Everybody want end of the world
My ex husband used to believe and told me christian coalition is becoming huge problem in this country, United States. Its going to be a war,many lives may lost.
I personaly do not believe in Christianity. Lately, I learned that my family were order to have miserable life being paid to do so. by government, some religious group that wanted to control and manipulate my life. Christianity is one of them, Buddhism was one of them, Shintoism was one of them, Japan never had good roots of Christianity. There was nature belief that lead people believing blessing of the Sun that made country's flag and symbol as Sun.
I recognized that since first and second Word wars, they have been affected by Christianity disease the desire to rule the world. One thing to be clear is that, people of Japan do not really hold such belief 100 percent however, government at time always use this ideology to unite country for time of war and argument against foreign policy.
Whether my family was manipulate or not, I was fed whole a lot of unnecessary bullshit by food, by belief, by politics as it seems. I was and felt most healthy when I arrived United States leaving my family, my country behind.
Some of the issue I realized is thievery important world leaders were "treated" online for the AIDS Christianity disease. and no matter each want to make change and take action, no one cannot take or make firm decision. Kid rick and United States are allies in order to make my life dead and confine to use me as puppet for the world when my brain hemorrhage are getting bigger and lethal day by day. Kid rock is out being free trying to get recognition hiding my presence invading my opportunity to have immediate health care and treatment.
My former boyfriend hold list of people to have sex with me for money believing holy grail deal.
and Kid rock has same list from the catholic organization's investors and his follow artist who believed Kid rock's kill it for fake and save the Jesus tactic when he was just following his tarot cards and tarot card were intending to kill me for real. He is legally crazy. its not an issue when one is legally reliable. all he could get is mental hospital. prison care only when his insanity were to be proven.not sanity.
My current boy friend recently found out that Christianity coalition used his family and his asset and his business to utilize Seth Speak drama to be created.
all are hooked and treated mind reading device. It was going on since the Jane Roberts was dead on the records. Secret behind secret had another story as far as Abraham's work of Christianity goes. Everybody were betrayed and I am fearful about it.
Whether I am real or not, I need to suggest and direct solution here.
First priority is not marshal law. to star reinforcing preexisting law that existed before the the summer, 2010. rhe religious rules, gag orders should not prevent any rules and laws to be reinforced.
thaJuly 2010 to be restore point of our world and recovery and restoration effort needed to be taken immediately.
wrongful behavior, felony charges, stealing, manipulating crimes and charges need to be recognized and documented and "protected" in prison, until normality started taking place.
This is because, I am assuming that it is left out from Christianity disease and Prison has best health care in this country. guards could be protectors of the witnesses.
financial issues should be reinforced grace period in every sector for up to one year. no interest charges to be reinforced or accumulated in any financial institutions.
green cards issues and other financial issue needed to be documented. As far as my opinion goes. I still cannot make firm decision or have strong urges about my initiative to request United States to issue green cards to my friends and others.
Everything is in chaotic situation. I believe political asylum status is appropriate until political worldly issue were to be resolved. should be abide by international laws to be restored.
I do not support act of terrorist or destruction, but after all witnessed, they might be most sane group of people comparing group of Christianity that are so eager to hold on to unpractical, unrealistic,dreamy contract and money making schemes, fake spiritual recognition and other issues.
Its time to start taking responsibility of own action and decision.
if you want the end of world you all can have it
if you all want Apocalypse, you all can have it
wish es granted to all of the Christians.
Yes anger and everything does come from sky Nostradamus was fake, but I can make it real.
if you want it, we can HAVE IT!!!!!
He is crazy, no one has to feel tournamentabout it even himself...knows it