I have been writting to you through White house web site.
But where I am here, in humboldt,I don't think Jewish people like my contacting youor expressing my view through mail or online communication.I h Ihaven't seen my boyfriend for a long long time. Jewish try to kill him inorder totake his place, making me alone and helpless. I doubt you ever received my messege.
Anyway,I just would lie you to know thattrue National guard and volunteers of locals in this area are doing nice job protecting my life environment.
I have an issue I need you to deal or solve conflict that affect my life deeply.
There are many law professional and Jewish people who claime themselves as your friends. And they worked very hard on practicing your authority to everybody in this town.
This place is very unique and most everybody used to know each other entire community being harmoniuous peaceful.
But Since the group of people who claim as your friendscoming to town, this community is filled with distust and deception.
Most public restroom are closed to be mean and hateful to homeless on the street. They act like or treat authentic local people mean. community has been putting up with this " "Friends of President" group for long.
Their influence to my life management had been so harsh so mean. I am spending night on the street now.
Well, in my opinion, outside of the designed shelter became safer than being spending time with Jewish people or people with Jewish mind. It was such danger.
Because of these your "friends",There are so many fake ID visitors in town.
Drug and alcohol are always trouble in this town.But now even being questioned by officers, they claim themselves family of famous politician holding fake IDs, local law enforcement cannot take productive actions or maintain safety for me and others.
Respect for rules, laws,trust in lawsand rights are significantly low and not functioning at all.
Many visitors act and claim "local",or act like livinghere long enough to claim walfare program benefit.
but I don't really believe any of them are truthful. They are all got handsome looks well groomed, AllI saw at thewelfare parking arebeautiful ladieswith thrift sorire clothes andboth man and woman are all good looking enought to be holywood movie stars or musicians.
your "friends" and those self claim local "hollywood stars" are creating such conflict in this town.
People who disguise themself homeless/ nationalguard and true local people arehaving hard time protecting me from drugging and kidnapping sometimes. Its very hard to prevent yet, people are working hard protecting me every day.
Please give me the answer about things
Are these people who holds fake ID, allAre they your friends or family that are related to them?
I am sure national gurds here can verify what their fake ID saidand issued, but cannot really identify true identity,in respect to you, President Obama.
I mean people here accepted somehow that those people are related to politicians who stayed in Whitehouse before. But We have no evidence.
It is also known fact that, this is first bus stop to lrelease ex convicts after first release. There is good possibilities that those are not your friends but con artist who seek aset of mine from Japan and from me,by acting like your friends. Those people caused all kind of argument and distrust in this community.
Local people really want all of them to be out of this area, humboldt county. Or I want them to.
They insist staying in my life vicinityso bad untill their kidnap scheme is successful or steal good amount of money successful. I do not understand mentality of such con artists.
As humboldt county, we appreciate help from nationalgurd in order to protect me, my life vicinity, but we don't want hollywood stars and those selfclaimed" your friends" "friends of President" in this community.
Please identify each of them. Or give permission tolocal government to treat themas "Con artist.
Please help making my life vicinity safer.
Those group of people stopped my function of credit cards, accessing personal information of most of the local people, looking for opotunity to steal or make money through accident and vandalizing valuable things.
Jewish eople seemes to be taking leadership in this tact.
We all are in pain unable to manage this situation. Please help me and do something to remove all of the harmful people out of my life vicinity, out of humboldt.
mind reading device swiitchtchbord and core program is in hands of jews, use of fake IDs making it impossible to secure anything in my life environment.Disabled people with Jewish mind come to my day gives me threat and surprises.( theres is no reliability in those people or no firm set responsibility in Jewish people)
My friend took action on y credit card compsny, I don't understand intentions of "your friends". desire to rape me or money,keep me on the street, a kidnap intent,desire for ransome money,desire for free money .. I just cannot understand it.
Even this community's top official cannot do anything even if they "know"what they are "thinking and planning"
Please identify all the fake ID, self called friends of President. Democrat?maybe maybe not.
Please be sure to move them out of life vicinity.
I want this country's government, nationalguard, lawenforcement to ARREST those who took role in raping in my unconscous. Ialso want all the sexual assault hapened in this town by them to be recorderd as sexual predetors, and be prosecuted.
I made my own claim at police department which they canot take action for the sake of friends of President.
But where I am here, in humboldt,I don't think Jewish people like my contacting youor expressing my view through mail or online communication.I h Ihaven't seen my boyfriend for a long long time. Jewish try to kill him inorder totake his place, making me alone and helpless. I doubt you ever received my messege.
Anyway,I just would lie you to know thattrue National guard and volunteers of locals in this area are doing nice job protecting my life environment.
I have an issue I need you to deal or solve conflict that affect my life deeply.
There are many law professional and Jewish people who claime themselves as your friends. And they worked very hard on practicing your authority to everybody in this town.
This place is very unique and most everybody used to know each other entire community being harmoniuous peaceful.
But Since the group of people who claim as your friendscoming to town, this community is filled with distust and deception.
Most public restroom are closed to be mean and hateful to homeless on the street. They act like or treat authentic local people mean. community has been putting up with this " "Friends of President" group for long.
Their influence to my life management had been so harsh so mean. I am spending night on the street now.
Well, in my opinion, outside of the designed shelter became safer than being spending time with Jewish people or people with Jewish mind. It was such danger.
Because of these your "friends",There are so many fake ID visitors in town.
Drug and alcohol are always trouble in this town.But now even being questioned by officers, they claim themselves family of famous politician holding fake IDs, local law enforcement cannot take productive actions or maintain safety for me and others.
Respect for rules, laws,trust in lawsand rights are significantly low and not functioning at all.
Many visitors act and claim "local",or act like livinghere long enough to claim walfare program benefit.
but I don't really believe any of them are truthful. They are all got handsome looks well groomed, AllI saw at thewelfare parking arebeautiful ladieswith thrift sorire clothes andboth man and woman are all good looking enought to be holywood movie stars or musicians.
your "friends" and those self claim local "hollywood stars" are creating such conflict in this town.
People who disguise themself homeless/ nationalguard and true local people arehaving hard time protecting me from drugging and kidnapping sometimes. Its very hard to prevent yet, people are working hard protecting me every day.
Please give me the answer about things
Are these people who holds fake ID, allAre they your friends or family that are related to them?
I am sure national gurds here can verify what their fake ID saidand issued, but cannot really identify true identity,in respect to you, President Obama.
I mean people here accepted somehow that those people are related to politicians who stayed in Whitehouse before. But We have no evidence.
It is also known fact that, this is first bus stop to lrelease ex convicts after first release. There is good possibilities that those are not your friends but con artist who seek aset of mine from Japan and from me,by acting like your friends. Those people caused all kind of argument and distrust in this community.
Local people really want all of them to be out of this area, humboldt county. Or I want them to.
They insist staying in my life vicinityso bad untill their kidnap scheme is successful or steal good amount of money successful. I do not understand mentality of such con artists.
As humboldt county, we appreciate help from nationalgurd in order to protect me, my life vicinity, but we don't want hollywood stars and those selfclaimed" your friends" "friends of President" in this community.
Please identify each of them. Or give permission tolocal government to treat themas "Con artist.
Please help making my life vicinity safer.
Those group of people stopped my function of credit cards, accessing personal information of most of the local people, looking for opotunity to steal or make money through accident and vandalizing valuable things.
Jewish eople seemes to be taking leadership in this tact.
We all are in pain unable to manage this situation. Please help me and do something to remove all of the harmful people out of my life vicinity, out of humboldt.
mind reading device swiitchtchbord and core program is in hands of jews, use of fake IDs making it impossible to secure anything in my life environment.Disabled people with Jewish mind come to my day gives me threat and surprises.( theres is no reliability in those people or no firm set responsibility in Jewish people)
My friend took action on y credit card compsny, I don't understand intentions of "your friends". desire to rape me or money,keep me on the street, a kidnap intent,desire for ransome money,desire for free money .. I just cannot understand it.
Even this community's top official cannot do anything even if they "know"what they are "thinking and planning"
Please identify all the fake ID, self called friends of President. Democrat?maybe maybe not.
Please be sure to move them out of life vicinity.
I want this country's government, nationalguard, lawenforcement to ARREST those who took role in raping in my unconscous. Ialso want all the sexual assault hapened in this town by them to be recorderd as sexual predetors, and be prosecuted.
I made my own claim at police department which they canot take action for the sake of friends of President.