of something great is waiting in my future,but I was always realistic person in negative way and still that way in many aspects. It probably is life long struggle. But something had changed when I made mistake helping the guy.
I went through a lot of mental torture here and there because of it. And your chart reading describes sort of that.
My religious view I had was somehow Christianity where I am not a Christian,but the guy was. Although Astrology doesn't take side on religion, it probably have association at the level of psyche.
In Christian bible, virgin Mary got pregnant with the guy without sex. And there is no description of how much the man had money or way to support the pregnant woman. Instead there is glorious religious story was made out that was just simple will to protect unborn life. It was Jesus's story,but to glorify his achievement, it fail to make distinction between lies and intention. Intention was good from begginging to end,but I guess until there is world that woman can have a baby without telling a lie to anyone,the insecutity would keep making unfortunate family. It was about love from begining to end,then it was switched to money and security, There were victims,and I was called or attracted to deal, and I did my best.
Anything else described in the bible, there are so much lost in translation?. to keep square peg into round whole, whole was becoming pushed wide so much started losing meaning of existence. Its no right or wrong as long as there are people who feel comfort in the story beauty in the love story just like Astrology. You said at the point when your prediction leave your desk,it is 100 percent accurate. Everything was right at one point. It all is about way of interpretation,there is no wrong answer, every story really is story of healing. heal love wounds with love one find in life.
Your chart updating came into my eyes after Mercury retrograde is over. I was confused between the story and the reality. And you expressed hard aspect of my Neptune which was not mentioned last time.
I am in trouble how to apply these information it into my life.
I thought I was helping,but I really was torturing? or the other way around.
If what you know is not helping or ,but hurting or causing pain,not being comfortable,
Would you still offer your help?
I also believe there is no coincidence other than intention from sky of knowing.
What really is "help" mean? I am assuming that you believe Astrology could help people.
One American author wrote book about a man saving a fish. A man find fish looks like drawn in the pond,but if you save the fish, it would probably die being away from the water. So you just have to see it keep swimming like drawing. In this sense, what is compassionate? what is help?
I thought as long as it had life,it might worth a effort helping either with words,gesture of encouragement. Am I seeing something you are not seeing?too illusionist never to be understood?
I have been in struggle and been in journey associated with Astrology, dream, destiny and life work for about a year now. I have learned more about Astrology,and believe more. yet I am doubtful person especially when it comes to my knowledge and my ability. Yes for somethings, other people know better at practical level. But I happen to see more than others and started to believe part of vision I had these several year was relevant for something I could not put my both hands physically,but it seems important,so I have been in struggle to what to let go out of my life to make my life simple yet meaningful. The problem is no one could be sure till die and I am in same situation having no way convincing anyone.
Some of the reading was new information,yet I still think it describes well. If knowing Astrological chart interpretation could help life's improvement, I would certainly try to affect my life better using that information.
Lately, I think about meaning of the "help" and Astrology and association of my vision and about the knowing...
Yes I tend to see things how I want to see away from realistic practical view. I like helping others, I like interacting others. many come to me for help sometimes.
three years ago, I met a man and felling love with the guy. At the point, he was in life big chaos because of unfortunate accident of his step son. I now he had step son,but was not sure if he was still with the wife or not,so started talking about the accident and more and more we got closer. When we exchanged our phone number, I happened to find out the fact he is married and also had two small kids with the wife. But I wanted to help him and kept e-mail, phone text contact and we got closer. And when we had lunch talking about each other, talking about God, and other things, I had strange vision that his wife lied the paternity to him just to get married with the guy. It was shocking,but he seems not to know for sure at that time, so I decided to stay friends in case he needs help get over the lie and deception. The fact was he loved those kids, could not say or do anything against,since legal marriage was only way to keep seeing those kids. I wanted help him,he was Taurus, with Moon in Pisces,(his wife was Aquarius with moon in Aquarius) and we made love and found that he was so sensitive and caring that I fell in love with him which was wrong thing, but I wanted to do everything to make him survive. He was cancer survivor who deserved a lot of break from life with many medical episode who did not need any more stress. Yes he also lied to me a lot,but it was nothing to me I never believed in myself or in life at all before then. I had just left my husband and was experiencing so much freedom and love for life. So much so that I didn't care about consequences much. seemed he was best thing happened to me.
Coincidentally, it was only my individual love fool story with so much pain and restlessness till sometimes end of year 2009.(well it was started far earlier than that,but I was so focused on him to be OK that I didn't care or could not see.
Whole year 2009 was about reading and writing to me. And had strange religious dream and idea coming from no where,too. But I was never be religious although I loved reading Astrology. I was no one no important existence being child being a woman, being mature and being cheap and cost effective,just typical of my culture,but one day, my friend told me I had grand trine in my horoscope, I never felt special,loved the sense of something great is waiting in my future,but I was always realistic person in negative way and still that way in many aspects. It probably is life long struggle. But something had changed when I made mistake helping the guy.
I went through a lot of mental torture here and there because of it. And your chart reading describes sort of that.
My religious view I had was somehow Christianity where I am not a Christian,but the guy was. Although Astrology doesn't take side on religion, it probably have association at the level of psyche.
In Christian bible, virgin Mary got pregnant with the guy without sex. And there is no description of how much the man had money or way to support the pregnant woman. Instead there is glorious religious story was made out that was just simple will to protect unborn life. It was Jesus's story,but to glorify his achievement, it fail to make distinction between lies and intention. Intention was good from begginging to end,but I guess until there is world that woman can have a baby without telling a lie to anyone,the insecutity would keep making unfortunate family. It was about love from begining to end,then it was switched to money and security, There were victims,and I was called or attracted to deal, and I did my best.
Anything else described in the bible, there are so much lost in translation?. to keep square peg into round whole, whole was becoming pushed wide so much started losing meaning of existence. Its no right or wrong as long as there are people who feel comfort in the story beauty in the love story just like Astrology. You said at the point when your prediction leave your desk,it is 100 percent accurate. Everything was right at one point. It all is about way of interpretation,there is no wrong answer, every story really is story of healing. heal love wounds with love one find in life.
Your chart updating came into my eyes after Mercury retrograde is over. I was confused between the story and the reality. And you expressed hard aspect of my Neptune which was not mentioned last time.
I am in trouble how to apply these information it into my life.
I thought I was helping,but I really was torturing? or the other way around.
If what you know is not helping or ,but hurting or causing pain,not being comfortable,
Would you still offer your help?
I also believe there is no coincidence other than intention from sky of knowing.
What really is "help" mean? I am assuming that you believe Astrology could help people.
One American author wrote book about a man saving a fish. A man find fish looks like drawn in the pond,but if you save the fish, it would probably die being away from the water. So you just have to see it keep swimming like drawing. In this sense, what is compassionate? what is help?
I thought as long as it had life,it might worth a effort helping either with words,gesture of encouragement. Am I seeing something you are not seeing?too illusionist never to be understood?
money, inheritence and freedom
One day, my friend told me that money is root of evil.
Surely there are a lot of problems regarding money and financial problems all over the world. Personal financial views and political views are basis of the problems we deal day to day now? Maybe?
Is money bad thing?
How much is OK to have?
How much is not"greedy" and how much is "appropriate"?
we all have different value and idea about money and Abraham explains that money is amount of freedom you could have in this reality. more money you have, it let you exercise financial freedom. The law of attraction states that things like it always drawn to one's experience. Inner abundances and outer abundances usually co relate and perfect balance between is point of joy and point of attraction?. therefore if keep feeling poor, it cannot attract more money till it earn and learns emotional abundance and richness. as a result, rich gets richer, and poor get poorer or stay poor. Surely as long as thinking money is root of evil, it cannot attract more money into one's experience because we all are loving happy beings at core.
I believe "expectation" do create its future and value and belief create its experiences and learning. As long as believing money is root of evil, it is hard to attract. I believe root of people are good and we all are here to learn and attract good thing at free will. Sometimes it is so free that some people create bondage to self in order to experience something,or to have financial freedom. if there is contradiction,it often create agony that cannot be solve by money in life and it is interesting.? Maybe?
Freedom is hardest right to practice and exercise. We all have choice to make time to time to be smart or to be stupid. to be good or to be bad temporally in order to find perfect balance to the situation, to life moment at that time. We all are imperfect and all kinds of being allows us to be imperfect, loving being here on earth being so free.
Fact is, More appreciate, more we receive the thing, the good thing. We all know that what is right and what is wrong all the time. When you do good to someone, you feel good to your heart, when you are mean to someone, you feel discord to your heart. the degree differentiate person to person and it create diversity and different experiences in this physical world of experience.
To see this world wearing glasses that is colored with money or the one with colored with roses are our choice to make time to time. Analogy here is that if one thing wrong at core, could ruin everything to see. Another fact is this is perfect world designed perfectly by our superior beings that we only could try to understand the loving intention as human forever..
Abraham explains that there is no right or wrong answer about anything. However,It does not mean there is no distinction between good or bad. if you focus on good, you would receive good in the experience. It means there is no firm guideline to decide good thing to do (good behaviors) or bad thing to(bad behaviors) exist. what is right and wrong differentiate person to person and situation to situation. And if there is wrong things done in this life personally, we all are made to pay the price somewhere sometime at individual level of experiences because own life is responsibility of nobody else but you. To decide the payment is not our job because we all are imperfect being.
Religion,politics,any books and people who give you directions of life, how to live life, cannot be any excuses for any wrong behaviors of own. They are just hint to live and to make a choice for yourself.
If life were to be a blank book to be filled out, those direction and ideas are just hint to start drawing, start writing. If you like the idea, love the idea, it would be drawn into the life experiences and if you do not like the idea, it would also drawn into the experience to fill the book. focus is power of thought. the book is meant to be filled with colors and content. Personally, I prefer love story and story of adventures away from the religious book or school textbooks of how toes. There is usually love and discoveries in my favorite books. Those were what I read throughout my young ages, as growing up. I have nothing against religions or religious books as long as it give us inspirations and allows us to exercise freedom to choose. It takes enormous trust in here and that is challenge we all face. but if you are loving, you just attract loving experience, never mind others tell you what to do, lets mind of our own and be happy! shall we?
I have habit going to library and bookstore through out my life. Most often, books I needed, information that is helpful to get myself through the point of life, are waiting for me. I started going online more nowadays because everything becoming digital and becoming online thing,becoming so hard to pick right one, but in my attempt ,searching, looking for right answers for me stay same. And I would all want to understand that my life, my answer is always right for me,just for me, and for nobody else,and it does not make your answer or anybody's answer any less or more. if it is different and if you like it,if you feel truly happy, if your heart feel its right,then,there is enormous value finding the answer. And then, It would lead you true happiness to share and finally you can inspire and allow others to do the same .. because when you are truly happy, there is not many thing you want to say "No" to or resist or against in this whole world. I believe there is enormous value in such inspiration if it happens between friends,there would be good friendship worthwhile to keep whole life.
cheers to freedom and friendship!!
and I love money!!
Surely there are a lot of problems regarding money and financial problems all over the world. Personal financial views and political views are basis of the problems we deal day to day now? Maybe?
Is money bad thing?
How much is OK to have?
How much is not"greedy" and how much is "appropriate"?
we all have different value and idea about money and Abraham explains that money is amount of freedom you could have in this reality. more money you have, it let you exercise financial freedom. The law of attraction states that things like it always drawn to one's experience. Inner abundances and outer abundances usually co relate and perfect balance between is point of joy and point of attraction?. therefore if keep feeling poor, it cannot attract more money till it earn and learns emotional abundance and richness. as a result, rich gets richer, and poor get poorer or stay poor. Surely as long as thinking money is root of evil, it cannot attract more money into one's experience because we all are loving happy beings at core.
I believe "expectation" do create its future and value and belief create its experiences and learning. As long as believing money is root of evil, it is hard to attract. I believe root of people are good and we all are here to learn and attract good thing at free will. Sometimes it is so free that some people create bondage to self in order to experience something,or to have financial freedom. if there is contradiction,it often create agony that cannot be solve by money in life and it is interesting.? Maybe?
Freedom is hardest right to practice and exercise. We all have choice to make time to time to be smart or to be stupid. to be good or to be bad temporally in order to find perfect balance to the situation, to life moment at that time. We all are imperfect and all kinds of being allows us to be imperfect, loving being here on earth being so free.
Fact is, More appreciate, more we receive the thing, the good thing. We all know that what is right and what is wrong all the time. When you do good to someone, you feel good to your heart, when you are mean to someone, you feel discord to your heart. the degree differentiate person to person and it create diversity and different experiences in this physical world of experience.
To see this world wearing glasses that is colored with money or the one with colored with roses are our choice to make time to time. Analogy here is that if one thing wrong at core, could ruin everything to see. Another fact is this is perfect world designed perfectly by our superior beings that we only could try to understand the loving intention as human forever..
Abraham explains that there is no right or wrong answer about anything. However,It does not mean there is no distinction between good or bad. if you focus on good, you would receive good in the experience. It means there is no firm guideline to decide good thing to do (good behaviors) or bad thing to(bad behaviors) exist. what is right and wrong differentiate person to person and situation to situation. And if there is wrong things done in this life personally, we all are made to pay the price somewhere sometime at individual level of experiences because own life is responsibility of nobody else but you. To decide the payment is not our job because we all are imperfect being.
Religion,politics,any books and people who give you directions of life, how to live life, cannot be any excuses for any wrong behaviors of own. They are just hint to live and to make a choice for yourself.
If life were to be a blank book to be filled out, those direction and ideas are just hint to start drawing, start writing. If you like the idea, love the idea, it would be drawn into the life experiences and if you do not like the idea, it would also drawn into the experience to fill the book. focus is power of thought. the book is meant to be filled with colors and content. Personally, I prefer love story and story of adventures away from the religious book or school textbooks of how toes. There is usually love and discoveries in my favorite books. Those were what I read throughout my young ages, as growing up. I have nothing against religions or religious books as long as it give us inspirations and allows us to exercise freedom to choose. It takes enormous trust in here and that is challenge we all face. but if you are loving, you just attract loving experience, never mind others tell you what to do, lets mind of our own and be happy! shall we?
I have habit going to library and bookstore through out my life. Most often, books I needed, information that is helpful to get myself through the point of life, are waiting for me. I started going online more nowadays because everything becoming digital and becoming online thing,becoming so hard to pick right one, but in my attempt ,searching, looking for right answers for me stay same. And I would all want to understand that my life, my answer is always right for me,just for me, and for nobody else,and it does not make your answer or anybody's answer any less or more. if it is different and if you like it,if you feel truly happy, if your heart feel its right,then,there is enormous value finding the answer. And then, It would lead you true happiness to share and finally you can inspire and allow others to do the same .. because when you are truly happy, there is not many thing you want to say "No" to or resist or against in this whole world. I believe there is enormous value in such inspiration if it happens between friends,there would be good friendship worthwhile to keep whole life.
cheers to freedom and friendship!!
and I love money!!
health and illness and wellness
I would like to keep things private and I like it that way as much as possible. I do not like putting much personal information online or disclosing private matters. But there are somethings I 'd like to share,so here is my attempt.
I believe that health, both physical and emotional health is very important. I realized that when I was affected by disease called " moyamoya disease". It is a disease that affect brain and the brain arteries affecting blood flow all over the brain.My condition was close to "having a stroke" gradually. and yes I am still alive.
Since then I lost many functions that normal people would enjoy being granted day to day and it slowed me downed a lot about everything. I think slower, understand slower,talk slower. My life changed dramatically and it took almost ten year to feel that I gain sense of being myself,yet also feel still long way to go to gain confidence myself like I used to have.
And unfortunately, I still am in the process of the recovery at some level and probably it is never ending effort to maintain the health and wellness I could assume about my physical body right now. So yes I know how important it is to be healthy and how important it is to keep physical body good and well.
I also started believe that inner, psychological wellness maybe directly related to outer physical well being. And also believe that treatment and healing are the two different issues.
Stress and resistance to be well and compassionate and lovable to others maybe probably major cause of many illness including cancer and other hard to treat diseases. Healing always come from within and treatment seems to be almost supplemental sometimes. yet when affected brain directly, thought and sense toward life changes and the process might changes,too?, it is hard to maintain things positive and healthy,but every bit of challenges so far gave me gift and reward from life itself. At least that is how I would like to believe. Trust me that it is easy to tell,but nothing really was easy to do.
I find myself to be grumpy lately and started taking care myself by eating healthier and regularly now. I do yoga and go take a walk regularly in order to keep myself active and keep my high blood pressure in control and for other medical issues.
I try and love to take diet nutritional supplement and what my friend recommended recently was very impressive and I would like to share the information and hope everybody get to listen his inspirational speech that comes with product for free. I truly inspired by his speech and the philosophy.
Among Asian countries, there is idea and philosophy that food and medicines comes from same source and it is often employed in oriental foods and medicine. I like the expression that when you plant vitamin pill, nothing grow,but when you plant a seed, it grow naturally gracefully and have beautiful flowers.. why not started eating them more..
I personally believe both Western and astern medicine if you could choose best way time to time, its best and I love both meat and vegetables.
Another medical issue I have dealing for long is called PCOS and I have problem with hormone balance and it creates so much enormous stress itself really and I found very helpful blog the other day and would like to share it. She is very inspirational and I admires her a lot. (not sure it is OK to post link on blog normally or not,but I hope she do not mind. She is gorgeous and radiant!!
I believe that health, both physical and emotional health is very important. I realized that when I was affected by disease called " moyamoya disease". It is a disease that affect brain and the brain arteries affecting blood flow all over the brain.My condition was close to "having a stroke" gradually. and yes I am still alive.
Since then I lost many functions that normal people would enjoy being granted day to day and it slowed me downed a lot about everything. I think slower, understand slower,talk slower. My life changed dramatically and it took almost ten year to feel that I gain sense of being myself,yet also feel still long way to go to gain confidence myself like I used to have.
And unfortunately, I still am in the process of the recovery at some level and probably it is never ending effort to maintain the health and wellness I could assume about my physical body right now. So yes I know how important it is to be healthy and how important it is to keep physical body good and well.
I also started believe that inner, psychological wellness maybe directly related to outer physical well being. And also believe that treatment and healing are the two different issues.
Stress and resistance to be well and compassionate and lovable to others maybe probably major cause of many illness including cancer and other hard to treat diseases. Healing always come from within and treatment seems to be almost supplemental sometimes. yet when affected brain directly, thought and sense toward life changes and the process might changes,too?, it is hard to maintain things positive and healthy,but every bit of challenges so far gave me gift and reward from life itself. At least that is how I would like to believe. Trust me that it is easy to tell,but nothing really was easy to do.
I find myself to be grumpy lately and started taking care myself by eating healthier and regularly now. I do yoga and go take a walk regularly in order to keep myself active and keep my high blood pressure in control and for other medical issues.
I try and love to take diet nutritional supplement and what my friend recommended recently was very impressive and I would like to share the information and hope everybody get to listen his inspirational speech that comes with product for free. I truly inspired by his speech and the philosophy.
Among Asian countries, there is idea and philosophy that food and medicines comes from same source and it is often employed in oriental foods and medicine. I like the expression that when you plant vitamin pill, nothing grow,but when you plant a seed, it grow naturally gracefully and have beautiful flowers.. why not started eating them more..
I personally believe both Western and astern medicine if you could choose best way time to time, its best and I love both meat and vegetables.
Another medical issue I have dealing for long is called PCOS and I have problem with hormone balance and it creates so much enormous stress itself really and I found very helpful blog the other day and would like to share it. She is very inspirational and I admires her a lot. (not sure it is OK to post link on blog normally or not,but I hope she do not mind. She is gorgeous and radiant!!
July seventh (star festival)
We celebrate July seventh in Japan as star festival which is called tanabata. It is based on a story of love and making a wish on stars. We write a wish on the colorful paper(usually origami paper) and hang it with other ornaments on bamboo tree. It is hard to explain the origin,so here is links of wiki and Japanese site that translation tool are awesome nowadays, maybe there is no need for me to use two languages to express thing any more??
last I heard, there was several version of the stories among Asian countries. Here is the link
Orihime (織姫, Weaving Princess?), daughter of the Tentei (天帝, Sky King, or the universe itself?), wove beautiful clothes by the bank of the Amanogawa (天の川, Milky Way, lit. "heavenly river"?). Her father loved the cloth that she wove and so she worked very hard every day to weave it. However, Orihime was sad that because of her hard work she could never meet and fall in love with anyone. Concerned about his daughter, Tentei arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi (彦星, Cow Herder Star?) (also referred to as Kengyuu (牽牛?)) who lived and worked on the other side of the Amanogawa. When the two met, they fell instantly in love with each other and married shortly thereafter. However, once married, Orihime no longer would weave cloth for Tentei and Hikoboshi allowed his cows to stray all over Heaven. In anger, Tentei separated the two lovers across the Amanogawa and forbade them to meet. Orihime became despondent at the loss of her husband and asked her father to let them meet again. Tentei was moved by his daughter’s tears and allowed the two to meet on the 7th day of the 7th month if she worked hard and finished her weaving. The first time they tried to meet, however, they found that they could not cross the river because there was no bridge. Orihime cried so much that a flock of magpies came and promised to make a bridge with their wings so that she could cross the river. It is said that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies cannot come and the two lovers must wait until another year to meet.
This is online book sort of link from Japan
ans I love this song
When you wish upon a star
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
last I heard, there was several version of the stories among Asian countries. Here is the link
Orihime (織姫, Weaving Princess?), daughter of the Tentei (天帝, Sky King, or the universe itself?), wove beautiful clothes by the bank of the Amanogawa (天の川, Milky Way, lit. "heavenly river"?). Her father loved the cloth that she wove and so she worked very hard every day to weave it. However, Orihime was sad that because of her hard work she could never meet and fall in love with anyone. Concerned about his daughter, Tentei arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi (彦星, Cow Herder Star?) (also referred to as Kengyuu (牽牛?)) who lived and worked on the other side of the Amanogawa. When the two met, they fell instantly in love with each other and married shortly thereafter. However, once married, Orihime no longer would weave cloth for Tentei and Hikoboshi allowed his cows to stray all over Heaven. In anger, Tentei separated the two lovers across the Amanogawa and forbade them to meet. Orihime became despondent at the loss of her husband and asked her father to let them meet again. Tentei was moved by his daughter’s tears and allowed the two to meet on the 7th day of the 7th month if she worked hard and finished her weaving. The first time they tried to meet, however, they found that they could not cross the river because there was no bridge. Orihime cried so much that a flock of magpies came and promised to make a bridge with their wings so that she could cross the river. It is said that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies cannot come and the two lovers must wait until another year to meet.
This is online book sort of link from Japan
ans I love this song
When you wish upon a star
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true