
conclusion to the religious activity

Here is my decision about following issue and should take effect immediately for best outcome of things.

1 my writings, blog asset management

2 Green card issuance over this religious activity

3 religious/ spiritual issue/political issues

1. my writings, blog asset management

First of all, My friend Greg( or his appointed legal profession) must file my copyright of my blog writing with United States government agency in a way  that is good and effective internationally.
Along with accomplishment, he start preparing the report of my entire asset and list of the records to United States government. He is responsible for accuracy and will be responsible to follow the preexisting  law of United States  financially. He is require to report the financial transaction report to the United States government and create entire report and the summery.within the report, personal identities to be entirely Initials of the  names and  abbreviations of the  institutions.

Unite States is responsible to publish the summery for the benefit of the public view making it accessible in most effective way to conclude the religious activity.
based on the transaction data collection of the asset, financial product, monetary asset must  become my possession, under my  name.(both invisible credit and debt to others)
  my friend Greg  justify odds and end of the financial reality between how it was and how financial asset actually spent and utilized.
For this role,  he is entitled to keep one million dollars for performing this role  from my asset that is resulted from my  blog as his compensation.
he is responsible and required to have whole vision/ process for the completion.
 the third party financial agencies, have to and expected to support his role. He must have practical plan and responsible for execution. the  plan and possible perspectives and process must be observed and assured by governmental agency for accuracy and for his liability..
As he keep performing this role, he is required to provide adequate financial security and access to my life. He is responsible  to provide everything which I could have own and have access to.  which means he has to provide access and  financial security based on what I could have in my hands.
this means, when he decide to  make credit cards for me,he would have to  put real possibble numbers as my asset to the application  even before his justification process is over. at the same time utilizing  creating access to the cash and credit.

 His life needed to be protected and secured for this role for independent manner and for security without personal threat or manipulation. He should receive support and security protection from governmental agencies both consciously and unconsciously.

Within the asset, everything that stayed liquid, or financial product  must be calculated and justified and will be transferred.
 whoever invested or spend voluntarily for my life and life of family will receive  what spent   but no more than what it was at the cash value of the monetary value.  Greg is responsible to check accuracy and to   make sure the legitimacy of the financial (bank) records.

Within the asset withdrawn or taken, Greg is responsible to make it my possession.putting it under my name legally and financially.
If lawsuits were to be reasonable or required, Any resulted legal fee, cost for a group of attorney for acquisition  will be  paid out of the asset.  every process should become public records and the group of attorney are responsible to utilize my financial right,and  my copyright.  make the record   visible or accessible to the public,making it possible to be confirmed by public is favorable but not necessary
 Greg is responsible to keep all the records of the fees and the process in tact and make sure the payment and utilization. he is responsible for accuracy and effectiveness to carry on timely manner and its  completions. (tentative deadline, due date for the completion is  Dec 25,2013)
While  he takes this role and until the completion, he is responsible for my life personally and  financially. ad it can extend  as long as it takes.

2 Green cards issue.

  For the Japanese who have resided longer than six month within Humboldt county( ref;, the Japanese people who are certified by the Japanese gov in the county), those who can prove residency, certification from them would receive Green cards to stay in United States legally. Those who wish to acquire based on the exceptional religious activity reason, they need to be assure that they will not become public debt in this country,( which mean they cannot receive public welfare or low income medical benefit  unless(until) they become citizen of this country. meaning of the public debt is stated and explained  better in USCIS websites)   each individual is solely responsible for management of  their own lives.  That is only condition I need United States government to be firm about. upon violation of  the Green cards receivers, United States  will have right to  refuse legitimacy of the green cards immediately and permanently.

3  Religious Spiritual/ Political  issue

The Catholic organization, who initiated the religious activity is responsible for the entire damage that is caused by the activity.
 If there is lawsuits regarding   financial, personal loss of the physical damage, the catholic church  is   required to pay the requested cost. financial,physical aspect of life  damage must be compensated monetary totally. emotional,spiritual damage caused by the distress  to be eliminated from the "damages".   When the entire fund of church is slashed in half from the moment of the year 2010,  the United States  can intervene for modification: and move to second segment of the justification period where negotiation and argument could be practiced. the church is allowed  to make argument and negotiation with legal Representatives on their side for the Second segment. For the entire lawsuits of First segment period,  Gag order for both United States government Court and those who wish to make  claim will be enforced. Second half of the period, this gag order will be eliminated,.legal fee will be paid by individual who wish to make a claims.
 United States court is responsible to make sure accuracy of  financial record of church both nationally and internationally in order to call the  beginning of the Second segment.  United States  government is  responsible to call for the transition, to the Second segment of this justification process.  this moment will be publicly announced to the court systems.

Basic principle
1 For any loss of life during this religious activity, one million US dollars per person( one million dollars compensation  for the one lost life) to the family  to be enforced.  the family who lost family member should receive one million dollars from the catholic organization for minimum distress in this   legal justification process.
I  would like the family who lost loved one to know that there is not enough compensation for the life lost.asking my forgiveness being helpless at the  time being and wish those family find peace and love in their recovery with this process.
I hope and would like to request United States government to be sensitive for the legal fees and the justification process to be compassionate one for this legal process  by providing direct solution,directions and understandable process for all of those families.

For first segment of the justification,issues for the   loss of lives is priority and must be prioritized within entire process of things described here.

For the damages of tangible asset, those who wish to seek compensation are required to submit detailed list of damage report to the court   for the claims, argument and negotiations.