
tragedy of the war

tragedy of the war

wrong belief is almost always dangerous.
Part of Japan,Island of Okinawa ended up occupied by US for awhile after the war. Many lives in Okinawa are lost by  committing suicide.  they had forced to choose suicide before getting killed by enemy for the god's grace .They are lead to believe that suicide was the way to prove the divine and faith in God.
the emperor was believed to be descendant of god in Japanese history,but there was also history that country was saved and protected by nature god in our history. The meaning of Kamikaze was understood in most wrong way from the origin. It is fact as Wikipedia describes that it refers  name of Japan's desperate suicide mission for air attacks or the attitude being desperate. being misled in the name of something greater like ”man made god”
Its true origin of ""kamikaze" goes back to ancient history of Japan. when country was attacked by ancient country through Korean peninsula, massive storms repelled the invasion  and protected south part island at that time. The stormy wind was called “god wind” (Kami refers god in Japanese, and kaze refers wind.)
real intention and meaning of kamikaze really was divine being that protect land and the country away from people's expectation in miraculous way.

I have nothing against emperor being our country of symbol, being part of the nationality.
I love country I was born in my own way. It is beautiful and the language and expression are almost artistic.

My grandpa went to war and stationed Okinawa, yet he made back home safe. He walked through the city after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. He could not describe much about what he saw, yet he mentioned that he disliked the emperor and the government who put the country into such devastation.
My grandma told me about people who left for those kamikaze mission. The rumor was that not one of them died in the name of god or for the emperor. They died crying out for their mother. Yet during the war, no one could not say such thing being afraid of the rebel and retaliation being  “not patriotic”

There were Japanese American who fought the war,too.  They experienced hardship in different way.
they had to prove their loyalty to America more than any American.
we are so lucky to live passed those harsh history living in peace and prosperity up to this day.

when I visited Japan last time, I was on vacation and took nap a lot I had a dream about big auto accident in the middle of nowhere, rice fields. A car was deeply buried in mud a mother with two small child, was stuck in the middle of rice field. She cried out for help to get the car out of mud,but no one heard her crying out for help. People are standing far sites observing how she 's going to dig the car out. They even made excuses to refuse help nicely saying that they have to take care their own children first straight telling lies to her.

I offered help,but she refused to explain why she ran into the mud. So I just kept listening her crying yet I had to take off the scene because I realized I was making her very uncomfortable. She eventually stop asking for help to those people and carried her children out of the car and left the scene.
Later day, I searched dream interpretation. I guess god found her and helped her friends who stand by her side honestly and gave lesson to the others.