
Nature of abundance

I truly believe that nature of abundance exist within the action of giving,and letting go.
 I do not hold on to painful thought too much, at least I tried to.
  In this three years of my spiritual journey, it was all about deprivation.It was my freedom, my decision making power,my faith, my spirituality, worldly happiness and worldly success, financial freedom, freedom to utilize reality and my abilities I was blessed, born with.constantly battling whether to give up my fight or not pushing against such control. Its safe and  fakely , superficially protected.  so hard to let this fake reality go, but I am very realistic.  Knowing how things would go failure,knowing there is room for success or improvement, I  cannot voice myself.

In this country,in my journey there were not much expectation for me to live or survive, or live in joy.
  If this is all Christianity is about, I am deeply disappointed.  though I am willing and hoping to find my way to be successful.
 Hope to find my way to next destination to  find  and start  next phase of my spiritual journey.

I  need a messenger who could guide me to somewhere in the middle East region. Not or permanent stay at this point. I  just need to know things  and pick up something where it  left off last time from the region directly.

If nothing is ready, then I need provision, my own perspective, and If something are ready, I would like to know  how to find a way  to bring  success to the region as whole.

I do not wish to be engage in losing battle. I want success and most peaceful yet joyous process to the end of..  I want everybody to know that this may not finish in my life time, but  if we have good beginning, good start, we will have something to carry on, something good to hand over  to next generations to come.

I need people who could support me emotionally and financially supporting my life in general for this new journey.  I hope to find such people.



because my dream is in the air
I can not  keep crying
 because my desire is in my  reach
 I have to keep going
 because pain is pain if you  try to feel it
  My reason being here is my business
 because  I have to carry on
I have to let the all of burden go
  time out of love
 time out of possibilities
  losing site of all,
 time out
 still see the rainbow of hope
 before the flood
 because I know
because I always know
 your expectation is unproductive
  power of one man is hopeless
  power of tyrant is useless
power of the change lies on faith of people
  power of the change lies on desire of people
for  the change
for the peace
   when  the wall that divide East and West collapsed
  we saw the possibilities of humanity
 when  hot yet cold  war  was over
  we saw the possibilities of humanity
  it is natural flow of the desire for peace and harmony

not one person initiated or crashed down the wall of Berlin

not one person tried to end the cold war
  we all just made effort as whole
power of human is like a piece of dust
 my reason being here is time of being

Its just part of my journey
 If you see something more
  I will change the flow
If you see something less
 I will expand it to  something good

scars on the wall do not bleed like body
   scars on my arm heal itself someday
  blessing of the divine
  scaredd like picture perfect  tattoo
 maybe it look like a star filled with  flowers
graffiti for peace
I  am here
 not crying  for the spilt milk
out in the Milky way.

I am here
 not caring pain of others they may receive
 being ignorant
 uncontrollable pain
 No one   know the real hell
 No one knows the real pain of life
  I can give you all as my guidance
  soul speaks more than words
  I am standing here
As  my soul  weep,
will learn possibilities of my self
 will see power of people
faith of people
 that never changes
 goodness of the picture
  just because I have to keep going
  abandoning all the burden and pains.



Well, here I am

I hope everybody know and understand that my effort trying to help criminals(people who committed bad actions) were my kidding
.Just kidding or could be serious. What do YOU think?
My writing, expression ,Its good guidance to follow. Country of  Japan always know what to follow, how to follow my advice.  not always better for my life, and wondering why I do not want to be there without doing one critical thing.

In my opinion, Jesus Christ was asshole,son of bitch who created  mess in the size of the world
 In American expression, I could only find right words to describe. which there are not any expression in my language..  I am borrowing expression that is most  appropriate.
Well drama is drama, enough is enough.
Of course I am kidding
  In my language, there is saying in my culture that there is no medicine for stupidity; death and dying only cure the deadly disease..Maybe Christianity got something right, but HOW WE BRING REAL death?
pushing the Nuclear missile all at once?

everybody want things to be real and honest and truthful.
 So what are our solutions?

following a wrong map and get burned at the destination, feel burned with what they found was old Christianity.
If I give you right map,right guidance, good path to take, could it be better? Can we do it right and get to where everybody be  OK..?
perfection is lost, damages have done,I am so torn physically.everybody feeling lost.
Is there anybody who want to be on my side?

so fucking tired...Please someone STOP this madness of Christianity!!!
Whether you all believe or not,I am the  last  chance to straighten Christianity.both old and new.


I don't care just need money , resource for my work and my day

I don't support unethical activity or do not support stealing or wrong doing. wrong behaviors.
 Knowing it  is bad,and   illegal doing it anyway is  always wrong behavior. When you do not know what is bad and what is good, you are just stupid innocent where nothing go right or nothing go wrong,nothing to regret nothing to accomplish.
After all the blog activity I wrote and kept records, its sad to see that nothing had changed.  No improvement or no changes to be recognized.
I  do not mind providing my copyright of my work when time is right and  if it is right person to provide for.
   I see this current situation is so messed up because of personally biased e management of things and my life.
Here is my offering.  Eventually, I will  provide my cop right  to certain person who can utilize the asset,however, before I receive financial  benefit and income resulted from this  asset, nothing cannot go further. sex for money is OK as long as it is fun.  Its personal choice to obtain any woman. It is his life, that do not belong to mine.  As long  as I receive my asset that sustain my life independently he can wait  or postpone his sex until I started liking him to cause enough  affection or permanent separation for good.
 If they are intend  to keep  my asset as there  are, they must provide immediate asset access to those  asset accordingly.
And organization must be  firm about  securing my financial life, life  security standard to be as same as them or equal in quality in the term of   standard of life.
  Are you F kidding? I was the one who created  things to be read.  without my work, there was nothing to sell or manage.  I wanted  people to "find "It did not meant to  force the flow of curiosity or natural organic flow of human nature. If anything  there were to be "work",everybody who  touched  my work to make money  ruined core of my intention.
You all ruined many years of spiritual work which was done more than you all know or understand.  the damage is huge and its done   to the core.
More than anything,   my good faithful intention and   devotion for success got ruined. I should be the one asking total compensation of the damage done so far.  It was guaranteed success. yet everybody  had wrong foot and start.   No one can justify my life damage and  damage of my work  to the core no matter what. When people  make conscious  decision to justify my pain as reasonable,  everything go astray.

I am here to change direction from course of self destruction  to course of productive. my life is(represent) your life, your life really is my life

Just make avenue for me to have the eight million dollars. and  each will deal with own action taking money   spending time as much as I do.
  Got that baby?
 you don't know what you want yet
 you could keep your own life and my part of life. and when time comes, I will gladly give  what you need to feel safe and secure. we maybe together we may not.
I hope to know why you are in my life
 Its sad to see, you wanted that  so badly and plotted killing me for the money??
 bit sad, but everybody  have moment of desperation.
Just like one day in our past

 you can buy my copyright for eight Million and how about adjusting  things between the  two of you?
 I will want to write something fun.   done with online publishing spirituality that kept causing temptation for stealing to others.  I would  like independent people to work with me  and publish it  straight to hard copy.

Politically, I made decision to stay neutral. for both domestic or foreign issues.
 I do understand that my opinion is eccentric and my view of things are eccentric and provoking. as long as I feel safe ad secure  I will keep providing guidance and financial emotional political support.
  Not intending to stop any flow of things.  but if change were to be called upon, please let me know time to time
 I acknowledge the power of my thought and voice. but I just cannot commit anything  any project knowing its going to  blow up ending up failure.
 I hope to have understanding  of my  decision making ability. Its not perfect, but I know when it work, when its not gonna work. how it works, how its not gonna work.
 I hope people to know that I do not like responsibilities and my size of conscious, this much of confident voice really  is temporally astrologically stated and it will change time to time.  I hate to feel wasting my time unable to utilize  what I see and what I am capable of right now.
  Please know that things were  not set to this way. Everything you all have and enjoy day to day  are supposed to be my resource and tool to be utilized for bigger intention and project for  such  auspicious time for me.whenever luck was on my side for bigger success we just blew it one by one.  you all wasted my luck for success.  sex does not define my success.  and everybody crazy over who does what and when?  What F going on?
I hope you all get smart and become productive  enough to make things happen for my financial,my  life  security.
 If he  is capable of accomplishing,playing  my role, I would  gladly give  him the role and the authority  to manage things. but I want success.  all of "work"and productive things so far is done by me.
  started thinking  feeling  helpless in partnership.  maybe not meant to work together. If so,   we could be productive accepting the fact?
 I hope to see how world look like for me.
 It was all way to prospective as whole world before I found out betrayal of people.

well I offered solution.as always
what happened cannot be changed
what we can change is our future
Not so  bright as used to be
 Not so much to do
My hope is faith of people who stayed in that regions.

just appreciative you all stayed there.
 God bless you all

to justifying stupid orders

The religious organization must confiscate all the financial asset that was produced by selling my  live video camera broadcasting. and the entire asset that was resulted from my blog record keeping activity of the religious activity.
No ONE other than MYSELF should  receive or keep the financial asset.(this is primal  principle)
 the asset has to become asset of the church, and  is responsible for the management.  and the church must be responsible to  provide appropriate financial asset to my life management and enrichment for safety and healthy productive  life.This must be provided  individually in a way I have access to the entire asset utilization time to time of the need of life with support and appropriate help management  of the religious organization.
   this mean, they are responsible for management which  go  past present, future   of this occurring of the entire activity and my personal life enrichment.
  depriving choices or  forcing to take any political stands,forcing personal  life situation for particular unproductive action should not be part of their management principle.

they are responsible to attain all the means  to manage the environment. through lawsuits or  mediation or whatever it takes.   the entire asset must become asset of the church.
  No other church cannot get benefit out of this fund.( at this time)
  this management has to be transferred to  solely hands of the organizations.
No government should  be responsible and future management starting today has to go under their responsibilities.
  They must make official statement on where the organization stands about kid porn,child abuse, pornography, child molestation,  and personal right about individual sexuality.
 Any further principle must follow the principle, and all actions must abides by the  own principle and standard and the  management must prove standard of their ethical principle to the world.
It must be done based on n own conscience and belief, spiritual understanding of humanity,Christianity. Personal right and understanding of life in general based on  faithful action of individuals.
 The entire asset would be utilized to help supporting  under provided children and  woman who are in need of financial support  throughout this world. I need  evidence to see that the organization took action to  make own commitment of this justification.
 World will be the witness for their performance and  successful management.
  My faith and  hope is that  they practice it right  and help  children and woman who are inferior position.  their life improvement is first priority next first five years throughout the world.
 No  one individual SHOULD NOT be treated as I dd, had been. I am firm about my standing.
 taking the  action is crime or sinful action. as much as that, negligence to escape responsibilities  fall onto all  the witness and observers.

 This  financial report must be published  socially apolitically within five years. and published in the country of United States and is the witnesses are  responsible for its statistics and  the publication and the distribution.

 For the practicality for the legal management and to follow procedure in of stated mission  in this country,described above, the church should organization legal team for this legal justification  action in  my behalf.
 the church is now   required to take  actions in my behalf for the entire justification.
  at the same time, it is also required to provide  living asset and life support immediately.

What I want immediately is Eight million with help of direct help management of the asset.
I need an assistant who work for me and myself and the organization. this individual must be able to keep c my financial confidential information safe and intact. this person should not be a man or any individual with personal conflict in financial interest from this past  few years.
  Neutrality is firmly enforced and  personally prefer bilingual individual who can understand both Japanese and English.
Look forward meeting with you. we need to discuss copy right issue and the management.
 My desire is publishing a book.
  Core of the issue is  justification of  the entire blog asset.  To manage it in a way I can still publish my book.
 A this point, I am sole owner of the  unclaimed copyrighted work.

 because things got so messed up
I think Jesus will file the copy right of my book in my name.. and they are responsible to handed it  over to Jehovah witness.
 They are responsible for the management of the book and  at the same time, responsible to distribute the income among three of us equally. I want eight Million US dollars and the other two  will receive the same. no more or less.
Rest would belong to the organization for the management responsibilities.
 I would like it to be utilized for  goodness of the entire society that is not limited for
Christianity, or  any missionary effort, such as non profit community  development, youth and elder care,  poverty improvement for both young and old.  enrichment of  each local community education is another.
Any  philanthropic effort is what I envision and my expectation.
  Please stay away from politics and unbalanced investment effort for this asset solely.

 We look forward hearing from you.
love to visit state of Michigan, East coast  sometimes.:)

Dear people on the big boat

Hello. I am writing this messege to all people on the boat.
 This situation happened before.
 I suggested a party that involves everyone who love to share good time with me.
  It turned out,  because of the secrecy that insist I was a stupidest girl who was tagged, who has  no management power of money or  necessity of life, but hold power to manage whole world.
  And here I am living their expectation of being the girl.
  Its not fair to make one guy to break expectation of  the others.
 I even offed idea to milk things to make look like decent.
 My family did not give up free money , privilege, power being my family
 My friends did not want to give up  future opportunity for more work and the my asset that has spent and gone while I was blinded by the religious activity.
  to make look like all are fine, then why don't you run and broad cast  the images and information of past Crucifixion movie that is already made to the people who are online listening to my thought?
  get done with it with Pure man made ending of the activity.
 Please don't involve me to make yourself look justified in all of this.
 I can help thing to move in productive direction.
  all you have in mind is killing confinement,how to use every opportunity to make money, use my life for something other than  reasons I consciously agree with,keep the money, make justification out of my expense and out of expense of  my pain and all the  agony.

I don't know who you all  are, where  the party is, where the party is set up for.. self justifying party?
 be realistic is the advice you all need to hear.

created  artificial environment that make me  helpless ignorant yet powerful tyrant, and then every effort I make to be good, it all go shitty lacking reality to make it believable of anything.

 I play my role good, you all, just can't help burn it.
  If you all know who I am, should be able to find  realistic way to bring me to the destination.
 Who is running this whole world right now?
  and who is giving and who is taking?


closure to play devils

In my understanding, devil is a creature that is lacking love in the intentions.
 My world is free of devil.  which means I do not play with him, but  if there were to be, I have to become one that is better than the one.
  So here is my deal with my devil that exist within myself.
 I dionot have sex or any fake act just to get mony or what I want.
  rather I want to give another chance to do things right, but  more I give chances,  it becomes debt and burden when they could not function right. so I will stop that effort.

 here is my decision.
 I claim my spiritual work I posted on the blog these past three year, but not in this worldly reality which mean I give permission to John Gutkosky and Bob Ritchie to  have and utilize those resulted income ans asset. This Only could be done and authorized when I become free of their my life management and control.   there is no excuse or any governmental issues for political reasons. it is obvious that any governmental effort for solution DID NOT work for solution.
 Untill everybody witnesses my liberation, the financial asset should stay in the air and John and Bob Re the one who is fully responsible for my worldly debt I may  create.

  No marriage no particulsar relationship. is what I need. No family environment would help my restoratoion of freedom and liberation.

  I am sorry. stealing is stealing.  until it  return or do something to compensate, there is no solution or nothing to talk about,nothing to do together.
talking about love? act on love by giving expressing the love.
 cards are not everything.
 if there is good intention, I will see it if one is lucky I will see it before my death
 if there is good intention, I will see it if one is lucky enough for me to understand
  if one ids not lucky enough one will lose opportunity to say sorry and thank you.

 if there is no good intention, I do not need to be part of it, or  do not want to know anything about  it.
 devil is artificial creature to make you act  right and  good. things that make you see opposite of  the devil.
 If intention were to be no one care or take action for the stealing, intention  to act of perfect crime,

Surely such person, group of people do not belong in my life in my world.

Do not touch my heart and asset unless you could fully restore or replace it with another life that is so free and no bandages.
Upon my successful exist, John and Bob are beneficially of my asset, my inheritance.
If they want to claim it at peace, they are fully responsible for restoring my life privilege and quality of life,  life value that is equal to what they claim to own financially.
 Upon successful liberation, the inheritance becomes compensation, guilt free money

  If I still care about them or love them in same way? is depends on what process they choose to take and make.

 as long as they are doing against my wishes, there is nothing productive.

Hope they know I am more compassionate than others just being here.
 Do you job and claim or justify own actions.
nobody else can do it.

I am not filing my copyright for my blog work. It is stupid to take such action when knowing any other laws and rules stop functioning.  United States being temporary holder of my copyright make a lot more sense.
 I hope United States know how to take care thing time to time depends on  actions they take.
 result we want is  justification with compassion.

I want one million ASAP for the first installment of this justification process.  and we can see and show  how safe and  secure this country's financial s e money management is.  time to prove something to the world.

if you couldn't start from a good foot to talk first step, skip it and make peace with it.
 is how I play with my devil.
 So its time to charge up my credit and hope I get approved for my credit card application based on the reality United States live and survive.  not the reality we decided to abandon.
  Yes my income last year iway more than   a billion in this sese.
Or Icould make peace with one million going the middle.

 I am bit extreme any way. I wanted to be with John. but Until he becomes free of things he is obsessive about I don't mind playing with any of you.

 I want you Greg..untill he is free, stay with me?
I want you Bob, until l he is free, stay with me?
both are Capricorn.. true workers at heart!!

so what do you say.
do you still want to  get off with me?
 cuz I like fun..
 we can play devil to each others by eating chocolates.

just can't call it  true love any more
  that's trashed and ruined after I created it.
SEX rules now.
I love marital sex wouldn't you?





 My love, my soul mate, my another half
wanted you to know the love is real
 nothing started if his love wasn't real
 wanted you to know I wanted o help you  first
 carrying same burden of life
 wanted to share what  l have I found with you
  my family, your family
 I know they love me and you
 more than you know
  I know how much he care about you and me and and others.
 I know he care about you
 love is something invisible
 the intention is so powerful
 could be painful could be joyful to the core of being

I know you wanted love
I know you did not want  the money
 I know what  money worth
 I know how love worth
 I know how much life worth
 but when you lose meaning of life
 when you lose health, this body
 it mean nothing
reading cards mean nothing

I learned  all that  from lack of it
 living througgh the life with  pain
 sharing same burden,
 we can share good time or
 we could share only  pain
  still you  succeeded in life
 made fame and made all your dream come true
 was so proud of you to find it
   bit sad to see the tear here and there

 it is blessing and curse
meaning is value how you exchange it for something productive joyful
love, money, friendship loyalty
 as much as you hold onto the cards

 I have to, I had to  hold on to my cards I play
its not competition
love is powerful
  its just mean how we play is a lot more fun
 I just wanted you to know how much power I earned
 by finding him
 when I made a wish,
 when I  hid my tarot cards and learned  let things be
 when I choose not to use the tarot cards.
it was my beginning
 then  I found America
 everything began at that time
Yes my love is my cards I play
  He is always pure benign
 nobody really  know
 how good it is
 how powerful it is
  whtat card he is holding
 how powerful  impractical  his life is
 so impractical, but fun
  my family is filled with impractical idea
its not fire or air or soil

 its water and mud
 don't ;look good at all for rainy days

  water mean nothing if you don't wanna drink it
 water mean nothing if you are not thisty
 try to swallow fire
 did not work
 casting magic wand in air
 did not work
 waiting to grab the clouds
 I can play  fire with you
 as much as my love allowed me to do
 as much as there is water
  secure safe for you and for me
 I love you
  why don't you see?
 he loves you
 why don't you see?
 I am just a messenger to help others

I hope you know how much I respected, loved you,
 and probably  still do all and I will love you
 no matter what I see

Just stop and find love

there is a lot
 more than you know

made yourself ahead of life


Sex Sex Sex

I never said I wouldn't do it
I 'd rather WANT to do  it to make my point
I would do it  for something good
I am  up for fun
I would do it for greater good
lI would do it for fun
I would do it for joy
 I would do it for love
 I would do it for peace
 always misunderstood

I never  have had enough choices and freedom any way
choices confuse people
 not even know what is good what is bad
 not even know what is dream what is nightmare

 that kept me tiny and smart lovable poor
 So its time to tmake ends meet
 I would do it to take choices and freedom away from  my fellow children

Sex is just act of intercourse
 biological activity for having a baby
 nothing more or less
 if you call that as love you are freaking liar

 at least I would do it for my love I really wanted to do with
and then  I have decision to make
who to hurt
who to protect

majority always win
  authority always keep things in tact for safety of people
 Planet of Saturn is all about authority
 Planet of Jupiter is all about Justice
 Sex could be reward
Sex could be punishment
 full of it
 lack of it'
but it does not t matter

 money rules world
Mercury and Venus rules mind of people
to do my job, it takes tool and resource
 rain it away,
  fine by me
 wasting   life of Christ
fine by me
 life is life
 money can't buy you success
 money can't buy you love
pride pays you nothing
but let you live in moment of  grace

Why are you here on earth any away

   Sex is great answer
male? female?
  senses emotion coming together

lets have sex
and I authorize to call it "love"

declaration of love

mission o be  accomplished for this world

me and my love win
 cuz we were right
 can't trust human for the love
 we created
his nightmare is real
 his dream was real
 and then trashed
 all over again
love love love


my friend's question about ying and yang

Ying and Yang rally represent Karma and positive and negative, cause and effect and there is harmony as  a whole.  probably is main philosophy. there is good as much as bad. no matter how it seems.
 its all in balance..  opposite is good if you want to lean something from another. Astrology states that opposite sign in the  zodiac chart quite attract each other.  My sign is dominated by Jupiter and Saturn and Uranus.  My ruler is Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter and Saturn are two biggest planets in the sky. pulling each other being opposite in sky could create whole world of unease. Surely I am capable of having big arm than anyone for sure.  but my restriction, eccentricity could be as huge as generosity to  opposite factor.  
Jupiter is generous compassionate, but it is also planet of Justice..reward and punishment...sometimes necessary, sometimes not really.. I mean who want justice anyway when everybody is guilty.

 partnership being same or similar in ins, or in course of action,  is easier to go with in life travel.  I want to go East,if my mates want to go West,   we may have to compromise own desire making taking detour a lot..in my culture, there is idea changing direction, course of action, to change luck of things.  when you want to go North, but if its bad omen,you go South first and then go East or west and then head to original direction..  its changing flow of  power of mind.|it get there eventually.
 its better to stay in the core, being in love and do things together by giving each  own way
 so you can take all action in all direction.
  staying with Jesus, staying core of who you are, really means stay peaceful being positive possible to all kind of direction. we get there someday with someone. with it(him) or not with i(him)t is up to individual.  if you stay with him,the journey, being with him  would be joyous fun, fulfilling the process getting there becomes purpose and something to enjoy.nothing to pull or push. Just follow it go along with it..
beings  with him really mean figuring out who is Jesus,finding your own Jesus.and again you should know what ying and yang means to figure out things, finding him.
 he will not restricting self by fear or negative influence or unproductive expectation.
  people hardly take bad  action when being comfortable content.| only when in despair and depression, they  take all kind of unhealthy self destructive behaviors and actions
what does this mean to you and me?

that's real good question.


my love

by putting our hands on rest
let us enjoy the moment
 we did enough
  to share the moment of pure love
  we did try enough
 to share the taste of the water
  by putting our hands up in the air
 I know you be there to hold it if I fell in old trap of pain
by putting  things to rest
let us enjoy our lives
 we did enough
 love is too strong medicine for many
healing  is all about power management
 so powerful
 so mighty
  there is no instruction
there is only instinct to know what it is
in handling
 in utilizing
First moment is everything
First words is everything
 when everything is up to hands of others
  love is useless
  the   warmth is useless
  lets  rest things to  let it be
 bring  it to hands of God
  his mighty
his grace cures all of my worry and anxiety
time to let the water flow
 time to let the sky to be blue
 time to shine the light through the clouds

 you know that I belong to the Sunshine
 my heart belong to where it is
in the hands of God


save the animal effort


would you like to save animals that exist in this world?


we are looking for special donation.
this is once in life time opportunities to MAKE DIFFERENCE
to the world.

coast central credit union
coast central credit union in Eureka, CA
membership saving account
account number 185291
routing number unknown
call 1 800-922-8880 for the bank routing info