
Déjà vu

Déjà vu

Things I feel contempt for

there are four things I feel strongly contempt for
1) act of reading someone's mail, letter,and diary 2)act of taking advantage of someone who is weaker in any situation 3)act of bully to weak people 4)act of making fun of anyone.

My friend once tried to explain “sins” in bible to me one time. 
I was wondering that any chance, is one of those, stealing? or taking advantages of people or bully be one of those sins?
bible sometimes feel to me like a book for "sinners" book for the people in prison for reflection.  Maybe that is why I always feel some kind of  fear about the book.
Within a year or so in my life, I witnessed and experienced so many behaviors I feel contempt for.
One day,Someone mentioned about day that Hiroshima was bombed 66 years ago, and I remembered the time I traveled through Hiroshima.  Yes. the radiation of the bomb did caused many generations problems causing long health problem in  the survivors after the war. Wars maybe now one of my contempt lists now?
Yet, I would rather argue meaning of patriotism. Since everybody did things for the war in order to “protect” own country.

According to one of the online dictionaries,Patriotism is defined by devoted love, support, and defense of one's country,national.
History taught in each country often tend to be different from simple fact in order to glorify own country's mistake or failure in attempt cultivating patriotic attitude in own people. yet real patriotism seems to be always harder to define.
Japan's emperor was believed to be descendant of god in Japanese history. However,somethings were not fully understood outside of the country.

First Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and second one was dropped on Nagasaki. And Japan surrendered officially few days later.
Why Such small country with limited resource was headed to war against the world?
It was all about divinity and resource/money called patriotism or nationalism.
Surely there were a lot of learning associate with it.

When anyone get desperate, or feel out of faith toward life, away from love and security of soul,it tend to act toward self destructive behaviors. Sometimes, it manifest as drinking alcohol,or could be drug use, could be over eating, could be starvation, could be psychiatric disease to protect something that is not characterized by physical thing. All focus tend to go toward destruction of self to end the agony itself? as it seems. It is usually done by both conscious and unconscious stupid decision making. Maybe this apply to a person to person, or to anyone, to any government, any country. And All war was wrong wasting lives, in the eyes of God, in anyone's eye and to the heart. And eventually we all  pay the price.

I believe that the peaceful constitution Japan received after the war was gift from God or from our ancestors, ,those who lost lives in the war leaving it for their future generations peace after experiencing the long painful time.

During the war time, country's emperor was worshiped and considered as country's leader,considered as “living god”. Being patriot Japanese had been referred being able to die for the emperor and the country. All the actions was done and described in the name of “god”or in divine, which was promoted by the government. Surely, to express own opinion differentiate from the authority was strictly banned and punished. -(The Clint Eastwood's movie, “letter from iwojima” could give you good idea how it was.
Each country has certain historic view about incident in own way. surely, American and Japanese shared totally different historic view. I learned the both perspective.
Many lost lives inside and outside of the country just like any other wars,
Japanese fought and died for the country,and American did the same,but there was clear difference about Japanese patriotism and the reason and attitude that American fighting for the war based on their patriotism.

All wars are wrong to begin with, but if those two atomic bombwere to be our country's wake up call to end the war,the Wake up call was not be gentle and it seemed very harsh.
But as a result, peace constitution was brought to Japanese, I would like to believe that it might have been a gift from somewhere and hope to be reminded by that intention for peace. It probably was based on tough love. Hope to share the wisdom and experience of our ancestors and godhood.
The constitution now clearly states that emperor is “symbol” of Japanese and It also states people's rights for freedom, and basic human rights are assured and included  to make sure country's peace and to keep dignity and nationality to the people.

If ending war were to be right thing,, I guess  the war, dying for the god that the government created was not right or not really god's wish. Japan maybe choose to receive “teaching” by doing something stupid attacking pearl harbor. It was just one of desperate stupidity of human kind.  It was just like stupidity of Hitler's decision and its dictatorship, action toward Jews and everybody was fighting all over the world in order to “protect” own country.

Irony of the history

Japan has long history and beautiful culture. Our country had been closed door to foreigners for a long time. That created beautiful distinctive culture of its own in artistic way, yet American battle ships were the ones who demanded our opening of the country for commerce,almost forcibly
(ref   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Ships) Well, Japanese tried to westernize the culture and attitude accordingly as a result. It just went overboard trying too hard and I am here wearing jeans and western clothes.
History bring such irony sometimes.
Japan was forced to open and led to expand and got beat down to ground. Lost war, lost everything as result of the expansion,but it made through the survival after the war.
After all, we still hold some tradition and beautiful culture. There are many good teaching we could all learn from. It was always pure,and beautiful,so much so that it always manifest in very artistic,and most often appear to be in very tragic way.  
The real  teaching and learning of Japan as a country was any man,any human cannot be or assume god or cannot act like god(God) over anyone's life or any country.
.In my pinon,government should do nothing other than providing reality check to each life and people just give enough power to do so by voting,but I like the way it is.
It creates mass conscious in the process,but without any individual giving it power, it has no significant power to anyone.   Law of attraction defines everything. Power to each is power to govern self. If each give power and focus toward love and peace, we all can live heavenly with or without government.

hear that Japan?
hear that America?