Astrology to share_ sun sign compatibility(占星術の一般的知識)
I love Astrology and believe its power,many people tend to call it just as coincidence. As I described before each person has Sun sign and Moon sign as Earth goes around the sun taking about 365 days and Moon goes around earth about 28 days.
Today, I would like to share something to show combination and harmony between the signs. There are many kind of sign to read in Astrology,but Sun sign is considered to be most significant in general,I guess, just because Sun is origin of life's energy.So I would like to show how to read harmony between the 12 signs.
When you look two signs which you want to know the compatibility or harmony of. For example, between Leo and Taurus,there are two spaces,between Pisces and Scorpio has three spaces which is both water sign and considered to be pretty good overall.
相性を見たいふたつのサインを絵の輪で見てそのふたつのサインの間の空間を数えてみて。例えば、しし座とおうし座の間には空間がふたつ。うお座とさそり座ならその間には3つの空間が存在するでしょう。魚座もさそり座も 両方とも水のサインであることもあって、(空間を三つ持つとされる)このふたつのサインはとっても相性がよいとされるの。
sharing signs one space between the signs(sextile)60 degree星座の間にひとつの空間(セクスタイル)
sharing signs two space between the signs( square)90 degree星座の間にふたつの空間(スクエア)
sharing signs three spaces between120 degree星座の間に三つの空間(トライン)
sharing signs four spaces between星座の間に四つの空間(印コンジャンクト)
sharing signs five spaces between星座の間に五つの空間(オポジション)
all I know is trine and sextile are good and square is challenging.
and Trine are considered to be most harmonious and sextile is OK. some are supposed to be more challenging than others,but hold more possibility of ease than square.well most relationships are challenging any way?So who care?
セクスタイルとトラインはけっこう調和した関係と見られていて、スクエアは逆にけっこう厳しいというか波乱ありの相性で 冒険を好む人向け。コンジャンクト、インコンジャンクトはきっとスクエアほど厳しくないとされるの。結局どの人間関係も難しさは伴うわけだものね。相反する者、お互いないものを持っていてそのあいて魅了される、っていうのには強く引き寄せられるって言うのがオポジションかも。
This is probably trine occurs between same element(such as water, air, fire,earth,) and most harmonious sharing same kind of world view,and sextile complement each others world,and square is more likely water and oil that require constant shaking to be "mixed" well ?
anything else probably good as long as both know how to accept the world as is, so not much shaking either? as long as they both stay in rut? because all relationship carry possibility of indifference and require endless effort to begin with.
but in case of love compatibility, it sees combination of Sun sign, Moon sign(position of Moon), Venus sign (position of Venus), Mars sign(position of Mars), and I think itall affect in various way. Astrology consider love and money as similar category,and Venus is planet of love, some seeks security in love, some seeks security in money,too. And both are right and interpretation is always up to person to person...time to time.I guess
I believe Abraham's law of Attraction as well.
I never had astrology lesson,and don't know well. not sure things I read here and there,seems all got mixed up!. So all I wanted to share was what's good to look for and what to be careful for next time.. thats all.
Please check thing on your own there are lots of resource on line. I like reading it, but not studying it..
興味がったら自分で調べてね。星占い読むの好き。でも勉強するのはちょっと。本当の未来派知らないほうが原則的に楽しい。 デモ天気予報は時々知っておいて損はないかなとも思う。 占星術は天気予報みたいなもの。大雪のときに 裸で外にでないように。。。私は必要がなければあまり知りたくない。本当は未来のことなんて知りたくないのでよくわからない ママのこともいっぱい。。
I love Astrology and believe its power,many people tend to call it just as coincidence. As I described before each person has Sun sign and Moon sign as Earth goes around the sun taking about 365 days and Moon goes around earth about 28 days.
Today, I would like to share something to show combination and harmony between the signs. There are many kind of sign to read in Astrology,but Sun sign is considered to be most significant in general,I guess, just because Sun is origin of life's energy.So I would like to show how to read harmony between the 12 signs.
When you look two signs which you want to know the compatibility or harmony of. For example, between Leo and Taurus,there are two spaces,between Pisces and Scorpio has three spaces which is both water sign and considered to be pretty good overall.
相性を見たいふたつのサインを絵の輪で見てそのふたつのサインの間の空間を数えてみて。例えば、しし座とおうし座の間には空間がふたつ。うお座とさそり座ならその間には3つの空間が存在するでしょう。魚座もさそり座も 両方とも水のサインであることもあって、(空間を三つ持つとされる)このふたつのサインはとっても相性がよいとされるの。
sharing signs one space between the signs(sextile)60 degree星座の間にひとつの空間(セクスタイル)
sharing signs two space between the signs( square)90 degree星座の間にふたつの空間(スクエア)
sharing signs three spaces between120 degree星座の間に三つの空間(トライン)
sharing signs four spaces between星座の間に四つの空間(印コンジャンクト)
sharing signs five spaces between星座の間に五つの空間(オポジション)
all I know is trine and sextile are good and square is challenging.
and Trine are considered to be most harmonious and sextile is OK. some are supposed to be more challenging than others,but hold more possibility of ease than square.well most relationships are challenging any way?So who care?
セクスタイルとトラインはけっこう調和した関係と見られていて、スクエアは逆にけっこう厳しいというか波乱ありの相性で 冒険を好む人向け。コンジャンクト、インコンジャンクトはきっとスクエアほど厳しくないとされるの。結局どの人間関係も難しさは伴うわけだものね。相反する者、お互いないものを持っていてそのあいて魅了される、っていうのには強く引き寄せられるって言うのがオポジションかも。
This is probably trine occurs between same element(such as water, air, fire,earth,) and most harmonious sharing same kind of world view,and sextile complement each others world,and square is more likely water and oil that require constant shaking to be "mixed" well ?
anything else probably good as long as both know how to accept the world as is, so not much shaking either? as long as they both stay in rut? because all relationship carry possibility of indifference and require endless effort to begin with.
but in case of love compatibility, it sees combination of Sun sign, Moon sign(position of Moon), Venus sign (position of Venus), Mars sign(position of Mars), and I think itall affect in various way. Astrology consider love and money as similar category,and Venus is planet of love, some seeks security in love, some seeks security in money,too. And both are right and interpretation is always up to person to person...time to time.I guess
I believe Abraham's law of Attraction as well.
I never had astrology lesson,and don't know well. not sure things I read here and there,seems all got mixed up!. So all I wanted to share was what's good to look for and what to be careful for next time.. thats all.
Please check thing on your own there are lots of resource on line. I like reading it, but not studying it..
興味がったら自分で調べてね。星占い読むの好き。でも勉強するのはちょっと。本当の未来派知らないほうが原則的に楽しい。 デモ天気予報は時々知っておいて損はないかなとも思う。 占星術は天気予報みたいなもの。大雪のときに 裸で外にでないように。。。私は必要がなければあまり知りたくない。本当は未来のことなんて知りたくないのでよくわからない ママのこともいっぱい。。