
My law of Attraction Dilemma


I had a friend whom I met through my soon to be ex husband long time ago. He is a guy who is honest to heart, who loves music and a lot of alcohol. He is a good funny guy,but I know he had done something bad in his past. And now I learned that my husband's trying to help him toward financially secure way,but I also knows that if he helped the friend in his way this time, he probably would probably be end up in prison. But The friend drinks a lot of alcohol and his health condition probably is not that good. And I kept wondering something...
My dilemma is that if I said something to the friend,he probably choose beers before health, would shorten his life drastically because of what he does and what he love,but if I just left alone and let it be, he would get prison treatment which has no beers but got good health care which is a lot better than what people outside of the prison get in the US interestingly. Its supposed to be where everything he needs at minimum is taken cared of basically,probably
I want him to "live",but law of attraction states that he is only one who can make the decision. Yet should I say something? What do you think? I just kept asking that to my friends,and no answer yet
so till then I decided to trust law  of attraction, Abraham's teaching.