
Japanese government and me Sep16

I really do not know what is going on.  former friends of mine, who is Japanese seems to be scared of going back to their home country.  And My parents were like captured hostages  kept telling me they cannot support me, support my life, and I believe that is message from Japanese government that them saying  they do not support me or  believing me.
If those decision they made were  right, things should have been better.  I am having trouble understanding why they want to pressures  me to stay within Japan. Do they want oil?Or
My messege I received last year was until they do the right thing, I should not help them.  Of course Japan is  a country that is not familiar with Christianity.    How can I offer a help when they are the one who betrayed humanity and they are the people who do not believe what I say and do?
I think them believing Buddhism allow them to think they are special "exception" and they  could dictate my life and other countries? Sure they prepared a lot.Yet I never heard the truth  who did how and what intention.
Sometimes I fear they have remote control to end my life by a snap of switch.. yet my friends  think I am getting  a little paranoid.  yet what I might have on my brain is really bothering.- I say "might" because it is invisible yet I feel it all the time.it makes me really negative and feel fear about Japanese and   people in general.

Japan's attitude is like "you are (I am)  nothing more than a dog just like medically  treated in Japan about  ten years ago, but we need a   puppet to control the country and let Japan survive, so  must come back to Japan"-- thats  what I heard today.
 If I die sooner than anyone predicted,its Japan's fault? and their plan?   I am so stressed out and torn since last summer. I did best I could do this country to survive. Who is telling me the truth?Who is on my side?
I want to live my life
wanted to travel all over the world,
wanted to share love and wisdom I found in this process of receiving my revelation.
 Please help my intention.  till there is a sign Japan is heading to better, right direction  I  can offer no help to the country, I  know  and feel that they would take me away by force if they get away with it.so many things they are trying to get away. 
I hope to hear some good news.
Please inform me better whoever could  do
thank you

Good luck to Japan
I feel a little bad about  help I asked and Japan received so many good prayers from all over the world when there was such big earthquake in March. Of course,my asking for help here was  little,and was nothing to do with me as they claim. yet why do they care so much  and want me so desperately?
I will go Middle east before I go to Japan.  thats my honest statement at this point