dear greg
if I ask you to be with me all the time, everyday and decide to do the religious work as part time. What would you think about this idea?I want to be happy to engage this kind of work and process all the time.
I want to be responsible for my own happiness first. I need you for it. If you decide to stay with me, I will do my work. please keep my life environment safe and set up things for success and security.
I want that guy to be out of my picture for now. will deal with this issue later if necessary.
I am woman and there is limitation in belief of people. Man still dominate our society and more believable. I hate to push the boundary of belief of people.but if you help me,I might be able to work more putting real effort.
I will keep engaging the effort, but I would like to focus on my personal desire and people interaction,,success,philanthropic issues rather political, religious issue and the management
Would you stay with me?
I need plan to travel and means, safe environment, to meet people. More than anything, I need safe work environment with you.
Sorry no matter how I try, I cannot be a christian in conventional terms
.I am counting on you.
This is an image I found. this constellation really belong to winter,but
Hope to see many stars in the regions.
ready to make a trip? at the same time doing keep going routine spiritual journey?
I want to work for success.
you taught me one day at a time, maybe I have something good to put it work.
Lets see how much I could do. we made billions so far together
as a result I made my book without intention of manipulation or deception, hurting people in no way. You just let me be who I am.
This time,Its not money making business, but hope you stay with me. Hope people in the regions like me, hope not only Christians,people support me and my desire, my intentions for success.
Peace :)
if I ask you to be with me all the time, everyday and decide to do the religious work as part time. What would you think about this idea?I want to be happy to engage this kind of work and process all the time.
I want to be responsible for my own happiness first. I need you for it. If you decide to stay with me, I will do my work. please keep my life environment safe and set up things for success and security.
I want that guy to be out of my picture for now. will deal with this issue later if necessary.
I am woman and there is limitation in belief of people. Man still dominate our society and more believable. I hate to push the boundary of belief of people.but if you help me,I might be able to work more putting real effort.
I will keep engaging the effort, but I would like to focus on my personal desire and people interaction,,success,philanthropic issues rather political, religious issue and the management
Would you stay with me?
I need plan to travel and means, safe environment, to meet people. More than anything, I need safe work environment with you.
Sorry no matter how I try, I cannot be a christian in conventional terms
.I am counting on you.
This is an image I found. this constellation really belong to winter,but
Hope to see many stars in the regions.
ready to make a trip? at the same time doing keep going routine spiritual journey?
I want to work for success.
you taught me one day at a time, maybe I have something good to put it work.
Lets see how much I could do. we made billions so far together
as a result I made my book without intention of manipulation or deception, hurting people in no way. You just let me be who I am.
This time,Its not money making business, but hope you stay with me. Hope people in the regions like me, hope not only Christians,people support me and my desire, my intentions for success.
Peace :)