Happy birthday “me!”
Today is my 38th birthday.
In my life, I have lived in two countries and today, I was able to welcome the day with this much health and condition which is quite miraculous if anyone know how I came through my illness and recovery and rehabilitation and other events. I am grateful that I had so many people and help time to time whenever I needed. When I was end of 20's, I was so eager to stay young and fresh,so scared to get older without accomplishing anything in my life. I used to be ambitious woman with high pride and high ideal. I worked very hard, not knowing what I really wanted, I seemed have had goal, which I was never really aware of. My goal was to live the day to become thirty five. And now I know I did accomplish that three years ago, what I set my mind at one point of my life. After that year, there are so many discoveries about myself and continuous events that are mysterious and unknown. It was scary and confusing. Just because it was something no one could ever predict or expect. One thing for sure is that no matter how hard, how painful that was, it was just worth living the time.. Not much to waste or feel bad about! I may have seen arrogant selfish to some, but I was doing my best putting whole my life at stake,and I am still alive. I feeling nothing other than a bit of accomplishment just by “living” the time. It was a big dream of many people and I am grateful about all the help and support, both visible,invisible, noticed,and unnoticed,unfolded, or still yet to come, . If my appreciation was not enough for the understanding, please forgive me. I do know that I cannot come this far alone. At this point of life, my main discovery is that life is worth living for fun and something unknown reason no matter how it looks at one point of life.
My birthday wish for this day, this year is wishing myself to be happy. To be the happiest being on this earth. So I can share what I have, what I am blessed with most which is love and goodness, the understanding that exist within me as a part of this greatness of the world we share and live together day to day.. everyday.
I also wish to inspire to see how great this world really is, how to get most of the life each are blessed and here to enJOY...
May your god,(God) bless you all and be happy with me. That would be lovely. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing.. love to my friends..
hope you are with me with this my personal day..
Today is my 38th birthday.
In my life, I have lived in two countries and today, I was able to welcome the day with this much health and condition which is quite miraculous if anyone know how I came through my illness and recovery and rehabilitation and other events. I am grateful that I had so many people and help time to time whenever I needed. When I was end of 20's, I was so eager to stay young and fresh,so scared to get older without accomplishing anything in my life. I used to be ambitious woman with high pride and high ideal. I worked very hard, not knowing what I really wanted, I seemed have had goal, which I was never really aware of. My goal was to live the day to become thirty five. And now I know I did accomplish that three years ago, what I set my mind at one point of my life. After that year, there are so many discoveries about myself and continuous events that are mysterious and unknown. It was scary and confusing. Just because it was something no one could ever predict or expect. One thing for sure is that no matter how hard, how painful that was, it was just worth living the time.. Not much to waste or feel bad about! I may have seen arrogant selfish to some, but I was doing my best putting whole my life at stake,and I am still alive. I feeling nothing other than a bit of accomplishment just by “living” the time. It was a big dream of many people and I am grateful about all the help and support, both visible,invisible, noticed,and unnoticed,unfolded, or still yet to come, . If my appreciation was not enough for the understanding, please forgive me. I do know that I cannot come this far alone. At this point of life, my main discovery is that life is worth living for fun and something unknown reason no matter how it looks at one point of life.
My birthday wish for this day, this year is wishing myself to be happy. To be the happiest being on this earth. So I can share what I have, what I am blessed with most which is love and goodness, the understanding that exist within me as a part of this greatness of the world we share and live together day to day.. everyday.
I also wish to inspire to see how great this world really is, how to get most of the life each are blessed and here to enJOY...
May your god,(God) bless you all and be happy with me. That would be lovely. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing.. love to my friends..
hope you are with me with this my personal day..
。これから出会う人に私の過去38年がどうであったかと、説明するのは 一言で言うには長すぎるような短すぎるような年月であるのだけれど、よく生き延びてきたと自分をほめてあげたいというのが本当のところ。
アメリカに来る直前、私は自分に手紙を書いた。なにがあっても自分の人生が、自分が一番大事だと。その現実は絶対に甘くはないし、つらくなる。だから今しか 行動に出るしかないと。自分で後悔する前に自分で自分にメッセージを送っていた。それは必要なときたびたび手に触れるように私の前に出てきて何度も私を救ったのだった。誕生日ごとに自分へのメモを書く習慣が最近の私にはあったのだけれど、その時のメモ以上の有意義なメッセージは以来書けてはいない。
以前は言葉が怖くて仕方なかったのに、いつからだろう、私はまた書いている。人を傷つけるかもしれない言葉、人に誤解を与え得る可能性を持つ言葉、絶対誰にも見せない、分け合わないと固く心に決めながらも書いていた若いときの私のメモ、言葉。この数年、一番私を救ったのは自分自身の書いた その小さなメモ、個人的な感情を描いた詩だった。どのような過程で私がそれらを書いていたのか、 不思議に思えて仕方ない。この世界にはまだまだたくさんの奇跡があるということの証かもしれないから、私は今日も一言書いておきたい。
アメリカに来る直前、私は自分に手紙を書いた。なにがあっても自分の人生が、自分が一番大事だと。その現実は絶対に甘くはないし、つらくなる。だから今しか 行動に出るしかないと。自分で後悔する前に自分で自分にメッセージを送っていた。それは必要なときたびたび手に触れるように私の前に出てきて何度も私を救ったのだった。誕生日ごとに自分へのメモを書く習慣が最近の私にはあったのだけれど、その時のメモ以上の有意義なメッセージは以来書けてはいない。
以前は言葉が怖くて仕方なかったのに、いつからだろう、私はまた書いている。人を傷つけるかもしれない言葉、人に誤解を与え得る可能性を持つ言葉、絶対誰にも見せない、分け合わないと固く心に決めながらも書いていた若いときの私のメモ、言葉。この数年、一番私を救ったのは自分自身の書いた その小さなメモ、個人的な感情を描いた詩だった。どのような過程で私がそれらを書いていたのか、 不思議に思えて仕方ない。この世界にはまだまだたくさんの奇跡があるということの証かもしれないから、私は今日も一言書いておきたい。
いつも知りたくなかったし、今私の心はまだまだ疲れてるから、夢も悪夢も時に見分けがつかなかったりもする。もう少しもう少し。ゆっくりと時間を過ごせるように時間をもっと楽しめるようになれたら、私はもっと明るく輝くだろうしもっと明るい展望が私にも皆にもみえてくるのだと思う。今はまだまだ力不足でも、 もう少し見守ってほしいかな。