
on the beach

on the beach

you told me not to care other than love
blinded by the sunshine of the windshield of your car
I had no words
I had no proof
 blinded by the possible shadow,
you chose to live for different path
  Path left on the sand was your foot step
standing on the side of beach,
I see the remain of the day

to guide me to let me live
along the shore line,
now I see nothing other than the path
  hope you are happy
 hope you did  good in the path
hope you prepared me for that day
hope I am following your path good
for good or for bad
 nobody know
as long as you are happy
 it counts
 money cannot buy happiness
 money cannot buy love
it counts but not enough
  priceless power of love
 and in the memory
  love and appreciation for your pain and suffering

Now I am with you