私はお友達の刺青を誇りに思うけれど、そういうマークを服とか体につけないほうがよいのになと ひそかに思ってるんだ。人によってはそれを偏見に思ってしまうかもしれない。でも、もしかしたら、それはそのお友達の御守りみたいなものかもしれないといつもそこにキスしたくなるのでした。
私はお友達の刺青を誇りに思うけれど、そういうマークを服とか体につけないほうがよいのになと ひそかに思ってるんだ。人によってはそれを偏見に思ってしまうかもしれない。でも、もしかしたら、それはそのお友達の御守りみたいなものかもしれないといつもそこにキスしたくなるのでした。
I have a friend who used to do drugs. The friend explained that circle with triangle inside,the symbol means a recovery alcoholics,circle with square inside,symbol means a recovery from drugs
The friend with tattoo, circle with square inside ,is such comfortable person,always wearing friendly air. Things great about America is that there are movement, program that help people who need recovery are close by reaching out to them. And after recovered,people stay in the program to keep helping other people.
The friend is taken part of such activities,and often tells me about it.
For the people who need help and come to the program,the friend's story should give successful vision of recovery for those in the program who know how to listen. I am proud of the friend's effort and time spending effort helping others.
In Japan, to be able to consume alcohol certain amount is part of the deal as being mature,however,
in America, drinking alcohol itself is not so considered as good. Of course drinking alcohol is legal,and drug is illegal. There sure is difference judging good and bad. judging behavior incomparably. But thinking about the possibility that drug could cause overdose to itself,(and nobody else),the possibility drunk driving causing harm to the others,I have hard time which is worse or better,having no word about what is what.
Sometimes,people could encounter the moments, having very hard time,unexpectedly so weak,so unrealized. When things get harder,sorrowful or painful way,I feel alcohol,and drugs could be sometimes means of “escape” As the escape,it is serving same purpose as relief. As they seems to me.
Thinking,imagining that anyone could encounter such a moment any time,at any point of life. I just cannot have intention of blaming the behavior,or,making the person feel guilty,or try to teach something or better understanding.
rather I feel grateful,good about the recovery. and proud the fact after having hard time,it was so good to making back to life,surviving hard time good, And I end up not much to say about.
I think escape is just the “escape”,therefore it is most important making return. The fact that there was a situation that required to escape is simply a sad thing,sad fact and that is just terrible.
From the point of view of family, it was more complicated. My father in law who passed away was alcoholics and observing his behavior was very hard to see. I experienced hard time first handed. But truth was he himself was in pain most.
I am proud of my friend's tattoo, but secretly think its better idea that not having or wearing such mark or symbol on body. Because depend on person, it create prejudice in personality. But I felt and rethought that it might be the friend's so effective amulet. that I just couldn't help kissing on it.
Sure thing(for my friends), but want to make statement that I don't do drug or am not interested in it. I consume alcohol,not like when I was young,and in moderation like I become mature adult as I am
Recently, I have almost no opportunity to do,but enjoying alcohol surrounded by my close friends having fun is most luxury thing to me