
parable of rain

There was tallest tree of the world, and there was second tallest and the  third tallest tree.  There are also relatively taller than the rest of the small young growth tree near by  the side. right by the vilege.
  One of diciples asked Jesus we need lumber to cut some trees.Which one should we cut and make our house and shelters for nights? 
  one of diciples wanted to cut some  tree to see ifois the tallest or not. 
The mark of the trees clearly said it is the tallest.  Nobody knew the sign was right or not,but did it anyway to see the outcome.
If it was the tallest,and biggest it would have been enough for  all the houseses at needs. They decided to cut and found out it was not enough to provide the all. Later found out that one they cut was not the tallest.  People are happy about the fact , but at the same time, they were  disapointed about the fact the tree was not greatest and one  that was cut  did not  supply all the houess at needs because the tallest supposed to means more in ages and growth as tree,now t hhey ave to cut more and more trees,not work as it expected.
Jesus asked all the diciples and people who wanted house.  How should we decide which tree to cut and which trees to preserve for future generations.  House is house. It provide shelter to people both friends and family as long as the houses functions keeping people safe and protected.  If it started losing functions as house,its not going to  be called "house" anymore.  Should we hold hope or future generations to utilize the remained trees and our wisdom? or should we cut all the tree and see what happenes to see our level em isof wisdom.  No diciples answered and all the people stood there under the rain and started hoping the rain would stop by miracles and love of Jesus.  The rain is  still pouring on the villege.Unfortunate things is people are  so afraid of superstitious things, not even one person could open their unbrellas anywhere in the villege even if they have them in their hands.