Here is my message to the religious organization how to end their religious activity safely and in tact for the world and for themselves and mine.
There is several issues regarding how to conclude their activity
One is financial issue, my life management issue and issue regarding Christians in general who believe in Jesus Christ and church itself.
I want to conclude in some continuity with some new changes in general.
For financial issue, I think and believe that they are fully responsible for their investor relations and that issue should NOT affect my life management period. it means their pressure should not affect their judgement managing how things should be, should have been.that includes my life management, of life of of John,or life of Kid rock.
I want people who ended up in inferior position in society to be protected financially and socially. that includes my family, family of kid rock and family of John and your family and my friends your friends in general. just because I cannot be responsible for things that happened out of my sight. I want them to be sensitive to manage the issue for continual support both spiritually and financially.
For my life management issue, I would like to choose my life environment how to work and how things to beat most. My request is simple and manageable.My political stands should be neutral, and physical location to be managed and protected for safety consciously by someone and with someone consciously directly.
For my life management issue, I would like to choose my life environment how to work and how things to beat most. My request is simple and manageable.My political stands should be neutral, and physical location to be managed and protected for safety consciously by someone and with someone consciously directly.
My life environment should be neutral in advisory and direction, general news, social interaction, information to be practical and less biased is desired.
the way things were worked, but hopefully less parental control feature unless there is significant reason to do so. I want my judgement o be realistic, based on fact and how things are,I cannot make good judgement out of things that is made out or that is crafted for reality manipulation. I want to decide legitimacy and message of significance of each news and event as it is presented in normal way.
I need people who can give me normal sense of life environment. and person or people who can manage MY WORLDLY ASPECT OF FINANCIAL LIFE as needed is very important
. my standard of living, is harder to define for me, but I need security in finances and practical tool and access to my fund and utilities such as vehicle, air way, transportation, general spending in general. and safety to my action and my password security to be managed and protected I can make decision based on social climate and how things are based on the practical advice. So I would not end up in war zone or make impractical move just because cards turned to be the time, but reality is not corresponding for my safety?, I need good advice, advisory and management for how to make things happen effectively for vest outcome
I wish and hope to be my life environment to be separated from my family and relatives in normal circumstances. Just because there are many political, financial conflict within my family and I know that I just cannot fulfill their entire favors, expectations and orders like wish, everything they received money for or everything they received privilege or special treatment for.
My life needed to be independent from my family. I hope to have understanding in this matter. I want them to be well supplied and protected, but I have limitation knowing their life style and beliefs.
I personaly hope and with my friend greg to be directly involving my life management tentatively to start. just because many unexpected issue and event cause me such distress and distrust,. I would like quickest recovery environment and at the same time, his burden and responsibilities to be limited and manageable as whole. the schedule should be extendable and he should be able to tell me what is limit in his part after we both made arrangement. For further arrangement myself and greg, both should agree for the justification and should carry on by going through test and see process together. At this point, I trust his judgement and I believe he could provide and help me financial management, scheduling things to keep my life in tact for my work. making my worldly, spiritually needs in tact and met. I want him to be paid for his commitment and work if thatt is appropriate from the church., but I want him to be independent in his opinion and my life management at the same time.
Just because my personal issue and belief, I hope sexual issue to be eliminated or set aside totally unless I request it consciously verbally to the person tiredly. Platonic, nonsexual friendship or meeting, encounters are all welcomed and I have no hesitation on the selections of the people to meet. Hope he manage my schedule and safe environment for me to converse with others. this principle goes for my online environment and security as well.
The issue regarding family of Kid rock and kid rock himself, I have complicated feeling at this point not knowing his true desire.
First of all,to create choice to his life is my concern. Just because of the religious activity and aong with some other management, the damage to his career is prominent and I want him to have recovered outlook socially and career wise, and then , I want him to decide how much he really want to be part of my spiritual work and role.
Until this is done, the organization should guarantee his and his life's financial responsibilities to be met. so their lives would be sustained at equal, same or better financialy almost same as before the activity took place. At this point, there is no near to the point he could make sound judgement and choice. Organization should provide all the opportunity to make his social outlook to be recovered and to be normal like before.
My financial issue, if I could not retrieve my own earning that is resulted from my writing on the blog, I want organization to secure one million dollar for my life management tentatively and I want greg to be the one who manage the asset to start.I want him to create access to the asset and guide me how to utilize. what I want and desire is eight of entire blog asset and this will be part of first M installment of retrieval. My asset scattered everywhere within family, company, and in the hands of Kidrock, I hope the organization manage the retrieval and at the same time, make smooth transition as they, we work with them. I will work with copyright issue willingly, so most changes could be limited or manageable. Further income to be managed altogether and I will make financial contribution to the organization as necessary andfor my gratitude for the effective work if I find it appropriate with my conscious decision. The fund Kidrock is holding, I have plan and desire,how to utilize. I hope he keep it in tact with better management financially. in case he decide to work with me,we work together then when time is right. if he chose not to, I need the entire asset back into my possession.(in this case, (copyright issue could be an issue, but I see little of the possibility, hope we could work out in this)if he decided not to work, the organization should deducted from what organization spend and supported his life and his family's finances,which took and cost until he can safely work and perform normally.
Politically,I would like to deal with each individual country such as Japan, US, and others independently. but for my life management, I want Japanese government to be accessible for my timely needs through greg. maybe US could do the same through greg. but I would like to directly manage possible issue the time to time and situation to situation. that is my most favorable principle.
Finally, to conclude the religious activity, I would like to create U tube movie for my website and for the amortization's site.
Finally, to conclude the religious activity, I would like to create U tube movie for my website and for the amortization's site.
The purpose of that is to show and summarize the process and the accomplishment to public in symbolic way.
During the time Astrologically the sky form water grand trine, during the limited time and hope to put things together.
the video should show meeting with Organization official( anonymously or with identifiable way) and myself, greg and my friend John and Kidrock to be the one who invite people. this
the video should show meeting with Organization official( anonymously or with identifiable way) and myself, greg and my friend John and Kidrock to be the one who invite people. this
meeting should be a day eventat most or even a few hours. we gather and make a toast, and top of the official, organization, myself, John,greg, Kidrock will introduce each other in the gathering and will make a little prayer, each may have opportunity to say something before the meeting ends.
this meeting will be invitation only. and organization, John, greg, and Kidrock will manage the list of the guest and they are responsible for the set up, and responsible to get consent to be in the movie. and they will have option to be edited out in the movie or not if its appropriate this will be shown to public with consent and editing arrangement according to the consent.
witness protection or program or that is similar to my life arrangement need to be ON HOLD at this point
At least until things, all the aspect of the significance started become meaningful. after my life arrangement is secured,they should start working toward perfection and completion. of my life need, program's needs, meaning do not comply each other at this point.
to go to program by death or alive is one issue and there is no significant diference in both situations. the management should show ineffectiveness,then my life should make transition and changes time to time. at this moment, I see and consider the significance taking rush action is not appropriate,or has no point doing it at all yet we should have a way to move things forward productively al same time.
utilizing the program intention taking time and effort make more sense
I need to have tentative yet immediate arrangement first with possibility of altering some things. I want this arrangement to be an opportunity, identifying needs. with the possibilities that could be transformed to real one with improvement. After all this, then take action seems to be .most desirable and make a lot of sense.
Please know and understand the fact
THAT MY THOUGHT is NOT the same as what I said or what I believe entirely.
look forward to meeting with you all. Hopefully, this time be successful with good intention. and don't forget to invite me in. to the meeting
look forward to meeting with you all. Hopefully, this time be successful with good intention. and don't forget to invite me in. to the meeting
So muchsecrets have uncovered as truth andas issues. All described here be under clarification process and refinement.