
video to share

Cool thing.
 I believe in sharing, diversity and harmony.

And you?


To my soul mates

First of all.  Please be sensitive about people and local whereever we stay or we head out to.  I want harmony in this kind of action and activity  even if we move individualy, reputation of how each behave  belong to me, personally.

  May main concern here is to leave Humboldt county to give everybody time and space to act and behave.  I tend to pick up all kind of vibration and  to keep our friendship, I think its best  to  get together after  this problematic situation is solved  and when everybody  feel at ease and peaceful.
I am heading East however the best way it is possible I never drove this far and please undeestand that some things have to be tentative, but I will update as I go or move  place to place.

Please  Stop driving or stay clear from my environment  other than authority who protect my security and well being.   I  hope to stay safe and that wish goes to everybody.
  Please stop following me between  4PM   to 5PM TOTALLY.  and the device will be turned off.  during, and before and after for our security..

at the time we cross the county border, you  all would know what I would be "thinking", but if I could not get together with my guys,  I have to abandon whole plan again.  I am asking your corporation to move to next step.
 we hope to see you in Redding CA and enjoy traveling together
  and please   wait for me to update info here on the blog  so  as we go along, this could be sole mean of communication, and that is real possibility and our purpose going East right now.

So Many things in process that I decided to stay. I fel asleep feeling such hatred  emotions that make whole body cold and fearful.

  Maybe I don't have to go anywhere for now.

Please know that my spiritual guide, gurdian, Jesus loves me and protects me all the time.
  And he love people and things who is good to me and loves me truly.  There is no proof, but I think his love for me is real.
I trust his guidance more than anything else.
if that represent in form of my own emotion or part of other people's emotion just to let me know, let you know  something,

it just mean that we all are just  guided, by being with him.



Tule lake ,CA

Tule lake CA

in order to draw line in my responsibility, I had to go this town the other day.
I have visited the town of Tule lake ,CA many years ago.
  There is lava bed national monument and beautiful lakes, lavas and water and scenery of desert right side by side. The scenery of the area is very beautiful and very American. 
It’s very odd for me to mention this however, but I   realized again that how big this country really is comparing to the country I was born and grew up.…

I was in this town with my ex husband about fifteen years ago for sightseeing and caving the lava caves.
This time, I was thee for different reasons.  Not for sightseeing but for American spirituality.
From my point of view, and in my understanding, Native American‘s spirituality exceeds what it is of Christianity.
I see its focus is not divinity based on human, but everything that surrounds us and protects us, and there is unity in divine as it seems. More importantly, there is no “face” in expression of divinity as is of Christianity. I kept telling you all that Jesus was human just like any others. He was a messenger who had more possibility and ability that could tell and feel spirits in general, and that makes him psychic in one form of expression of who he was making him unique and prominent.

As part of my role or job, I wanted to test how mind reader affects spirituality and our economy.  I wanted things to be in natural flow and slow movement without the device or the technology that could alter decision making other than spiritual understandings.

Individual economic fall down is slow and manageable, but collective fall down could be disastrous

Tuned out, people believe in technology and my thought than nature law and spirituality of how it is
Good part of my attempt is I was able to draw lines that shows my best effort trying to change course of action regarding economic decision each make time to time
 I wanted that to be organic and natural just in order to survive together.

After all those days, I was finally able to realize meaning of prophet or being a prophet, or who Jesus Christ was, and what salvation really means.  I learned that saving economy does not mean saving people or providing means of salvation in spiritual way.
  I am here to enjoy and learn meaning of life together rather saving controlling or managing economy and that is not my work or my profession.

The realization itself was worth the long trip and I am grateful and truly appreciate all those people and intention that kept me safe and protected.

Thank you


News, movie, regarding US government and Muslims

As my journey goes, I leaned a lot about spiritual history behind Christianity.

There are so many things I do not know or do not understand, but I am still learning how things are including who Jesus Christ was,who  and what prophet is...

I watched part of the movie about Mohammed, prophet of religion of Islam.
As much as I was impressed about his core message, I feel sad about how things are happening in the Middle east or what his true believers are behaving.
  My heart breaking is with you for the anger and disappointment resulted from trashing behavior of some people.
 I believe that bottom line here  is, no matter what each believes, we should and respect each other and find a way to create peace in our mind and  in the world each lives in The movie actually draw interest within me  about book of Kolan and the messages behind it and relationship between Islam and Christianity.
 Maybe someday I will visit there with my friends  to create new friends if our intention for peace and love  were to be true.
I am taking no one's sides in this conflict/ issue regarding this movie. but  now know that  from the movie  how Muhammad was accused of teaching  something new and different from it had been in the area, I think freedom of speech should be understood in best way. Hopefully in smart way not with the violent act or malicious intention, but beautiful words and good intentions.

Maybe it is time for all of us to learn his true message.
 my love for all


what I believe

My recognition, sense of honor,grace comes from self and what you all call god, gods, or God.
not from any human with power in this world either politically or financially
I work for best for all of usand ectxpect best for us all.
things changes time to time.
I expect all of us to be able to celebrate our accomplishment changing course of Christianity.not successful act of dishonor but act of love and honesty.
it does not require following myself physically.
 just require understanding my messege, understanding of who I am

are you following my instruction?messages? teaching? or not is my main  concern.



9 11 thought

from the point of view, number nine is about responsibility and number eleven represent message  that usually brought from messengers of gods.number eleven is card of lover, card of Geminis

My question to you all is  did America ever changed something for better? receiving the message? before the incident of 9 11 and after 9 11. 
Please know that  I am not justifying anything.   I truly believe that things happened for  great reason and as much as that, I do NOT support the terrorism , the terrorists or act of terrorism or such action that result a lot of loss of life.  I love to see people in harmony even we share  difference in core belief about life. 

Where I am standing, many people made threat  if I do not act certain way, they will commit suicide or act self destructive way..  In my life it was felt within my country, withing my family and within my friends..People commit suicide so easily being unable to pay the debt,not having their way, having pain in life.I truly believe that  life is more than you can  exchange things that way..life worth more than money, family, certainly green cards or citizenship of wherever it want to or choose to live in.

   I am so dissapointed about all the manipulation testing my will, testing my love, testing my  belief, testing my patience, testing attempting to know  who I am..
In same level of argument, I see no belief, that you love me or have faith in  me, in factual reality all of those love to argue. It seems everything always rather end up   blaming  me as crazy sensitive.  I see both sides( both spiritual reality and physical reality),I appreciate all the protection toward me but it does not mean we are understanding each other in both spiritually and physically. If we both understand fully, there would be no sacrifices or people who  made wrong decision..  rather everything really is right at spiritual level.. just no one know what to believe or what to do now..

  Many people argue what to do but never about who I am, understanding of who I am 
I do not think or believe  anyone understand this core of question and answer and it frustrates me like never before.
tell me who I am
 why I am here

Do you truly understand why and do things in my way?
Do you understand why  I do things this way, why  I want to help those come into my life?

at simplest term,  its about either love or money.its about you have faith in me or not. its about understanding of natural flow of things.its about love, its about security, its about how each want to live and  how each want their dream come true.  ( it could be nonphysical,spiritual, dream, could be physical dream and goal of things)

I am trying to say it could be both or everythingyou desire.
Can you live in prison with having million in bank and unable to spend for the rest of life? is that a good life in Christianity term?. Is  is desirable life   or not.  I am telling you this  because thats what my friend commit with my money with my knowledge.
Can you live with life you exchanged family, friends for money, insurance, inheritance, anything you could milk things? just to  to live and pay your bills?,  Do  you understand own   boundary about what is OK to do, what is not OK to do?  Can you live without love or family connection that supposed to be based on love or wish to support each other?
the boundary of things changes depends on person to person, depends on situation to situation,

 Good life really means you have all kinds of choices to do things  having freedom in decision making.
  Amount of money is just one of expression that describe amount of freedom.. it comes with lots of responsibilities and lots of experience practicing the freedom,love and  its grace.

 Does America understand what this mean?

I worked with many being and still doing my own things being treated as crazy. I am that certainly in some level, but I thought we had dream of some kind to accomplish, so we are in this together didn't  we?

  No one has come to tell me how it is and  who I am.
 Would you care to tell me who I am?
 Who is your authority?
  Who is your hierophant in actual life term?

after all that harsh  treatment, I am still here trying to help you all
 does that mean anything?
I wanted to live with you all from beginning to  now
  things laid out this way is  no one truly understood me and always wanted to press control of some kinds upon me away from my  guidance and messages I receive.

friend's safety is my concern.  I know there is  things  to do
 So who is with me?



I don't really care about anything. everybody betrayed me and I need  financial support to keep going my way.
  My asset regarding with this blog is not accessible to me because  someone else holds my PIN information.  I don't want to sue my friends just because its not my life principle.
 am torn between how I am and what I am about.

all the donation and support went to my supporters who want to protect me from other harms
  So I am blinded both people's love, and support and other law suites and  complains about my work .
basically, I am here just doing my job and I would just have to say  too bad about many thing.

My family and close friends are all in same boat and I need direct help, so it will get to me for sure.
I  have no one who can support me financially though there are a lot of people who are in part of my life.

Here is my  bank information.
 if anyone could support me in behalf of my conservators who does nothing but to harm my reputation and credibility in where I want to live..

Surely they are doing their job, so I would like to ask different kind of support to be independent spiritually and personally.


My journey

As of today, I have decided that I finish my journey to change the course of Christianity.
 I could have ended or destroyed totally without my any attempt, and I gave my best shot and everything every mistake each made supported my dream to be come true.
I appreciate all that effort and time try to make things better.  I appreciate  all those for following me and protecting me providing emotional support.

My intention is to let things be at best So each can fulfill dream of their own.  My physical health and emotional health are at danger level, and the  stress level is indescribable.
 So before anything we worked go unfulfilled totally, I would like to stop my effort try to be perfect.

My dream still is to restore peace and harmony in this great world.  In order to work on that, I realized I have to take care myself better and should stay at ease from now on..
Anything happened within local or not local, whole country, or internationally, I would like to give up my control and help effort.  I am here to teach self salvation at most. And law and rules are already more than enough and I believe in professionalism in all of the areas.,

In my journey, I found three personalities of Jesus including myself, and several of  being existed in holy christian bible.  They worked for me very  sincere way and I hope their accomplishment to be recognized well no matter how outlook prevail otherwise.  I am just grateful about all the effort.

I believe that President Obama  is part of King Solomon personalities and I found  Lupi Gonzo and L. K. who share the same personality who performed his role  in my life and they provided great support both personally and professionally.  I am very  grateful.  Thank you. 
I hope their accomplishment to be recognized and honored at most.

My goal is to change Christianity and provide and teach  way of self salvation and create peace and harmony in this world.
Along with my journey,  President Obama, local government, federal government somehow worked together or following their heart personally and professionally.  I appreciate all the effort to let myself be and maintain safe environment for me to be

Issue I am concerned is about my favorite country, United States and Japan as much as the other countries.
I disagree with what country of Japan and the United States did  to me.  However, if there were to be great intention in the technology,I am assuming I did play my part very well, and as much as it works, the mistake has to be fixed. 
And I would like to ask people, citizen of United States that whether we should keep  improving Christianity together by fixing our mistake together or not.. I think that decide my fate and my future.
I  requested all the mind reading device to be off.And then to cast and  see the vote initiative.
 I would like to decide my own fate and life together.
I would still be connected online,by keeping up this blog in better way and would like to  keep enjoying new friendship I found

Thank you
May your god bless you all

this blog address and web site will be changing soon.   Please keep checking the website address updates and changes.


lovely poem to share


"Heart Of Gold"

I want to live,
I want to give
I've been a miner
for a heart of gold.
It's these expressions
I never give
That keep me searching
for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keeps me searching
for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.

I've been to Hollywood
I've been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean
for a heart of gold
I've been in my mind,
it's such a fine line
That keeps me searching
for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keeps me searching
for a heart of gold
And I'm getting old.

Keep me searching
for a heart of gold
You keep me searching
for a heart of gold
And I'm growing old.
I've been a miner
for a heart of gold.


Just you know?

two people truly in love being happy is million times powerful and beneficial to the environment and other people who share life.  Surely it is more powerful than eight billion being crazy paranoid...
and not everybody can hold such love in heart without breaking down.
its like let small child carry tons of grain he is gonna  bake into bread...
  I am ready my guy is and other people so grumpy unhappy for the taste of grain...
O yes greg and john you were ready,too, but devil got your heart...
  its OK  .   stay in love pastp resent and future...


another song to share


uncle kracker
"Living' The Dream"

Funny how things change
yet they always stay the same
and the simple things in life
just get tossed into the flames
and I've been down that road before
where you just gotta roll the bones
I don't have much money in my pocket
but I didn't leave none at home

Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
And I'll keep livin' the life
Living the dream on my own.

A million roads to go and
A million roads behind me
I've heard so many stories told
But the good ones never find me
I ain't got no crystal ball
thats showing me the way
I dont't know which way I'm goin
But I'll get there someday singing

Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
And I'll keep livin' the life
Living the dream on my own.

And after all I've been through
There is nothing left to prove
I'm starting to believe
we could all live the dream
One day at a time
Yes I'm starting to believe
we could all live the dream

Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
and I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time

Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
And and I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time

Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
And I'll keep livin' the life
Living the dream on my own.


a song to share_Dream(夢)

Lenny Kravits-


Dream- 夢
You can take away my freedom
But my spirit will run free
You can take away my vision
That don’t mean that I can’t see
Well all I have to say
Is it doesn’t work that way
What lives inside of me
Will find its way to be
It all starts with a dream
The dawn of a new day
The God inside of you
Will always see you through
So hold on to your dream
No one can take the dream
From your heart
From your heart
You can try to shake my reason
But you’ll never take me down
You can fill me full of bullets
But I’m built on solid ground
So all I have to say
Is I’m not going away
It’s much bigger than me
God’s will will always be

It all starts with a dream
The dawn of a new day
The God inside of you
Will always see you through
So hold on to your dream
No one can take the dream
From your heart
From your heart
Amen, amen, amen
You will never take my passion
‘Cause it always will remain
Even if I lose this battle, oh yeah
It’s just blood inside my veins
That’s all I have to say
The dream won’t go away
You can’t steal from me
What God gave me for free
It all starts with a dream
The dawn of a new day
The God inside of you
Will always see you through
So hold on to your dream
No one can take the dream
From your heart
From your heart
[Lenny Kravitz- Dream Lyrics]


私の視力を 奪うことはできるだろう
それが あるべき有り様をみいだすんだ
それが あなたをすべて見通すんだ

それでも 私を打ちのめすことは決してないだろう

だれも 夢を取り上げることなど出来ないんだ

だれも 夢を取り上げることなど出来ないんだ


Rooibos tea (ルイボスティー)

 Here is  my new found tea  for someone like myself who has high blood pressure, hyperer tension, bit of eczema,etc etc.


Tea Benefits

Rooibos tea, like green and black tea, has been found to be rich in anti-oxidants and flavonoids. In fact, Rooibos tea has been found to have as much as 50 times more SOD than Green Tea. It also has other anti-oxidants not found in other teas.
The effect of free radicals (a by-product of normal cell function) in the process of aging and declining of the immune system is limited by the anti-oxidants in Rooibos tea.
Rooibos tea is completely pure and natural, as it contains no additives, preservatives or colorants. It is a soothing drink for people on a calorie-restricted diet, without adding kilojoules.
Rooibos Tea BenefitsRooibos tea is also strongly recommended for people suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension. Rooibos tea contains no caffeine and therefore has a soothing effect on the central nervous system. Rooibos tea is also low in tannin and therefore does not have a negative effect on the absorption of iron and proteins into the body.
Rooibos tea has anti-spasmodic properties, thus relieving stomach cramps and colic in infants. Rooibos tea also relieves stomach and indigestive problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation.
Furthermore, rooibos tea also supplements the daily amounts of calcium, manganese and especially fluoride, needed for the development of strong teeth and bones. It contains zinc and alpha-hydroxy acid, which promotes healthy skin and magnesium which is necessary for a healthy nervous system.
Rooibos tea has a soothing effect on the skin, relieving itching and certain skin irritations like eczema, nappy rash and acne when directly applied to the affected area.
Rooibos tea is an all day drink which can be used as a pick-me-up in the morning, a superb thirst-quencher during the day and at night it helps you to relax and sleep



I am no hermit.
 but here is my attempt.  I see and understand that two people I cared most and loved and trusted most  went astray out of insecurity reason.  I was hoping to straighten things out..  so all of us can go  our own life
  I appreciate all the help and intention to help   the helpless girl who is almost abandoned by them.
  my father told me if there is god to throw it away, there will be another god who will pick it up.
 I  do not know what is going on. but I understand each of you in this truly care and really eager to help me save me.
If there weren't framework that to control or protect my being here, I would have received everything I dreamed of in my way and I wouldn't have needed any help to live my life.
  However, things happened  in a way, everybody want to help and be part of  my life,or press control or guidance to my life? and some received  life  that is made with decision based on unconscious.  And I am grateful about his work, yet, I know that this person is not really happy feeling deceived and being tricked by someone and keep doing the same  thing to my life just because he did not make the decision knowing what is going on
I read cards just because that is only "reality" I could trust. that  comes from my within. and there is no benefit other than greater good or my own good.  I am the reader and I am fully responsible.
I do not really make decision based on divination.  I trust who I see in people.  I trust what people say and do by observing.  My judgement is pretty sound, but  it get wronged when each say and do contradicted what each want unconsciously. 
I want success  to each spiritual and physical happiness.  I do acknowledge that you all love me and cares about me in great deal.  I am grateful and appreciate all the intention.

I know you all read thought or hear my thought, but the thought is flow of process to get somewhere and it is not what I believe or how I see..  please don't make decision of anything based on the wave of thought that changes how it is how it look flash of second or less. 

I appreciate  the effort trying to understand me, who I am, but I have to doubt your intention as long as you hear  the device before you let me see your eyes and feel how you are in my presence.
 I  like people, I love people, I value my friends more than they value me..

I am not asking whhole a lot.  Please be who you are, be a friend who know how to show respect to your  family and own friends.. So far I found a few possible  friends.  but half imaginary illusory just because I don't know if they exist..  they  are not supposed to be here as much as my being here as human...?!

well you tell me what is real, what is not please?


what the book is about

Here is my question.
Do you see the holy bible as book that describe  love of God or a  book that describes acts of  evil.not to not to not to? list of book or do this do this do this good list of book?
  I hear a lot about fear of devil  and made me wonder what it is about.
 its strange though  some people  see a good girl, but some see me as a girl with malicious intent
 I don't really understand "Christianity", but started understand what " Christ" means.   I guess its not Jesus's last name or family name?.. not sure.

For those who  see me  as human, I think projection  of myself is  not harmless, rather pretty good,just a girl who is bit stupid gulible but if you see me as something other than human, the projection of myself is something  not good. I have been wondering why.

 Just because many worries " Devil",lately, I tried to understand what it is.  Some said, it is opposite of Godhood.
 I don't know how Christianity  describes good behavior and bad behaviors to explain what is good, what godhood like.
In my culture, in my opinion, there is good action  and bad action depend on every situation, as much as  heaven and hell. and in that hell, there is   creatures that work for God to  make world better and in tact.
  And in my understanding, there is only life, either heavenly life or hell of living.  not specific place or world.  The fact is when you do good, you feel good, when you choose to do bad thing, you feel bad by nature.  I've  come to understand  state of mind defy how to see things, decide heavenly living or hell of living.

 basically,things  corresponds with personal  attitude and environment.
 if you changes yourself, the environment changes, people around you changes both who it is and how they behave when around you.
this could be momentary thing, or  one life experience or   amongst in many lives we may or may not experience to live.  I don't know what is gonna happen after death for sure. So I really don't know
but I started to believe that one   thing could be interpreted in various ways depend on how you are believing and feeling both consciously and unconsciously and unconscious good within is way superior than we could ever know fully.

 In my opinion, I love and like people who see me as a person and  see things in my time in my environment together.  Maybe   just to enjoy life granted at this moment.  Hopefully, the moment becomes a day, and then, week and then month and then a year and then   more and more fun along with it creating joy and happiness,  thats what I believe is act of working for God,  being happy, living heavenly life where no evil or devil exist.
 all we could do is figure out what is good and what is wanted and keep doing things  to be happy at every moment.
 I am sorry that all of book reader have to  deal with the trauma created through the ages.

 In my opinion, any religious book is not representation of whole divinity. which  means books do not equate god, God or godhood.  We should  be mindful what you worship for or what message you really are worshiping and believing out of those books.


Only God knows why


I've been sitting here
  Trying to find myself
I get behind myself
I need to rewind myself
  Looking for the payback
Listen for the playback
They say that every man bleeds just like me
And I feel like number one
Yet I'm last in line
I watch my youngest son
And it helps to pass the time
I take too many pills it helps to ease the pain
I made a couple of dollar bills, but still I feel the same
Everybody knows my name
They say it way out loud
A lot of folks fuck with me
It's hard to hang out in crowds
I guess that's the price you pay
To be some big shot like I am
Out stretched hands and one night stands
Still I can't find love


たぶんそれは 急に大物になってしまった自分が払わなければならない代価であって
無理をしすぎた手と 一晩限りの関係(ワンナイトスタンド) ばかりで


And when your walls come tumbling down
I will always be around
As it hey
And when your walls come tumbling down
I will always be around
People don't know about the things I say and do
They don't understand about the shit that I've been through
It's been so long since I've been home
I've been gone, I've been gone for way too long
Maybe I forgot all things I miss
Oh somehow I know there's more to life than this
I said it too many times
And I still stand firm
You get what you put in
And people get what they deserve
Still I ain't seen mine
No I ain't seen mine
I've been giving just ain't been getting
I've been walking that there line
So I think I'll keep a walking
With my head held high
I'll keep moving on and only God knows why


自分がのりこえてきた困難について 判りもしない

ただ 頭を高く掲げて進んでいくしかないんだ
Only God

Only God 
Only God knows why, why, why, why
Only God knows why, why, why
Only God knows why
Take me to the river edge
Take me to the river, hey hey hey


その河の 岸へつれっていってくれ


politicaly incorrect opinion

question for today regarding  conflicts that are going on in Middle Eastern countries is  similar to  the issue how to take good care of abused strayed dog that really is peaceful good loyal dog.

As one of those dogs, who live through the life, it is very hard for me to say to  trust western countries or to trust Christians. enough damage done and I am as heart broken as much as people in Middle eastern countries.
  either it takes in forms of UN or otherwise.
But one thing for sure is no one is playing god/God  in this whole thing
  I love peaceful solution.  And  I know that all of you do love the same.
I love to look and interact who are peaceful rather defensive offensive.
 I admit that I have the similar temper.
 but I am telling you all, it does not serve any purpose or anyone
FYI, I am non christian Asian who grow up with history that is not affected by Christianity. a little bit of weird  patriotism and Buddhism culture. not an Athist, I believe in divinity whatever called in any languages or expressions.
People,Please calm down not for the sake of UN or anything superficial action of Christianity. just be lovable instead of self destructive stupid.

abuse is abuse till to be understood it and cope it all together.
have to calm down to think and find own voice. I am telling you all sides of issues, both side of  peace makers.  everything becoming so stupid silly.  Be smart!!

as long as one of the sides is filled with anguish, there could not be real solution.  things always  go both way in mutual.
 to be honest, it is very hard for me  to take side of a hypocrite.
 you cannot teach peace without practicing it.
I do not take side, but a large number of lives have been lost. I hope and pray  that we can solve this  together by understanding  what we are doing and behaving

for real understanding, please  learn to take good care of self and then, own country first.  create peace in  self first and then small community, and then bigger cities, and then country as a whole.
being content with self spiritually, first hen should try to help others.

No no one should  feed raw honey to infant who are not ready for the sweetness of life and peace on earth till it grow up.

Be sweet and lovable
I mean everybody.
 let us be smartER than yesterday

after being betrayed so much,after  so many trust is lost, "trust me or  punish you" is just laughable.
 laughing,yet no one is getting happy

maybe someone who is in Middle East, can make me happy truly.





from the heart of where I am

One day while I was searching
For what I'll never find
She walked into my story
Said she could change my mind
This is the final offer
She said to make it quick
Don't lose out on this wonder
So I had to place my bet

Welcome to the picture show
Watching your life
Never know which way to go
It might not be right
So you better be strong

What kind of circus is this?
What kind of fools are we?
When is the final curtain?
What can I do to set me free?

Welcome to the real world
You better be strong
Never know which way to go
It might end up wrong
So you better be strong

Too many games we have to play
They always change the rules
You and me just trying to get along
What can I do?
Got to be strong
She walked into my daydream
She told me how it had to be

Welcome to the picture show
Watching your life
Never know which way to go
It might not be right
Welcome to the real world
It might end up wrong
So you better be strong
You got to be strong
You better be strong

what sad is

the life I live, the  religious reasons are for people who   know nothing about value of life, all about money,bible, prophecy, security for the price of my life,price of humanity, price of  my " brain", price of being human.

nothing has changed since the time
  OUR past  history Primo   Levi had to live through
 When are you all gonna learn??
 get F life!
 I don't take side on anything but I don't like all of you, either you being Jews, Japanese, or American,  whatever the color of skin,all Christianity practitioners misunderstood at the beginning and  sucks so bad on my health.



ヨーロッパからパレスチナへの移民は、20世紀に入り急増した。1930年代 にはパレスチナのユダヤ人口は16万人に達した。
この時フセインの次男アブドゥラーはシリアへ向けて進軍したが、途中イギリスの妥協案ーイギリス委任統治領となったパレスチナの東半分、つまりヨルダン川 以東をアブドゥラーの領土とする事を提案した。アブドゥラーはこの案を受け入れ、パレスチナのヨルダン川以東は、トランス・ヨルダン首長国となり、アブ ドゥラーが初代首長となった。
1947年2月、イギリスはパレスチナ問題の解決を国連に委ねた。これを受けて1947年11月、国連総会は国連アパレスチナ特別委員会(UNSCOP) のパレスチナをアラブ、ユダヤの2ヶ国に分割し、エルサレムおよび周辺地域を国際管理下におくというパレスチナ分割案を賛成多数で、採択した。アラブ諸国 は反対票を投じ、決議に対し強く反発した。
イスラエルとトランス・ヨルダンは休戦協定により、エルサレムを東西に分割した。旧市街地を含む東エルサレムはトランス・ヨルダンの支配下に、西エルサレ ムはイスラエルの支配下に入った。 この戦争によりパレスチナの土地に住んでいたアラブ人数十万人が難民となった。
1956年7月、エジプトのナセル大統領はスエズ運河国有化を宣言した。イギリス・フランス両国はイスラエルとともにエジプトに対する共同作戦を取った。 1956年10月29日、イスラエルは、ガザおよびシナイ半島に進撃した。これと同時にイギリス・フランス軍がエジプトへの攻撃を開始した。スエズ動乱 (第二次中東戦争)である。これに対し米ソ両国が英仏に圧力をかけ、両国は2カ月後撤退し、イスラエル軍も翌年3月撤退した。
エジプトのカイロ大学のパレスチナ学生の組織「パレスチナ学生連合」の主要メンバーを中心にして1950年代末、「ファ タハ」が結成された。「ファタハ」は、パレスチナ解放を目的とし、イスラエルに対してゲリラ闘争を挑んだ。そのリーダーがヤセル・アラファトだった。 ファタハは1964年、イスラエルに対する初のゲリラ攻撃を行った。
1967年5月22日、エジプトのナセル大統領は、紅海とアカバ湾を結ぶチラン海峡封鎖を宣言した。 イスラエルにとって、アカバ湾はインド洋への唯一の航路だった。
イスラエルは統一されたエルサレムを「首都」と宣言した。しかし他国は(日本を含め)これを認めていない。あくまでテルアビブ首都であるとして、大使館は テルアビブにおいている。 国連総会は、イスラエルによる東エルサレム併合に対する撤回決議を採択したが、イスラエルはこれに反論した。
1970年、黒い9月(Black September)、ヨルダン内戦。これによりヨルダンで活動していたPLOメンバーはレバノンに移動した。
10月17日、OAPEC(アラブ石油輸出国機構)は、いわゆる「石油戦略」を発動した。これはアラブ支持、イスラエルの占領反対国以外に対し、石油禁輸 や削減を行う。原油価格を70%値上げするというものだった。アラブの石油に頼っていた日本では、この石油ショックは、トイレットペーパーまで店頭からな くなるというほどのパニックを引き起こした。
1982年6月6日、イスラエル軍がレバノン領内に侵攻した。イスラエル軍は西ベイルートへ進軍し, PLOとシリア軍を包囲した。この包囲は2カ月間続いた。
1987年12月、ガザ地区とヨルダン川西岸でパレスチナ人によるインティファーダが始まった。「インティファーダ」とはアラビア語で大衆蜂起を意味す る。ガザ地区とヨルダン川西岸各地で、パレスチナ人とイスラエル軍が衝突した。パレスチナ人は石や火炎ビンで軍と衝突し、多数の負傷者や逮捕者を出した。 ゼネストも頻繁に行われた。
1993年9月、イスラエルとパレスチナ解放機構(PLO)との間で、「イスラエルを国家として、PLOをパレスチナの自治政府として相互に承認し、5年 にわたって自治政府による自治を認め、イスラエルは入植した地域から暫定的に撤退。その5年の間に今後の詳細を協議する」というオスロ合意が署名される。




今日の複雑な中東情勢をつくりだしたもとは、第二次大戦前、同地域を植民地支配していた英国の二枚舌外交と、第二次世界大戦後の国連による同地域の 処置に慎重さを欠いたことによるものが大きいようである。イスラエル建国前は現在のイスラエルのある地域全体をパレスチナと呼び、長い間イスラム教徒に よって治められていた。ユダヤ人も少数ながらキリスト教徒と共にイスラム政権下のもと共存していた。第一次世界大戦以前、東アラブ地域(現在のレバノン、 シリア、パレスチナ、イスラエル、イラク、ヨルダン)はオスマン トルコの領土だった。当時オスマン トルコの弱体化により、西欧の列強が同地域、特にエルサレムに注目し始めていた。エルサレムをイスラム教徒の手から奪還するというのは十字軍のとき以来の キリスト教徒にとっての悲願であった。第一次世界大戦中、英国は自国に有利にことが運ぶように以下のような二枚舌外交を展開した。
  1. アラブ人への約束:フセイン・マクマホン書簡(1915.7~1916.1にかけて、メッカの守護職フセインとイギリスの高官マクマホンの間でやりとりされた手紙)
    英国のオスマン トルコとの戦いへの協力の見返りに、東アラブ地方(イラク、シリア、ヨルダン、レバノン、パレスチナ)およびアラビア半島にアラブ王国建設を支持する事を約束
  2. ユダヤ人への約束:バルフォア宣言(1917.11.2 バルフォア外相からユダヤ人の富豪ロスチャイルドへの手紙を通じイギリスのシオニスト組織へ伝えられた。)
英国は、パレスチナという同じ札をアラブ、イスラエル双方に出したのである。第一次世界大戦終了後パレスチナはイギリスの委任統治領となったが、英 国は第一次世界大戦中にした二枚舌外交の代償を払わなければならなくなる。第一次世界大戦終了後から第二次世界大戦終了までユダヤ人移民がパレスチナへ大 量流入し、それに対するアラブ人の大反乱が起こった。第二次世界大戦終了後、英国は手におえなくなったパレスチナ問題の解決を国連に委ねた。これを受けて 1947年11月、国連総会はパレスチナをアラブ、ユダヤの2ヶ国に分割し、エルサレムおよび周辺地域を国際管理下におくというパレスチナ分割案をアラブ 諸国の猛烈な反対にもかかわらず、採択した。アラブ諸国はそれを不服としてアラブとイスラエルの長きにわたる中東戦争へと突入することになった。イスラエ ルは対アラブの戦略的重要性から、欧米、特に多数の強力なユダヤ人勢力を抱える米国の支援により、1948年5月1日独立後、次第にパレスチナ地域に不動 の位置を定め、パレスチナ地域全域を手中に治めるに至る。このような国際社会の成り行きに振り回されたパレスチナ地域に元々住んでいた住民たちは悲劇にさ らされたのであった。そのような中がパレスチナ人の地位向上のために立ち上がり、結成されるようになったのがPLOである。
エジプトのカイロ大学のパレスチナ学生の組織「パレスチナ学生連合」の主要メンバーを中心にして1950年代末、「ファタハ」が結成された。「ファ タハ」は、パレスチナ解放を目的とし、イスラエルに対してゲリラ闘争を挑んだ。そのリーダーがヤセル アラファト(現PLO議長)だった。PLOは1964年5月に結成された。1969年にアラファト氏がPLO執行委員会議長に就任した。その後、アラファ ト議長はPLO内現実派として国際交渉に活躍、国連でパレスチナ人の権利を認めさせるのに成功した。それと共にPLOはイスラエルの抹殺という当初の目的 を変更し、イスラエルとの共存をはかるようになる。
現在日本をはじめ世界の多くの国がヨルダン川西岸・ガザ地区に対するイスラエルの占領行為を国際法上の違法行為にあたるとしており、PLOをパレス チナ人を代表する有力な組織として認めている。(ただし、PLOが暫定自治を行うことを定めているだけで、将来において独立国家が樹立されることまで保証 するものではない。)国家でない地域に対して援助ということで、特殊なケースとしてではあるが、多くの国がPLOに経済的援助を行っている。ちなみに日本 の場合は世界銀行や日本・パレスチナ開発基金などの国際機関を通じての援助を先行させていくという形を取っている。


Brown rice (玄米)

最近、ストレスもろもろの ウツと健康管理から、いろいろ自分で見てきて、またはまってしまったのが玄米。体にいいのはわかっていても100% 玄米で炊いて食べるのはちょっとあまりなかった。いつも白米50%玄米50%で炊いてたぐらい。私は本来、痛みとか 自分や他人の心配にとことん弱い人間だから結構すぐによくなろうと市販のお薬を飲んでしまうほう。
玄米が 心の安定に関係したGABAを 多く含んでいて、そんな心配性の私にはいいらしいといってまた一生懸命食べ始めた。ストレスの多いときは消化不良になってしまって個人的に がんばらないと本当はなかなか食べれないほう。  それでも食べ方によってはおいしく間単に食べれるらしい。玄米をサラダのようにしてたべるのはけっこうおいしい。。というかサラダドレッシングしだい。。。?

GABA Deficiency Symptoms

A calming or "peacemaker" chemical in the brain, GABA induces relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases focus. One of the four key neurotransmitters, GABA also serves to keep all the other neurotransmitters in check. A deficiency can lead to:
  • Anxiety symptoms
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Palpitations
  • Seizures
  • Lower sex drive
  • Disorders of the heart
  • Depression

Read more at Suite101: GABA: The Brain's Own Anti-Anxiety Medication: Feel Calm Without The Side Effects of Anxiety Drugs. | Suite101.com http://suite101.com/article/gaba-the-brains-own-anti-anxiety-medication-a59854#ixzz20Klk9eWd

oods That Increase GABA:

According to Dr. Braverman, author of "The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage," the following foods are high in glutamic acid/glutamate (forms glutamine, precursor to GABA):
  • Almonds, tree nuts
  • Bananas
  • Beef Liver
  • Broccoli
  • Brown Rice
  • Halibut
  • Lentils
  • Oats, whole grain
  • Oranges, citrus fruits
  • Rice bran
  • Spinach
  • Walnuts
  • Whole wheat, whole grains.


Control Z

I feel unfair. as much as I am psychic and serving the world,my work doesn't get paid
I feel unjustified  keep paying other people's debt
So here is my  solution to offer
 forget everything and lets UNDO before this religious drama took place
 people who is in it, all go back to where they were in financial sense.
 world care money than belief any way
so no one feel burned or taken advantaged of this whole manipulative world control
money came in because of my work to be restored  to originator and  deal with the rest on its own?
 I hear many complaining I talk about money and material concerns, even call it as act of  evil.
So I want to clear the  slate to be fair and sound to everybody
 No psychic, no astrologer should make money in this whole world like I do
lets try go back to the style before this whole thing took place
 we all know more than we did before
  In this technology oriented society, I guess everything is OK as long as it don't get caught?
 everybody besides me  is all partners in crimes?

Not my life style or what I believe, but  we all are talking about  "ending"" changing" Christianity

How about control Z
 Could this whole thing and go back to where you were...2010 ish?

I am asking input and productive opinion and solution
 I got baby Jesus who  has world size insecurity issue
 I want those baby benefit, most Christian lady enjoy
any help saving my baby?

life is ?

Life Is A Highway"

Whooo umm yeah...
Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside ev'ry darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
To break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and it's all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hands
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights

Knock me down get back up again
You're in my blood
I'm not a lonely man
There's no load I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors


Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah


There was a distance between you and I (between you and I)
A misunderstanding once
But now we look it in the eye


There ain't no load that I can't hold
Road so rough this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors

[Chorus: (x3)]
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah



a spiritual person

 these video is about a famous  Japanese Veterinarian who travel all over the world.  And this is record of one of his journeys.  He is creator of  the old  movie " " the adventures of Milo and Otis".

As he travels country of mongol,county of  central Asia, he encountered abounded animals that are collected  to create zoo.  The project of zoo was banished for financial reason, and bear and wolf that used to be wild try to interact with the Veterinarian. 
  He confesses  human's selfish nature towards animals and express torment about the fact that they never felt love from human and be released or killed for  their convenience.  He plays with the wolf supposed to be dangerous and interact with bear and find out the bear is starving and just missing mama bear. He   talks about we should live in harmony both human and animals.

As he join the local horse race, it remided him of his bitter past, yet to let the horse live,once he started the race, he had to keep the horse walking and running in safe manner to protect its heart. as witnessing  failed horses in the race path, he thinks and tells that there is always death and life in this world. the life who live enthusiastically, there is light, for those who don't, there is just laziness and degradation.


Minnie's monologue 4

After Minnie found out what his old friends did to her, its been almost two years.
 While she was in  the boat being tortured, her old friends claimed benefit being Minnie's friends to Goofy and  they received it and they all have been partners in crime sort of..  And other Disney world friends hid everything what Goofy did and what Minnie's friends did in order to protect Minnie's heart

Minnie  worried about how Goofy would have to live, but  Minnie could not change Goofy's mind about anything.  Goofy was so traumatized by Christianity and his Princess happened to marry and love for the puppies.. 
I guess they all share love for own child and do anything to get money to raise their puppies.. 
Minnie made peace with their decision and  now  expecting to move on with Micky leaving painful past behind.

Pirates in the boat did nothing for making things better to Minnie's eyes or improving  her life and insist there was no such thing or events took place. Minnie's new friends kept telling her that  there is no such people, Minnie's old friends, exist in her Disney world. 
Now  She would have to assume it was just nightmare that everybody created out of desperation in order to take advantage of Minnie and  steal her inheritance which was resulted when last angelic Minnie worked for about two thousand years ago.

  There were few possible scenario
 The best would have been: they come out and straighten out this power game over Christianity together with Minnie, so all will be true Christian who believe and know how to stand up for what they believe in, which was what she hoped and dreamed for
  yet money concerns and the power to decide who stay in her world and who stay out of her world was so critical to many that, Minnie employed both..  everybody can choose to stay ,how to live to be a  true Christian who believe in own heart and  actions,and belief even with or without  the true understanding.  

Minnie is not God,or capable of acting like one,cannot really tell what to do to each life so , she decided to let things  be and see what happens.
  The worst scenario could have been,everyone  put all possible  blame on Minnie and steal everything both knowledge and the inheritance and then kill her or Minnie dying  from her chronic disease and  banished her own existence   both physically and   her  spiritual heart, and do things exactly how and what  happened last time when angelic Minnie was here on earth last time.
Supposedly,if everyone's  love for Minnie, their friendship to Minnie were to be true and real, there is no room or possibility for failure in each this time

Minnie is wishing best for all.. and  as Mickey  playing   a lot of cheerful music to her ears,she is in process  getting recovered from the trauma and the hard time she had to live.

anyone get to choose where to stand in this  Minnie is not working for any particular religious organization, so not  really a Christian or Buddhist or Islam. Minnie is Minnie.  She is here for whole humanity.

  Mickey and Goofy worked and tried to  create peace in this chaotic situation spending a lot of time, money and energy to those who  lost their mind  in this situation by  providing safety guidance and  anger management therapy through writing and corresponding each other. They believe in  love,  being in and out of love constantly, and eventually, found balance between survival and love for life, survival of Minnie
But for now  what theyboth want is for Minnie to be happy and recovered from the trauma without her acknowledging the painful past and painful events that took place behind her back or everything happened to her

  Minnie is grateful that Goofy and mickey's intention and just would like to focus on happy future for herself and her world
 hope you all are with her in this



So far

nothing has changed
not really worried or care much
Sure Astrology, Astrologer got a lot to say about recent events happening in sky
Sure it look like it is designed that  all will  benefit for me to do the work, for  my life
well it was all  designed before humanity broke the balance
 as long as you keep listening my thought before your heart, nothing be fulfilled
guaranteed. things run based on fear and control.things has been running based on fear and control
 more you care about those, you will receive more of  the fear and control
   So here  I am to tell you that more flexible you are, more independent, more independent thinker  you are, less paranoid you get.. and will have more wonderful days next several years..card of "Strength"?
 Ah yes Saturn leave sometime in October the sign of Libra..
relationship, friends family changes a lot by then. maybe for better maybe for worse sure money moves as people moves and transform its relationship. kids is needed to be fed, women need to be taken cared... as much as men..
 just as usual
 just like any other time
 nothing has changed
more spiritual you are, more prone  to  other people's paranoia vibe..
be careful which music you choose to dance with, or dance for

Only people who have  established own life without others help should listen my thought,  and help my life,my people,  my world, 
  no friends of benefit wanted in my life,any more or less, keep what you stole from me already  and leave me alone
no question to ask, I ask no questions, I will tell no answer, friends to keep have already chosen and in tact, no evidence required  to earn my kind of friendship,just be who you are,I will just see through whatever in each of you and decide what to do

something great should not start from a wrong foot
but there is enough courtesy in every situation every person's value and emotion
  I am not angry or grumpy.. just being generous offering fairness to all
 you should be following me...
 you should have  been putting me first in priority before anything else

 you should be asking me what is desirable  to my face
 I am capable handling most of situations as you impose the responsibilities
 no joke no trick like you all have been
with me or not...physically
 try stay with me

follow your own burger king at your own risk
I  have no problem keeping you  in cage and watch through  life just like you do to me  day to day.
  So far I found that so many are in love with Burger KING and call themselves vegetarian...
yum yum...I enjoy  the wharper..and I am not vegetarian.
 please be easy on veges and flowers as much as cows and chickens.So far greens and flower seems to be be wasted  some
restore the balance

to my life and to this world
 so far not so good