
actions required immediately


カソリックキリスト教団体の宗教活動の終結、結末に向けて、キッドロック、私を含め、家族、様々な機関が、終結を模索している中で、日本がとった行動、人間の脳に手を加えて人の思考、人生を壊し、コントロールしようという意図の手術、施術を行ったということ、キリスト教の神格であるかもしれないイエスキリストの人格、霊性に傷をつけたこと、手を加えてしまったことの責任と被害はどんどんひどくなる一方であることを最近認識し始めました。シンボリズムの悪用、匿名性の悪用はいまだ解決する見通しが立たないということは、ハンボルトカウンティにおいて、私の生活をコントロール支配しようといういとで基盤を持ってしまった日本政府の責任、それによって 生じたこの郡、アメリカ政府への被害ダメージを考えると、即効的な解決策と包括的アクションが必用であるということ、クリスチャンにはキリストの存在が多く過ぎて、宗教団体の秘密裡政策を解除したり、元のマインドリーディングなしの生活に戻るのが難しくなってきているということ。
幸い、日本には神道に基づく独自の信仰文化があるのであるから、 わたしは個人的に、日本政府政主導の下、天皇家、天皇陛下ご夫妻に、さきに述べた、宗教的実質的
役割を儀式的、実用的に世界中のクリスチャンがこれから進んでいく方向、指針が明らかにわかるよう、世界に示していただきたいのです。日本国内、国外,天皇家の協力が 得られることを願っています。私が私であり、日本人であるということ、日本として、日本国民の象徴としての協力をお願いいたします。

after ALL these weeks, I realized the spread of the use of mind reading device within my friends and family.  And I realized that we need collective action to conclude this religious activity.
 Here is the truth:
Kid rock and his family and the religious organization is affected by deadly Christianity disease, called AID S and  wishing to spread among important people in my life.I want  Japanese royal family to take leadership containing the mind reading device and termination for the entire world.
  all the people who were operated brain surgery needed to be treated for removal and Japanese government is responsible for the completion and termination of the use.
  Kid rock and I, and my friends and my boyfriend  were treated and planted chip set in their brain. The government is responsible for removal. longer it wait,  Kid rock and my physical health might be affected by Parkinson's disease that is caused  and affect balance of the brain hormones.
The organization is responsible for the health and recovery of the lives of the people.  Sooner it takes action, it can be resolved and recovered.
  Sexuality transmitted disease is another issue however,immune system is not predictable for each individuals.

all the health care  organizations needed to be alerted for spread of the AID S virus, hepatitis,B,C, herpes STD, etc. whether there is medical evidence or not, the contamination, testing and treatment must be priority of every individuals.
  Partnership between Kid rock and myself is not accepted by me.
   Continuation and spread of the mind reading device use is not accepted by me.
 Non Christians must be responsible contamination of the deadly Christianity DISEASE, WHATEVER IT CALLED,it is based and caused by  spiritual ignorance and stupidity of own choices and actions.
any use of  illegal substance,drugs,rapes, kidnapping are  strictly NOT ALLOWED.
  be merciful and thoughtful yet forcible actions As soon as possible are desired and required.
Sintoism, Confucius are good.

take action to break the chains of bad behaviors which obviously America has little  ability to make forcible conscious  decision making power and ability over Christianity .Japanese government is deeply. responsible.
be firm about contamination and protections of free will, maintain quality of humanity needed to be recognized,and to be  restored.

be independent in decision making about termination.the religious organization,  old Europe..have a real faith.decision made by tarot cards are not good enough if one has no good decision making power, common sense, ability and responsibility of own actions.
I will deal with Middle Eastern issues and recovery of governmental issues of this country consciously if desired.
 Priority is safety and health of everybody that exist in this whole world.