
Sex Sex Sex

I never said I wouldn't do it
I 'd rather WANT to do  it to make my point
I would do it  for something good
I am  up for fun
I would do it for greater good
lI would do it for fun
I would do it for joy
 I would do it for love
 I would do it for peace
 always misunderstood

I never  have had enough choices and freedom any way
choices confuse people
 not even know what is good what is bad
 not even know what is dream what is nightmare

 that kept me tiny and smart lovable poor
 So its time to tmake ends meet
 I would do it to take choices and freedom away from  my fellow children

Sex is just act of intercourse
 biological activity for having a baby
 nothing more or less
 if you call that as love you are freaking liar

 at least I would do it for my love I really wanted to do with
and then  I have decision to make
who to hurt
who to protect

majority always win
  authority always keep things in tact for safety of people
 Planet of Saturn is all about authority
 Planet of Jupiter is all about Justice
 Sex could be reward
Sex could be punishment
 full of it
 lack of it'
but it does not t matter

 money rules world
Mercury and Venus rules mind of people
to do my job, it takes tool and resource
 rain it away,
  fine by me
 wasting   life of Christ
fine by me
 life is life
 money can't buy you success
 money can't buy you love
pride pays you nothing
but let you live in moment of  grace

Why are you here on earth any away

   Sex is great answer
male? female?
  senses emotion coming together

lets have sex
and I authorize to call it "love"

declaration of love

mission o be  accomplished for this world

me and my love win
 cuz we were right
 can't trust human for the love
 we created
his nightmare is real
 his dream was real
 and then trashed
 all over again
love love love