
Japanese old tale_こぶとりじいさん

むかしむかし、あるところに、頬に大きな瘤(こぶ)のある二人の老人がいた。二人とも、片方は無欲な老人で、もう片方は欲張りでしたが同様に顔にもつ大きな瘤にはいつも困っていました。ある日の晩、無欲なその老人がが夜更けに鬼の宴会に出くわしてしまい、酔った鬼を目前に踊りを披露することを命じられ、おどることになりました。するとその鬼は大変にそのおじいさんを気に入って感酒とご馳走をすすめ、翌晩も来て一緒に踊るように命じ、明日来れば 返してやると翁の大きな瘤を「すぽん」と傷も残さず取ってしまいました。
それを聞いた隣の欲張りな老人は、それなら自分の瘤も取ってもらおうと話に聞いたとおり、鬼の宴会にでかけていくのですが、その欲張りの老人はこぶをとってもらおうと一生懸命踊るのですが鬼がどうしても怖いためにその踊りはとてもひどいものになってしまいました。とうとう鬼は怒って最初の正直な老人から取り上げておいたまでもを欲張りな老人のもう一方のあいた頬に押し付けくっつけるとその老人をおいて去っていってし まいました

Old men with lump on their face.

Long long time ago, there were two old men living somewhere. face,but one was honest and cheerful, the other was a little greedy,but both man had lump on the face and felt troubled all the time.
One day, The honest old man was out walking,encountered where ogres having party. ogres were very drunk and forced the old man to dance and be cheerful for ogre's entertainment. So the old man danced for them, and got drunk with ogre.
When the old man tried to go home, Ogre told him to come back again, and to assure his coming back,Ogre took his face lump away.
After the old man coming back home, he told the neighbor what happened to his lump, how ogre took his lump away.
As the greedy old man hear neighbor's story, he decided to find ogres in order to remove his lump on his face.
The greedy old man found ogre's party eventually, and as expected, ogres told the old man to dance as he had heard, but the old man was so scared of ogres, he could not dance good as ogres wanted him to. He tried very hard in order to get his lump removed from his face, but it was so bad that ogres got so angry in stead. Ogres told him to go home, giving him another lump to his face that was taken from the other old man, and left the old man there and disappear.