
coming out

Things got so crazy
  Here is simplistic term of explanation.
Yes If Iwre to be Jesus Christ secomd coming, there was good chance me and Kid Rock could have been a good partners, yet he fucked up practicing own weired sex pracitice that go along with the religious gag orders and orders and request he negotiated for others.
He probably in real by reading his card that how he successed in woldly manner and also put him very fickle life doing something he really did not want to, but card say "Go" he just do it Nike OCD guy bit crazy obnoxious.
 In most case, I am generous, but No i cannot accept as partner who does rape. I want and need a guy who does not commit even if there is perfect oppotunity to get away, I need a guy who never do sych a thing.  When One bad to be recognized as good,  thats pivot point of degeneration as human.
I am not going that road.
As my responsibilitypressed by others spiritually worldly
Here is my ultimate decision
 We must end this religious activity

  by media through electric copy, hard copy, I want things to come out for me and for others.
 My identity is issue here because everybody know what kid rock look like
  people refused to put my identity stinks very bad
 money  yes
hell no

Here is OUR picture