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the destination is where I can work and get my freedom back.
Not all the freedom. what s left in my life.
a little bit of money after making billions for others.
and the organizations insist that, to get my life protection, I have to be sex decoy for people with money.
Sure "its spiritual reason.
My message to you all is OVER my dead body". and this mean, when I am truly dead. not the kind of fake dead last Jesus played and "managed"
Sure history repeat itself.
the thesis of this religious drama is NOT to repeat the same mistake.
I hope and pray to my God that everybody who fucked me in last orgy get cursed next two thousand years.
I didn't see the faces. I cannot forgive you or give you another chance to do it right. Good luck with it.
and so it goes.
more and more people live in tournament. Catholics live for forgiveness, Jewish live for tournament. that was simplistic expression I got in some movie.
I have nothing against people who are Jewish. they are rather good people to me most of the time.
bit uncomfortable sometimes, but mostly good.
My goal and object is to resolve issues which happened two thousand years ago, and during the past World Wars. Hitler was Jewish man and successfully created state of Israel out of cost of other Jewish people?for the lives and asset. it was made out of "interference" created by the massacre,horocoast.
what does this mean? the idea first ? or money (fund)had come first?
love is love. I protect people I like whether they did make mistake or not.
Just because when I see them in the eyes. I see some clouds and some clear vision of reality.
Hit and runner should not be in my life.nothing to give, nothing to protect for and from.
will love you for the amount of faith you have in your heart.
to lead me to the protection, the orgy has to happened sort of mentality is like the cause and effect of Hitler finding and killing Jewish people.
I hope same group of people who STOPPED the Horocoast, World wide after the wars recession
Its .time to finish, time to end the "religious extravaganza party of "TEMPERANCE"
everybody lost it. everybody still losing their mind? still keep stealing my asset. both idea and money.
Jewish people did not do anything wrong.darn sure they did not have good realistic reason to be killed. there were no need to be "temperance" about other than psychological war fare. got ta kill got ta steal, gottta survive,gotta have sex, gotta have money than anybody else, are you still living the time of such mentality?
I am not the one wearing remark on my arms to hail Hitler...
what if Hitler himself really was lovely man? who was "high" on spiritual hiatus and got carried away for sex , money and power game. making billions, providing spiritual "high" and satisfaction.
sounds familiar??