I have been wondering many questions. Why do I have to be treated this way which is no way closer to decent standards of living or above poverty level since the year 2010. I did best to have faith in good in any given circumstances. believed everything I heard and experienced. I did not choose anything consciously. Everybody made decision how to take advantaged of my life here and there and for some reasons, I am the one who get blamed for their life decision.
I do not mind sharing things even food or money if I have enough. but how come everybody know my thought and thought process what I like and what I don't like and what I need with common sense in the idea. How come , nothing has been working productively?
all I witness is sex business selling my life, my body, personal right invaded and secretive contract,, naked images, my privileged of life damaged and stolen behind my back. It occurred here in my old apartment, and it happened more in Japan for financial reasons of my family.
Here is what I want. I want my life to be separated from the families who have entanglements and contracts regarding my love life and my work. They cannot make money selling me,selling my naked body for sex, or life, out of my conscious consent.
they cannot post my naked pic or video or image online or sell or receive money for my sex life.
I mean please, if they have perfect crime situation, know they would get away with action, without letting me know, they would have to commit the perfect crime. It is war time for survival. they would have to work for majority to make themselves look good. for money? even make it sure reasons.
If only they could understand what is abuse and what is manipulation, what is ethical what is not, none of these had happened. What I know is that serial killers would keep killing until it get caught and unable to do the act again. I think, in spiritual sense,and in my understanding, they are always waiting to get caught. commit crime People are made o love peace and live in peace. elimination chance to commit crime is sometimes only solution. I mean that's how parents teach own child how to live and be around the cars and highways.
They have my contact information, if they are willing to straighten out things. they know where to send check too. as far as my trust goes, they are not untitled to manage my asset. and I do not trust them as much as they do not have to care or trust me.
Making one crazy so they can look OK and take advantage of? someone like that is not my family.
I want the religious organization to get hold of the revelation papers I wrote in the summer of 2010. My cards indicated that is in hands of Japanese government which my family and parents received monetary contribution from.
I really would like to know who is F ing me, who is not since the summer. Hope everybody understand why I would like to stay in the United States.
I want to reside in United States.I want life security, both physical and financial where that allows me to create garden for my recovery and to rest and sleep safe In order to make physical recovery without financial concern or security concern for both political and personal reasons.
Men's sexual desire is threat to my day most often and I need my private space to feel safe and protected. Even if it means I have to be alone. friends both man and woman are always welcomed and I love to interact and meet anyone outside of my bedroom any time.
after publishing my book, my most of the religious work seems to be done. I wish to retire in comfort and safe setting. My main focus is to recover psychologically and spiritually. my ex seems to need some time to recover from the stress these past years. I started thinking it might be best to stay as friends for our health problems. I trust him for his fairness,and love but not for men's sexual intentions I might need more friends for my side.
I want religious organization to take the role of providing such opportunity through my ex husband or whom I could trust. rather Japanese government.
, At this point, all I witness was imprisonment done by my family that is resulted from my family's need for money, loyalty to Japan, country to the Japanese government. I need to be free and away from such entanglement.What they did was not right or safe in no way.
They WORK too hard to sacrifice my life and my free will for money and for the country. The imprisonment condition is not acceptable by me. Japanese government knowing what they are doing, but could not take any action for the sake of personal rights of family, neglecting my safety and health behind the door is not acceptable.
My family cannot be part of my work, my life, or influence any more. They do anything for money and salary from the government keeping me in Japan. More importantly, I want to live in the United States. that is my next spiritual work take place.It does not mean I decided not going to help other country other than United States. Please show some honest gesture and intentions. after publishing my book, there is not much reasons for me to keep carrying chip set in my heads. I cannot wait for the day of surgery. At this point of my life, I trust and love people who knows me before my brain got affected.
I am open for a new good loyal friendship any time.
financial security, my work security, and my life security are my concerns and hope to get back ALL of them.
Its so sad that NOT many people actually KNOWs me.I am more giving than taking. I am pretty generous for a woman who live such life situation.
still love to travel and see things lovely, but not really looking into taking chances to be used sexually unless there is true interaction and love interest that click my heart.
I want life security mostly financial and life security / environment that make me feel protected and safe.
taking my life privileged away from my life choice, making me believe things are normal and making me feel like I am the one who do not comply the religious rules and regulation, common sense do not work, when I am the core of the religious idea.
they created the activity, they made decision to alter my life decision,which was all done out of my conscious consent. Please start taking responsibility in realistic sense. I would take care your spiritual needs if you any of you desired.if you are sincere enough I will see it through forgiveness comes naturally to me.
money is very important aspect of life in this reality. Hope to see gesture of what you really thinking of my life. could be less or more?
I never met Jesus Christ in my life. I never know what is appropriate life for him financially.
hope it is above standard/ norm