

Seth explains religious drama

Seth speaks about religious drama (P 327)

These ideas become the driving themes of these religious dramas of which I have spoken. The actors May “return” time and time again, in different roles. In any given historic religious drama, therefore, the actors may have already appeared on the historic scene in your past, the prophet of today being the traitor of the past drama. These psychic entities are real, however. It is quite true to say that their reality consists not only of the core of their own identity, but also is reinforced by those projected thought and feelings of the earthy audience for whom the drama is enacted. Psychic or psychological identification is of great import here and is indeed at the heart of all such dramas. In one scene, you can say that man identifies with the gods he has himself created. Man does not understand the magnificent quality of his own inventiveness and creative power, however. Then say that gods and men create each other , and you come even closer to the truth; but only if you are very careful in your definitions- for how exactly, do gods and men differ? The attributes of the gods are those inherent within man himself, magnified, brought into powerful activity, Men believe that gods live forever. Men live forever, but having forgotten this they remember only to endow their gods with this characteristics. Obviously, then beyond these earthy historic religious dramas, the seemingly recurring tales of gods and men, there are spiritual realities. Behind the actors in dramas, there are more powerful entities who are quite beyond role-playing. The plays themselves, then, the religions that sweep across the ages-these are merely shadows, though helpful ones. Behind the frame of good and evil is a far deeper spiritual value. All religions therefore, while trying to catch “truth” must to some large degree fear its ever eluding them. The inner self alone, at rest in meditation, can at times glimpse portions of these inner realities that cannot be physically expressed. These values, intuitions or insights are given each to according to his understanding, and so the stories told about them will often vary. (p328) For example, the main character in a religious historical drama may or may not consciously be aware of the ways in which such information is given to him. And yet it may seem to him that he does know, for the nature of a dogma’s origin will be explained in terms that this main character can understand. The historical Jesus knew who he was, but he also knew that he was one of three personalities composing one entity mentioned many times by me, has not in your terms yet appeared, although his existence has been prophesied as the “Second coming” Matthew24). Now these prophecies were given in terms of the current culture at that time, and therefore, while the stage has been set, the distortions are deplorable, for this Christ will not come at the end of your world as the prophecies have been maintaining. He will not come to reward the righteous and send evildoer to eternal doom. He will, however, begin a new religious drama. A certain historical continuity will be maintained. As happened once before, however, he will not be generally known for who is there will be no glorious proclamation to which the whole world will bow. He will return to straighten out Christianity, which will be in shambles at the time of his arrival, and to set up a new system of thought when the world is sorely in need of one. By the time, all religions will be in severe crisis. He will undermine religious organizations- not unite them. His message will be that of the individual in relation to All That Is. He will clearly state methods by which each individual can attain a state of intimate contact with his own entity; the entity to some extent being man’s mediator with All That Is. By 2075 all of this will be already accomplished. You may make a note here that Nostradamus saw dissolution of the Roman Catholic Church as the end of the world. He could not imagine civilization without it, hence many of his later predictions should be read with this in mind. The third personality of Christ will indeed be known as a great psychic; for it is he who will teach humanity to use those inner senses that alone make true spirituality possible. Slayers and victims will change roles as reincarnational memories rise to the surface of consciousness. Through the development of these abilities, the sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated.

Seth speaks how Jesus was saved last time

Seth Speaks (page366)

Christ, the historical Christ was not crucified.. You will have to give me time here. He had no intention of dying in that manner; but others felt that to fulfill the prophecies in all ways, a crucifixion was necessity. Christ did not take part in it. There was a conspiracy in which Judas played a role, an attempt to make a martyr out of Christ. The man chosen was drugged- hence the necessity of helping him carry the cross( luke23) and he was told that he was the Christ. He believed that he was. He was one of those deluded, but he also himself believed that he, not historical Christ, was fulfilling the prophecies. Mary came because she was full of sorrow for the man who believed he was her son. Out of compassion she was present. The group responsible wanted it to appear that one particular portion of the Jews had crucified Christ, and never dreamed that the whole Jewish people would be “blamed” This is difficult to explain, and even for me to unravel…The tomb was empty because group carted the body away. Mary Magdalene did see Christ, however, immediately after(see Matthew 28)Christ was a great psychic. He caused the wounds to appear then upon his own body, and appeared both physically and in out of body state to his followers. He tried, however, to explain what had happened, and his position, but those who were not in on the conspiracy would not understand misread his statements. Peter three times denied the Lord(Matthew 26) saying he did not know him because he recognized that that person was not Christ. The plea, Peter why thou forsaken me?” came from the man who believed was Christ- drugged version. Judas pointed out that man He knew of the conspiracy, and feared that the real Christ would be captured. Therefore he handed over to the authorities a man known to be self-styled messiah- to save, not destroy, the life of the historical Christ. Symbolically, however, the crucifixion idea itself embodied deep dilemmas and meaning of the human psyche, and so the Crucifixion per se became a far greater reality than the actual physical events that occurred at the time. Only the deluded are in danger of, or capable of such self-sacrifice, you see, or find it necessary. Only those still bound up in ideas of crime and punishment would be attracted to that kind of religious drama, and find within it deep echoes of their own subjective feelings. Christ knew however, clairvoyantly, that these events in one way or another would occur, and the probable dramas that could result. The man involved could not be swerved from his subjective decision. He would be sacrificed to make old Jewish prophecies come true and he could not be dissuaded. In the last supper when Christ said,” This is my body, and this is my blood,” He meant to show that the spirit was independent of his body, and also in his own way to hint that he should no longer be identified with his body. For he knew the dead body would not be his own. This was all misunderstood. Christ then changed his mode of behavior appearing quite often in out of body states to his followers( John28, Matthew 28, Luke 24)before he had not done this to that degree. He tried to tell them however that he was not dead; and they chose to take him symbolically. His physical presence was no longer necessary, and was even an embarrassment under the circumstances. He simply willed himself out of it. He knew that without the wound, they would not believe he was himself, because they were so convinced that he died with those wounds.(john20) They were to be method of identification, to be dispensed with when he explained the true circumstances. He ate to prove that he was still alive, for example(john21,luke 24,etc) they took this simply to mean that the spirit could partake of foods. They wanted to believe that he had been crucified and arisen.


October 31

funny thing. I had a Halloween party back in1996 with many other international students. I met many friends and they were from Russia,Saudi Arabia,Columbia, Mexico,Switzerland,South Korea, Cambodia,Brazil,Latvia, etc etc. and my costume was Nan.
and somehow, we all became what we chose to be unconsciously?
unconscious is something amazing.


Who said time for change ?

Following was part of my post I wrote few months ago

In the Month of January2011, existence of M's and their followers came to me and asked for my Buddhism assistance,asked for chance to fix their mistakes on their own. They are very sorry and upset for the trouble I was facing at that time. I did not see the news or TV,so I do not know what it was about,but probably it was the problems in the Middle East. They were upset about their followers, “gold DOG” believers (this is probably analogy of gold calf,maybe) and wanted to solve the problems for me and I think they did, but I am not sure what they did. As hey saved my life, I also helped them with my best knowledge and we worked together best we could although I have limited knowledge about Buddhism at religious level,yet gave them best shot about what I knew.

I felt that they just wanted to save people leaving right kind of teaching, and the effort of perfection seems sort of backfired. What matter is practice the teaching by “living” the idea,with joy, without creating new misunderstandings. They all are travelers with experiences with such curiosity and endless interest in life, something new.

The fact is I still care less about all the religions that exist,but I am more incline to start learning about Buddhism or native American culture now. The reason we celebrate Thanks giving in America is one of our accomplishment as human beings. Major reason of the accomplishment is because of the native Indian's generosity,spirituality, yet the sacrificed blood throughout this continents.  (personality I know that they got so much asset and financial power in the world, think old christian catholic should invest all the profit  they benefited from these countries in North and South America to make up Jesus's suffering because it is all done in his name.,But if it is not voluntarily,its very hard to say or expect good outcome.And from here,it should stand up on its own based on real legacy of his idea, and keep going with contributions of true  believers that exist right now.  (If you need me, let me know,sure you know how to find me,maybe?)

Here is my revolutionary idea I had today after witnessing all the chaos and argument regarding religions. Maybe I finally got their message right. Something told me there is somethings I should not save,and I never understood before. But if those creators of religious books, Mose, Mohammad ( I found out that he did not “write” or read any books himself),and other famous beings and I gave up all the teaching that exist at this point on this world,all at once,maybe this world might become more peaceful?

I still believe that nature of people are good and it is pure love positive source energy as Abraham explains.
In physical reality, there supposed to be no hell to see. But it probably simply imply that there is hell of living because of the law of attraction. Whatever you did negatives becomes burden when one loses physical body,even closer to non physical becoming pure love existence. And as it get closer to pure love, you will see more shadows of your own, as if you get closer to the light,it creates the shadow in own existence. And sometimes it was described as hell,but there is no such thing as long as one does not focus in the past.
Tricky part is more you receive the light and love, your soul probably hurts for own bad behavior till it learns and practices unconditional love to the others,becoming light itself. Probably that is why flowers and plants,trees are so beautiful,so shiny, and so pure. They just give without asking much and they receive water and love as much as they have faith in its being.

I love flowers,trees and plants. They never complain about Sunshine or water.

I love America and love freedom. Based on that,by the idea, everybody has right to believe what you want to. So I do not deny or encourage,or praise any decision each makes about this religious issue. What I love probably not going to change,and I am believer of freedom and love which takes enormous trust and faith in life and such courage to practice.
 personally, I had enough of something and would like to focus something good for  own soul which is to seek my own happiness along with making people around me happier,enjoy life together. and I believe that is called act of “no religion,but hold faith in love,trust and appreciation for all of life in every way possible,and respect all the superior existence and guidance which maybe described as ALL THAT IS,or god, gods,God with my best understanding”

if anyone asked me is this Christianity?, I would say part of it,it is
is this could be part of any other religion's idea? I would say if it works to be happy,it is
if anyone asked what this mean with Jesus, I would say, He is generous enough, he would not care or mind what it called.   he is not responsible to any, I am not going to be responsible to the idea either, and that is our disclaimer..

everything is at level of  individual. 
It is time for self healing. Jesus was innocent of all had blamed for. Each of us could claim own goodness by start making effort doing a little good thing on its own and start taking more responsibility of own life. more you give, more you would receive.
If you are Christian, believing what he had taught you, good thing about life,and if you understand it, there should not be anything to worry.
Islam could do the same. If it really was about peace and love,and practicing it, there is nothing to fear or worry. Well,at some level,  itis obvious that it doesn't represent what once said and taught originally any more?time for change? maybe?
Peace means people are happy in harmony and being able to talk things out without fear without losing love for life. where people express own opinion to others without fear,without control,without losing its life. If this is not the situation,its time to start new life style, time for changes.time for getting,becoming REAL,time for learning and time to enjoy life.

If this is just too hard or sounds just not realistic to hear,
I hope no one blame me. I am just a messenger though I would like to help best way possible,best I can.  If you need me, just let me know.  hope you know where to find me.


To the moon and back

She's taking time making up the reasons
 To justify all the hurt inside Guess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes
 Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one They're saying, "
Mama never loved her much" And, "Daddy never keeps in touch That's why she shies away from human affection"
 But somewhere in a private place She packs her bags for outer space And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
 And she'll say to him She's saying
 Chorus I would fly to the moon and back if you be...
 If you be my baby I've got a ticket for a world where we, we belong
 So would you be my baby? She can't remember a time when she felt needed
 If love was red then she was color blind
 All her friends, well they've been trialed for treason And crimes that were never defined She's saying, "Love is like a barren place, And reaching out for human faith It's like a journey I just don't have a map for"
 So baby's gonna take a dive and Push the shift to overdrive
 Send a signal that she's hanging All her hopes on the stars
 What a pleasant dream She's saying
 Chorus I would fly to the moon and back if you be...
 If you be my baby I've got a ticket for a world where we,we belong
 So would you be my baby? Hold on, hold on ...
 Mama never loved her much And,
Daddy never keeps in touch That's why she shies away from human affection
 But somewhere in a private place She packs her bags for outer space
 And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come And she'll say to him
 She's saying Chorus(2x)
 I would fly to the moon and back if you be...
 If you be my baby
 I've got a ticket for a world where we,we belong So would you be my baby?
 I would fly to the moon and back if you be...
 If you be my baby I've got a ticket for a world where we,we belong


Drops of Jupiter

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's a time to change, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way
To see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar
And then you missed me
While you were looking for yourself out there?

Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as
Plain ol' Jane told a story about a man
Who was too afraid to fly so he never did land

But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance
To dance along the light of day

And head back to the Milky Way?

And tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
Was it everything you wanted to find?
And then you missed me
While you were looking for yourself out there

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you
Even when I know you're wrong?

Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance
Five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had, and me?

But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance
To dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way?

But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way
To see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?

And tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar
And then you missed me
While you were looking for yourself?

And did you finally get the chance
To dance along the light of day?
And did you fall for a shooting star?
Fall for a shooting star?
And now you're lonely looking for yourself out there


Wake Up call

I tend to be all or nothing  when engaging particular activity. More  I care, the tendency seems to get exaggerated.  Having perfectly calm peaceful day, made me realized something I used to love and adore without any doubt without any fear or worry.  Felt such appreciation and wanted to apologize that it took so long for me  to realize something simple as a t long.  I really am very  lucky woman just being able to be here and breathing. It was my realization today having a small Wake Up call of my own.

I have been bitter and my days were filled with resentment and honestly still do feel  some fear about things regarding Japan a little, but I am better today.
 If and when country of Japan realizes their mistake and started making changes by  waking self up, I wish many countries and people support the effort and its recovery.( I could not say that before  honestly and it is still a little hard for me to say,but here is my effort )
After all,everyone makes  some kind of mistake in life.

If anyone seeks support to be better, I  hope I could be the one to offer that support myself someday,too.
I was so hurt that I started even doubting best thing happened in my life even.  What I want is to  live life,to share good things about life with people I love and I care.  Please forgive my bitter expressions which could have been better and gentle if I were more mature and thoughtful.

thank you so much for putting up with me, keep supporting, helping me


Christianity decision

Christianity decision

First of all, I would like to tell you that conscious decision is very important.  After learning the answer, keep making same mistake were to be part of Christianity core, please don't expect anything out of me.

I realized that my only conscious decision was to trust my friends.   I believed they are on my side.  And the next conscious decision was to change "destroy" Christianity to "change" the Christianity  Major  conscious and unconscious decision,I made was    to help a guy. It really was a beginning of my Christianity journey.
He  was in life  big trouble and pain, being so torn and  hurt by the news of accident of family, my intuition  wasn't that sharp in  2007,  yet I saw his family and or friends tricked him into legal marriage in order to save one  family, and infant life he claimed it was his, I decided to stay in his life when, in case  he needs help especially when  he find out the baby might not be his.  I tried to get out of the relationship many times,yet it was such  tag of war every time I attempted to be out.  It was because happened to be right after I prayed to God(god) appreciating saving my life from illness, and declared that  if I see someone in trouble, I would do "anything" to help.  Who would know my prayer was listened unless there was many hidden camera and bugs in my apt?( I am kidding here) it was just too weird "coincidence"for sure.

I learned a lot about "Christianity" this year especially when someone changed the word " Greg" into "Craig" on my web search.

not sure.what is list thing about? no one really explained that to me.I am here not to encourage reading too much into bible,so I have been in such a trouble.  And I feel many Christian took advantage of my faithful nature imposing this living environment for long.  Please stop that.  If its based on my conscious decision, I would like to help you ALL.

What I know is that this my living environment does not allow me to make conscious decision of my own much knowing things when I do want to
In case you all care what  I choose, here is my conscious answer:

If anyone designed this my living environment "consciously" playing God on me? whether,a person or an organization? they should declare they are the guy and please  leave me alone.If that is the case, they are the first one to be eliminated from my world. restore everything they stole and took away from me and leave me alone.
I have been taking such pain living this life. I know that my info were all over online or other media both clothed or naked.(maybe) And I am a woman who feel depressed when raping takes place on me or anyone, yet many think I am tough enough like man of Jesus to put up such torture?
I know and feel that way every day  despite the gag order in the community I live.  I know that gag order is to  protect whoever ruined my right as human, who distributed the image and things. from the cameras and bugs planted in my apartment and outside are supposed to be my "paranoia" and everybody knows me everywhere because of my "paranoia" so no one have to believe what I say and write.  All of these put me in such uncomfortable life environment and making me so distrustful about people,yet they want me to be the one who is crazy and wrong so they can manipulate me and God? in old better method of Christianity?

whoever saw that and felt justified believing I deserved this living condition, those should be next to be out of my world.  Yes those Japanese  who believed that strongly, I am talking about you here

For the rest,I have no name to collect  or distribute any "free stuff"other than contents on this blog  but I am giving the answer and if you understand the intention and real meaning,I think you are already "in"
It really is autopilot by non physicals.  I don't get to say much and I am not happy with both.
angels did not take human forms, and the manifestation takes humans form? not sure.  It always takes non physical form  guiding us each.  Surely based on conscious decision, ANYONE can act like or behave,and even live like an angel if choose to do so by the conscious and, unconscious decision,but I know that most would not do that. It is hard. it is not easy  to do the right thing yet we all could do our best time to time.  That is where real blessing lies.
So here is second chance to each to  make conscious decision on your own.  If I give you one, maybe I get another to survive? maybe.

 all I can say is thank you for those who come talking to me,even just hi, taking such a chance to do so in this world?  all I know is that you had nothing to hide from me and it  felt good just itself. So thank you.

Having such hard time trusting people lately. It is getting harder to trust nonphysical,too.
because if one act of helping were to be wrong decision of mine, I would have never had the revelation.  Yet I did and all I witnessed was plan to protect those who betrayed me and all I feel is deception to hide the wrong doing as if it all was my fault  and all I see in people is image of Jesus,sometimes, his name,cross, sometimes love,sometimes anger and frustration which I have trouble figuring out
So I keep asking What really is going on?
Where really is the  Jesus at?
Chaos and nightmare got so big that no way fixing,so heading to self destruction?
thats how I feel. Having hard time praying appreciating God.  Yet I don't know what really is going on.

I always know what I wanted entire my life.   I wanted to live in environment feeling free and safe. safe to say things I feel, safe to get up in the morning without crying, safe enough to cry whenever I want to, safe to laugh without upsetting anyone safe to share good thing without being afraid of getting betrayed or stolen, safe to say hi, safe to say bye to anyone whenever I encounter. safe to be anywhere wherever without making anyone afraid of me  or feeling uncomfortable.  I found that. I had everything I ever wanted at one point of my life. I was healed from all the wound of life and thought I could be better, more powerful person, and  when I started caring about other people's happiness before mine, I lost  most valuable thing in my life because of all of you who didn't know the true value of things..  any animals are more lovable and understanding things than what I see in people ?

the life  I live is life deprived all the security I feel and love I found in my entire life.
 If this is the idea of your Christianity, I would gladly share this life with all of you in one form or another if that is your asking. things to do with the list or not.core of everything used to be love, but they took away from me.  What do you expect?
I would like to know how and what happened while I was putting up this torture all alone.
My door is always open for people who want to discuss things.
 most anything, I need time to recover,  I need true rest and trust to people  to be restored.  Please help me.

 this is   my dare and also crying out for help

I believe people's life is valuable than other animal's life in many ways though it does not mean those animal's life values less. It is just different and life is valuable just itself and being a human,really is privilege if you know the true value of things that exist in this whole  world.


Gamble to be paid?

Gamble to be paid?

I started to believe where you are born and how horoscope is written are part of life plan as intended before the birth.
My recent realization  was that I was born to raise the bottom of Buddhism teaching. I was born in Japan where Buddhism teaching was dominant, where real Christianity had no root to grow good. Yet both case was prepared from the beginning in case one failed before the other.
The real gamble was whether Japan as country could do the right thing or not. As Buddhism dominated country, its teaching is about putting value on life itself, but irony is historically, suicide,killing self is considered to be justified and beautiful to protect superficial justification in this country. The sham was more dominant than life itself in this country. True meaning of life was neglected for long. teaching of Abraham was prepared to benefit to the both. When I found the teaching of Abraham, all I wanted to do was to be a translator to introduce their work to Japan. Although it seems to be an insurance to whichever it fail or excel, I believe it was idea prepared to spread being part of my life,being part of my life learning and achievement. It really means teaching of “Nonphysical”

In the year 2001,I had a surgery and Japan made a mistake making decision about concept of life and humanity. They just wanted to take advantage of things, in order to control things based on their non physical reading being read,yet their expectation was based on “BEFORE the “mistake” was carried out And they are still believing the mistake was “hidden”or didn't happen so they believe they deserve the benefit I might be able to provide if they could manipulate enough secretly and control to own people. To me, gag orders do not really mean much when I want to know something.The answer is that Buddism just cannot support the action no matter what.

In June, 2007, I had two job opportunities on the exact same day, after long recovery from the illness and rehabilitation. It was my beginning of my story finding Jesus itself and the story and agony is still ongoing. One job I applied was a job that allows me to work both US and Thailand where Buddhism teaching was dominant, another was store that was purely based on US. I was rejected by first one and employed by the second one. And yes, there was many “coincidence” that were related to Christianity from here, and I was led to the teaching of Abraham and was started taking unexpected journey of Christianity unknowingly . It was created by some other people, and it was the journey that was made out of people's wrong decision making. I was so blinded to figure out how people could live and act in a way taking advantages of things.
As far as I know, if Japan didn't make the “mistake”, my life path was totally different benefiting more people and myself in different ways.
I just followed guidance that existed withing me, and I am standing here writing this.

Well, the mistake was made, and I have been in my search to do the right thing to my heart. I feel I was betrayed by both religions, all the friends and family.
As my learning about Christianity, First it seems to be  about deception and lies? In order to control and to take advantage of situations and environment without getting caught. I guess Japan finally got the part of Christianity right? practice that to me for the first time was my bad luck as it seems when they had the opportunity to do so, Life sometimes really is filled with irony and sadness like this
Yes I am the fish caught by Christianity after thrown away from Buddhism by the simple mistake. despite the gag order and secrecy, I believe my inner being knows “everything” if I see one thing, that tells me more than a few possibility of fact. Many people might have been killed because of what I said and did? What I came to learn is that I have put too much trust on too many people. And there were many people who lost gamble believing I was the one who is blind about people and religions. I started to believe that spiritually blind people should not follow their heart, My advice to you all is do all that at your own risk. Sad fact is even if you doing things perfectly right, out of pure good intention, there is always hole to be fell and trap to be caught because no one is that strong or perfect all the time.

What if Japan didn't make mistake?
what I see is that President Obama was not elected and another president from bush family would have ended Christianity “naturally” It probably was autopilot both politically, religiously, socially, internationally,and It probably was at the individual level also. Well, but Japan did make mistake,so I ended up working for “change” to survive” I haven't felt the “love” for a long time. It was deprived from my experience and everyday, I feel constantly wanna kill myself, yet people just wonder why feel this way,so I am explaining Its because all I feel is depression about deception, lies, control and manipulation and gag orders. There used to be misunderstanding and bad luck involved,but I am not sure any more. Sometimes, people's love,  messing, making love, F ing, started perceived as all same to me which is not so good for my soul or my sense of being who I am and I am seeking my environment change for quite long time.
I am always hard worker.never been a good gambler.


Japanese government and me Sep16

I really do not know what is going on.  former friends of mine, who is Japanese seems to be scared of going back to their home country.  And My parents were like captured hostages  kept telling me they cannot support me, support my life, and I believe that is message from Japanese government that them saying  they do not support me or  believing me.
If those decision they made were  right, things should have been better.  I am having trouble understanding why they want to pressures  me to stay within Japan. Do they want oil?Or
My messege I received last year was until they do the right thing, I should not help them.  Of course Japan is  a country that is not familiar with Christianity.    How can I offer a help when they are the one who betrayed humanity and they are the people who do not believe what I say and do?
I think them believing Buddhism allow them to think they are special "exception" and they  could dictate my life and other countries? Sure they prepared a lot.Yet I never heard the truth  who did how and what intention.
Sometimes I fear they have remote control to end my life by a snap of switch.. yet my friends  think I am getting  a little paranoid.  yet what I might have on my brain is really bothering.- I say "might" because it is invisible yet I feel it all the time.it makes me really negative and feel fear about Japanese and   people in general.

Japan's attitude is like "you are (I am)  nothing more than a dog just like medically  treated in Japan about  ten years ago, but we need a   puppet to control the country and let Japan survive, so  must come back to Japan"-- thats  what I heard today.
 If I die sooner than anyone predicted,its Japan's fault? and their plan?   I am so stressed out and torn since last summer. I did best I could do this country to survive. Who is telling me the truth?Who is on my side?
I want to live my life
wanted to travel all over the world,
wanted to share love and wisdom I found in this process of receiving my revelation.
 Please help my intention.  till there is a sign Japan is heading to better, right direction  I  can offer no help to the country, I  know  and feel that they would take me away by force if they get away with it.so many things they are trying to get away. 
I hope to hear some good news.
Please inform me better whoever could  do
thank you

Good luck to Japan
I feel a little bad about  help I asked and Japan received so many good prayers from all over the world when there was such big earthquake in March. Of course,my asking for help here was  little,and was nothing to do with me as they claim. yet why do they care so much  and want me so desperately?
I will go Middle east before I go to Japan.  thats my honest statement at this point


Keeping the Faith (movie)

I believed and lead life  believing that being religious and being a  communist  are somewhat negative.
I was raised in a way that made me believe having a religion with commitment other than Buddhism(by default sort of) is somewhat unfavorable, weird, or somewhat scary.  It was partially cultural factors in order to be  practical and blended in majority for  eyes of others and for harmony of  communities.  Japan's culture is often characterized as   homogeneous  where United States is heterogeneous.
In case of Japan,things had to be that way at some level.  for a such small densely populated country
To create harmony on surface,many things are sacrifice as it seems.

We do have right to choose own belief legally,but religions are hardly issue or subject of conversation until someone passes away or getting married or something. it is hardly an serious issue or fun issue just like anywhere else in the world.
And I thought about freedom of faith,or religion although religious issues are not my focus of attention much.
However, my own choices are always at my focus..choose to be right and wrong even when not knowing what is right..choose to be same  as others or choose to be different away from majority or,choice to  express or not to express, being different and allowing other to be different as much as own is usually fearful to most,and  and I am also one of them.
majority 's opinion could be somehow ideal time to time,too.
choice about to be violent or to be a  peace maker is really complicate my life. Talking about   love or talking about  something else.  I do all this and everyone of us do every moment of life.even away from the subject of religion
and I found a movie about choice and religions and being happy, being proud not just in the eyes of God,but also in the eyes of friends and family.

The movie called Keeping The Faith was interesting and funny, giving me totally different perspective about religions.  I always knew that some people are just happy with thing as they are with or without particular religion  Although practically, politically, there are a lot of issues regarding religions.  It is complicated problems, I know little to discuss anything about anybody.  But this movie addressed and promoted very positive part of religions and sort of uplifting the whole issue concerning negative aspect of having religion, being religious. 

It is a story about three children, two boys and one girl, who spent their childhood as best friends  in New York. As they grew up,  One became a rabbi, and one became a catholic priest and both truly loves the one girl they spent childhood with.  The story begins with  priest's confession style to a  bartender at an Irish bar.

it mentioned difference between religion and faith and message,and  whole plot was witty, really lovable.   Got me interested in something so unknown.  It strongly implied that there are so many good thing, good happy people who know how to enjoy life at  where I never seen or I have not been in this part of the world and that was just wonderful finding.  And I like Ben Stiller,too. learned a little bit about those two religions I never had chance to know  before.

/here is best part of quote from the movie.

"many may get confused with religion and faith..question about them
questions about religion has an answer about knowledge? ,but Faith is not having  right answer.  Faith is a feeling.  Faith  is a hunch. It's a hunch that there is something bigger connecting  it all, connecting us all together
 that hunch is God,and  you connecting with the feeling, that is act of faith"

and I thought people who is blessed by the faith in life must be truly happy. Having own  life development,both in and out of the faith,yet always know where to go back to find its way to be happy.. as it seemed to me.
I am not blessed with such firm religious faith in my life,but  am just hoping all kind of faith serves us all to be happy.



baby benefit

I have a question about marriage.  I always wanted to be a good wife in order to have a good family. and I pursued the dream as much as I could. I had disagreement with the Japanese friends about idea of marriage.
One of those friends  "accidentally" got pregnant.   She needed help supporting the baby,she got close to a Rock musician who had million dollar in bank, and was able to sleep with him one night. Later, she told him that the baby was his and asked to get married and bought a house and started raising the baby together and even brought another children to this world after that.
   I liked the  musician, and wanted to help his divorce,so kept supporting him,but he was so attached to those children,and decided to give up his life and he  decided to live just to provide the children.  Later he found out that none of those children was his and asked God for answer who did the right thing.
i think my Japanese friends think the Japanese friend did the right thing,and just getting caught was stupid,yet  she got to live safe and secure life as intended.
All I thought was it is not fair when both the woman and the man  wanted to save and love babies and children.
 What is love in this? What is love anyway?
What is marriage?
What is best for children?

Who get most benefited having children? and is the  benefit part of the plan buried in life called "survival"?, life without love?
Its nothing to do with Christianity or Nationality.
Its about how to bring happy children to this world. I thought,
but many thinks I am so out of reality and most of my friends know that I am not healthy enough to have own child.  And they think I am the one who need  "rehabilitation" to adjust to their idea. I just have no word and feel  "whatever!" about this.
but I always loved and cared small children and know how to love many people many things.

  After all,if you  think I am "wrong", I don't get to decide whats right or wrong to each of you.


Abraham explains trauma

My fight for forgiveness

I was wondering the day I imagined my future with my friend in 2007 when I thought I found my true love for life. At that time, I never felt I would live this long, and when he asked about how our future will be,I really had no answer.

I read that Jesus was saved by Judas. And Judas saved Jesus from the torture and the passion,sort of thing.(just like Seth Speak described) But like I thought, it could have been written that way in order not to scare me. I truly believe he did experienced the passion just "how" is something I am not sure.,but one thing for sure is that when we all are talking about just physical event or rather spiritual or psychological,there can be many possible answers.
Then started thinking if I was meant to be dead going through the torturous experience,too. I really asked for help of all kind, eventually, I found my way out there and came back to life where I am now, and fact is the gamble is still going on and no one has “saved” me,and am trying to figure out how to save myself all on my own without putting anyone in Judas shoes. Not sure if it is possible or not.  I am just waiting for my time.

I never believed that people could commit homicide in the name of religions or for so called prophecy to be fulfilled whole my life. When I found out about what my friends did and country of Japan did to me, I have been in such a struggle to find right answer what to do. I mean I was angry and depressed when I wanted to believe  good intention.  Who would plant the computer chip so they can monitor,project, sense and images?
What I mean here  is about my close friends, family and the country I trusted. But one thing for sure is I hate to live in life filled with regret or life filled with hate and anger where it could be love and something better. I know my life deserve same chance as others even after all those abuses and pain I experienced.

What I am hoping and to ask is you all give me some space till I feel safe and secure sharing same space with those of you again. I am asking the understanding and physical, psychological room between us for awhile. I hope someday, we all  go merrily way.
Hoping that time heal us all and I am sure you all are also victims at some level as much as I was this time.

Just this time, there is no single friend of mine wanted to “ save” me from the situation, by letting me escape from there. I had to face it and It was both good and bad after all. I am trying to believe it was how things meant to be, and hope no one really got killed for it.

So from here my concern is my recovery from the trauma and the fear..
took long,but I hope I got my thought straight for better.




Abraham- chill out!

Abraham explain "2012"

Abraham explain Appreciation and Gratitude

Always (movie) and F word ( partial repost)

Fuck is all the actions without intention of  love,rather act for manipulation,or power game.
Distinction between fuck and mess is existence of misunderstanding and something related to a  chains of unfortunate  events.
Happiness is rewards for those who is strong enough to take all kind of chances
more than word maybe the excuse  for those who are lazy not to express how they feel,chicken enough not being able to say what they want
more than words really meant is power of love that let you  overcome anything
Words are just part of the intentions that let you connect dream and reality
Chance is representation of the faith in love and good intentions
 Intention is  core of the honesty
I hate the movie "Always"
 It ain't love story
When one truly love someone, the one just cannot help but to  tell " I love you" without a  second thought or any fear, any hesitation.
Just good lessen in the story is that chances for happiness are all surrounding us,real action of love does not choose time or place
there is only impulse and knowing of the truth. actions based on the love and truth never let you fail, always gives more chances than needed.
where doubt and fear always let you fail till you learn real meaning of love, real meaning of unconditional love
When you realized the truth, it is the chance for the happiness
If  eyes are blinded, they just have to live in the dark till they learn the meaning of the light.meaning of the truth
 Irony is that the light is usually right in front of the face, they could only know any time  if they are willing to open their eyes.

 this is one of philosophy and I am looking and waiting for people who can live the words.

True man show (movie)

More I know about what bible is or how bible describe things, I get lost  to figure out what people are really wanting out of it.
I believe Abraham is collection of energy that is created by ancestors who lead us all to right direction away or along with belief or  religions.because I see commonality in all the teaching, just in different expression.
I thought I could change the direction telling writing things,so everybody can make better decision.
I watched movie Trueman show last night.  It was not quite what I expected.
 The movie I saw was strange.  it was sort of looking at my life some way.  the difference is the "creator" is not human in my life.
I think the movie is about former president Trueman's nightmare coming true. I think all fell for communism in  the name of "religions"
everybody say same things, afraid to be different,started asking questions about when and how to hold babies and children, when to help, how to help, no one can't make own decision forgetting own job each used to choose consciously.
Is it OK?
more I say,  things go crazy because we are  not speaking same languages.  wonder why Babel tower in bible  collapsed?  something is really going wrong here.  Or is that right?I mean is that what we want?
It sounded like good idea isn't it?
 I shared  song "follow me" but I never liked to be "followed"
following each one's heart, isn't that Jesus was teaching?
 Just give info, and let it be.  just like its been, leave bible alone,leave bad literature and let things be?
I am tired of act talking   to "small children" for understanding when you all claim that you are better adult and mature than me.
My composition at elementary school about my future job was to be a special ed teacher to take care physically and mentally disabled children because I was raised watching my disabled brother and saw many people looking down on him and took advantaged of him, we got stones thrown at to us just being different, I thought that was my job to protect those in weak position in understanding of "people", and  thought it was meant to my job.but  that is when I believed being healthy is something I should feel guilty about and I believed  I should not wish my life to be happy or better, when I know anybody else believe they deserve much better than what I have or had.

What kind of world are we living now?
I know Japan is like part of North Korea now, forcing people to synchronize in "red"in order to hide the secret mistake
I thought cold war was over and America was free company
How much of what I feel is true now?
it seems outlaw about many things and everybody living in the war all over again
what happened to the peace and love, and freedom we all thought  wanted?
Is it my fault giving permission? letting people take advantages of me?  and that made people believe it is OK to take advantages of "things"just like "they" did?
.you choose your own life  direction.
I just love to be free from  all the responsibility you press onto my shoulders in the name of Jesus.
 American loves telling saying "I told you so"
but because of many misunderstanding, he could never be able to say that to any.  but from here, I think I can   because I gave you the answer, and its all your responsibility from here. I will start learning to say "I told you so"  

because I truly loved and cared small kids and  babies and whenever I see bad covering, hurting them,, I just removed the bad  and let them be, if you call the curse, its your fault not being able to see the intention.

you all are on your own just like I am.  pick your own belief, pick your own god that protect you alwaysgive you love always and you can feel love always.


if you haven't seen before, NEW to you

This is what I wrote earlier this year:

Hi Mickey,
 think I will leave Goofy alone for awhile.  I think he love his wife better for now, cried a lot last night, but this is my own life and Goofy had nothing to do with it.  I think I got him scared a lot.
I didn't even know myself. Honestly. I should be apologizing to him?
All I wanted was Disneyland of our own to be happily ever after.  The truth is more I wanted to know about Goofy, Minnie’s weird power accelerated
By the way,
This is what vision looked like while putting my head on Mickey’s chest the other day.
Maybe Goofy made a deal with his in law taking over in law's company.  Mickey did work for the company for long, too?
But Mickey and Goofy were close friends since they are rebellious kids in Disneyland.
Maybe they spend sometime on the sea boat for fun of it, too and that’s where they had fun enjoyed things out of reality?
Eventually Mickey woke up from the bad dream, fell in love, and got married, got a beautiful child, and got tattoo, and has been living normal life without making a bad trip without leaving the reality.
Since then, Goofy tried to do the same, and friendship got out of Disneyland, but recently got all back just because Goofy messed up fucking princes of Witch in the tower.  The princess had ability to keep Goofy on short leash keeping away from his bad behavior, and princess taught Goofy hard love called “living” and surviving with money, but without love. But Goofy did not love the princess or way of her living and always wanted to leave her behind. Their marriage was legal in the Disney land, but never been good one before eyes of God but Princess was pleased being practical.

One day, Goofy met a dog called Allie met and fell in love deeply  each other.

They created very beautiful dream in their mind and dreamed happily ever after.
Goofy was so determined to be successful and did his best following the books and advice from his friends.  And yes Mickey used to be one of them.

Yes.  Goofy did everything he could for pretty puppy called Allie, but Goofy messed up something big just being who he is, being funny and being a dog.  He never experienced motherly love and kept having problem with women.

One day, Goofy asked Mickey for help getting out of the mess he created, because he created third personality called Minnie to hide Allie from the Princess’s eye.  Goofy just wanted to protect Allie from all the bad things, but things got even more chaotic.  After Princess finding out  Goofy’s doggy business, there was time of tit for tat in their world of marriage, but things got even more chaotic   because there was other drama happening.
Because there were people who believe that the Allie may be a gold DOG. And there are so many dramas unfolding around Allie, and it was more than anybody could ever think of.

One fortunate thing was Mickey had skill to keep Allie safe and keep Goofy on leash shorter than it should be.  Mickey was one of strong minded responsible mice, who loved cats and know how to love weirdest, most beautiful thing called life in most gentle way 
As much as Goofy was in love with Allie, now Goofy wish nothing to do with Allie because Goofy got scared and trying to escape to Disney world again.  He is most destructive and crying a lot in Allie’s Dream.  Allie got frustrated and shouted out “speaking princess language that
,Allie is heart broken and crying, but Mickey is courageous and responsible mouse He is still trying to   take care Goofy and trying to understand Allie as  friend, trying to do the right thing, figuring out what is best, what really is going on in the world of the Disneyland..

Funniest  thing is Minnie want both Mickey and Goofy although she still believe Goofy is true love, Mickey is the same as Minnie and share a lot of feeling as mouse and also loves craziness called life in same way. They both know that Goofy is always funny and make whole thing funny and make everyone’s face brighter because he always create something wonderful just like no one else would do. 
It is most precious and beautiful pure soul and Goofy is purest, baby with full of light just like any other babies.
Minnie is wishing most weird, happiest thing like no one ever seen before.
Minnie is wishing that will also provide many answers to gold dog believers.
 Minnie know a lot of things but
Minnie still loves Goofy and the fact has put her in such a trouble minded.,

Because how destiny draw picture was that:
 Goofy is the reason Minnie found meaning of life, also the reason why she could trust Mickey and enjoy time together without worry or negative thoughts. 
And because of Mickey, Minnie could keep dreaming as who she is feeling secure, feeling good, dreaming about what both used to dream with Goofy keeping her Disney land safe and secure..
All Minnie wants to know is where each is at, if she has to stay alone whole her life or not.  Could she get all she wants or not.
Allie maybe a golden dog to the others, but Goofy and Mickey know she is a good naughty bitch,too.  Just not a typical American bitch enough.  And that’s what she wishes.  Allie heard messages that everyone learned a lot already it is time to create even more beautiful world, wonderful Disney world.

And the good bitch want to have good time doing something simple taking care men she cares most making her  life brighter, making money together living, enjoying life together and hoping to inspire others as a result
Minnie appreciate and love Mickey and Goofy so much and Minnie need both of them.

Whether living things in the dream or the nightmare is up to Mickey’s and Goofy's hands

Minnie know that Goofy always wanted to share taste of Minnie with friends and as much as Minnie felt offended about Goofy's idea of three some, the sharing, open minded spirit is one of the reason she fell in love with Goofy and to bring peace to the Disney world, She is determined to do what it takes now and Goofy’s threesome sounds peaceful and fun to her mind.(just for not F-ing,but for making love)

Minnie always wanted someone helpful to keep Goofy  in good shape, keeping him in safe place good course in actions without dropping anything anywhere just because Goofy is so sensitive and sentimental and so funny that not good at keeping up lies and manipulation though good at being manipulated by princess and bitches
Minnie know that Mickey love Goofy despite the fact the Goofy may not like the idea that Minnie like Mickey too much or more than she should  to be normal.

But Mickey and Minnie are very good at handling other people's crazy business whole their lives, so they both just love Goofy and supporting, waiting Goofy to open up his heart after breaking the spell of princess/witch who bought a castle in Fortuna where every precise business decision was made at first place, yet falling apart a little? Because Goofy didn't tell Mickey whole thing till recently?
Darn is Mickey psychic? or is Minnie finally pushed to the edge?
Is all miracles happened in my life because of Mickey and Goofy? Or gold dog believers?
Who am I ?
Would you care to tell me?
 love you Mickey,   love you Goofy
manna play with me?
Please just breathe and try to understand there is only love for all.

Since then Minnie found out a lot, and she has been struggling.Since  Allie found out that Goofy was still fond of her, Allie decided to wait for him,but she has no choice but to  working all alone  to take care her Disneyland.

One day, she found out about her secret past.

Minnie realized many her friends of her was becoming aggressive over asset and inherited money of the Disneyland previously made.
So she researched and found sub stories that was happening behind the scene.

When Minnie was sick missing Goofy, there was her old friend Tarzan who offered a ride to Hospital.  Minnie had given Tarzan Goofy’s phone number, so Minnie thought the ride from the Tarzan was Goofy’s wish and intention,so she took the ride and arrived   big boat of Pirates in the Caribbean world.
Those pirates demanded Minnie special power by torturing her,she was torn, saw the people’s gamble in the world, in order to let everybody win,(Caribbean boat is part of Disney world,so she saw no harm) she just give it away some and came back to her home, Disneyland
Minnie   appreciated the Tarzan and his girlfriend snow white. And seven dwarfs knowing Goofy really  financed and helped Minnie.

But one day, Minnie found out that the Tarzan was threatening Goofy because Tarzan wanted his forever passport to the magical kingdom Disneyland,
 And Minnie  also found out that the Tarzan, snow white and seven dwarfs sold Minnie to the Pirates and they  were stealing things from Disney world while Minnie was trapped in the Pirate of Caribbean boat theme section.
One day, Minnie realized Tarzan and the seven dwarfs were spies sent from those Pirates and she learned Mickey and Goofy were fighting to repel them. Minnie realized all the magic she saw on the pirates boat was from Goofy,but Goofy really didn’t know the whole story  when he helped. He didn’t know how ruthless  those pirates were.  Tarzan and snow white and those dwarfs really took advantaged of Goofy’s good will and his money, but they cannot go back to the boat any more, so all are floating in the air holding the money in hands.

Minnie’ felt very threatened, because she found out that the Pirates had thought that Allie was gold DOG, ten years ago, pirates had planted computer chip inside of Allie’s brain. She was dog to them, so no one didn’t know about the secret., but the Tarzan, snow white, and the seven dwarf knew Minnie would not be able to love her work or  love anything because of the abuse and torture happened on the pirates boat, decided to rob all the asset and things out of Disneyland.
Tarzan and snow white and seven dwarfs were very vicious and Mickey and Goofy were getting tired because it is our Disneyland.   Beautiful image and dreams are very important to us all. Eventually, more and more people from outside Disneyland tried to help, but no one know what to do now.  There is prophecy of Walt Disney and teaching of all kinds mixed up, everyone started losing reality.

Minnie want to remove her stuffed animal face and want to show she really is "human" inside, but people are worried if it will ruin children’s dream and  future..
So Minnie has been fighting with her friends.  Minnie do not know Walt Disney’s prophecy at all, but Mickey and Goofy, know, so she decided to maintain calm. Living life with no love.  Minnie thought Tarzan, snow white and seven dwarfs were her good friends, so she is very hurt and trauma of the torture is ruining Minnie’s love and spirit  day by day.

Yet she’s been waiting to be saved.

Is there any end to this nightmare?? Or Minnie has to do it herself?

P.S. This event description has nothing to do with Walt Disney character that exist in US,and each character represent someone else or something else.this is sort of "parable"

 to express things indirectly keeping things private.



My dream, what I wanted was just things to be OK.  I thought and believed that I am here to give you all the "answer".(yet whether  believe or not to believe is up to you)
Sure  life first and love second.  and yet life without love is hell of living.
anyone can live on grain,yet I wanted more than life of chimps to my friends. I think it was beginnings of idea, purpose of  all the religions that exist in this whole world. just guide for better life being human,other than an animal.

Abraham's teaching,along with the idea, the book"Seth Speaks" t was eye opening to me,wanted to share with my friends.
 in the bible, Jesus was tortured and killed, but the book "Seth Speaks" describes what really happened in different way

First I thought it was my text book not to stir any fear to my life. maybe purposely   described things that way? maybe?
 But when everybody could be saved,just by sharing the information,just saving Jesus himself be  best thing to do?

Is Christianity  about pushing anyone to the side, so you can have what you want?
I think if Jesus were saved just himself, he would blame for the tactics to cheat anybody else that was in the plot.  If he were to be such great teacher,he wanted to be saved by all. and wanted to live with all.
Sure, he wanted to live, yet what if Shakespeare's   Romeo and Juliet sort of play was going on behind the scene?And what if he had lost his love over the plot? Would Christian  be  willing to put that episode in the bible?
What if he had lost faith in people when things were done, and that caused blank period in our history?
 Yes he ended up sacrificing himself and he did best leaving many correspondences.
What if we all have chance to do things better having opportunity, what is best thing to do?

When I found Jesus, it was a love story.  but if everything has two side to the story, both physical and non physical, what  kind of life are we living?based on his message and based on his sacrifices?
Question I would like to ask you all  is Do you want to live all alone even after all sort of war is over and no one is fighting and loving each other and living in peace,yet  everybody knows you betrayed  others in order to save your physical life self only
it could be dream or nightmare.

Yes I am getting tired of witnessing things here and there. More I speak, maybe I am creating more confusion.
life is important and it is  everybody's birth right to explore,and enjoy, and surviving. but I 'd like to believe our life is better than what chimps go through.
love is just love, but life without caring and love, is as good as hell of living.  tricky part is more you know about true love, it hurts to  live life.  you sure can imagine his agony.
 that is  my life, I am living because you all  made same mistake  all over even after few thousand years.

I am not a traditional terms of"christian". I am just a crazy lover,  Jesus lover.
have a lot to say about Middle East, but I am taking Jesus's advice not to put  too much trust to  "his friends" 
 what I want is to live life with you all yet.
my life is ruined already anyway.  I just wanted leave things in best way as "I" wanted to
 if you don't believe that, you aren't be reading this sites anyway.
I still live all alone, am paying and living someone's  mistake because I didn't have much to say,could not say much, because I chose to  let others decide my fate, before believing in myself much before.

 If you have things to say come to say thing to my face with your name on your face.
 but please forgive me that no one cannot make me "like" anything  I don't like. All I can do for  is  I can  learn to love or learn to live by understanding.


ももたろう_new version??

here is a old Japanese tale to share.
long long time ago, there was old couple living by the river.
One day, when old lady was doing laundry by the river,
huge peach was floating coming from upstream  toward the lady. She picked it up and brought it home. She tried   to eat the peach with her old man,
 when they tried to cut the peach,a small baby boy came out of the peach and they decided to raise, take care as their boy.  They  named the boy "peach boy"
One day, the boy grow up big and told them that he is going to punish the demon in the demon island who was causing many trouble to good people in the village.
   The old lady was surprised,but made a cake bread like thing he could take on his journey to get  there.
as the boy walked on, he met a Pheasant, dog,monkey who wanted the piece of the cake he had.  they followed him around for it.
 and he explained them what he was going to do,and said if they come join his journey,help punishing the demons,he would share the rice cake bread thing the old lady made

So they shared the treat and headed to demon islands, and beat them, and took back all the goods and treasures demon accumulated,and they  shared all they confiscated and shared it with the old couple, and others in the village.

 but there was modern version of the story  just made, lately.
the boy did not explain in the language pheasant, dog, monkey speak,  in the language they can understand, so those dog,monkey and dog just ate the treat before even get to the island becoming so full and heavy and started taking a nap on the ground.  They tried to wake up by eating vegetable and  herb, but that put them even deeper sleep, and decided to give up beating the demons since the cake bread they had was already digested and gone, so when he look back, they are all sleeping on the ground and eventually they got out of sites,and the boy ended up beating the demon all by himself.

And the people in the village are wondering what caused this?,is that because cake bread they ate? or herb? or beef?or pork?that put them into sleep,into deeper dream?,or was it just the fact that the demon were so powerful and pheasant,dog ,monkey,were spy sent from demon's island to begin with?.  But at the end, they all found way to own home.
Yes,the boy went back to his house and each went  back to where it belong.
(there was more episode behind,it,but they decide to keep the story pretty and cute because his name was "peach boy")


tragedy of the war

tragedy of the war

wrong belief is almost always dangerous.
Part of Japan,Island of Okinawa ended up occupied by US for awhile after the war. Many lives in Okinawa are lost by  committing suicide.  they had forced to choose suicide before getting killed by enemy for the god's grace .They are lead to believe that suicide was the way to prove the divine and faith in God.
the emperor was believed to be descendant of god in Japanese history,but there was also history that country was saved and protected by nature god in our history. The meaning of Kamikaze was understood in most wrong way from the origin. It is fact as Wikipedia describes that it refers  name of Japan's desperate suicide mission for air attacks or the attitude being desperate. being misled in the name of something greater like ”man made god”
Its true origin of ""kamikaze" goes back to ancient history of Japan. when country was attacked by ancient country through Korean peninsula, massive storms repelled the invasion  and protected south part island at that time. The stormy wind was called “god wind” (Kami refers god in Japanese, and kaze refers wind.)
real intention and meaning of kamikaze really was divine being that protect land and the country away from people's expectation in miraculous way.

I have nothing against emperor being our country of symbol, being part of the nationality.
I love country I was born in my own way. It is beautiful and the language and expression are almost artistic.

My grandpa went to war and stationed Okinawa, yet he made back home safe. He walked through the city after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. He could not describe much about what he saw, yet he mentioned that he disliked the emperor and the government who put the country into such devastation.
My grandma told me about people who left for those kamikaze mission. The rumor was that not one of them died in the name of god or for the emperor. They died crying out for their mother. Yet during the war, no one could not say such thing being afraid of the rebel and retaliation being  “not patriotic”

There were Japanese American who fought the war,too.  They experienced hardship in different way.
they had to prove their loyalty to America more than any American.
we are so lucky to live passed those harsh history living in peace and prosperity up to this day.

when I visited Japan last time, I was on vacation and took nap a lot I had a dream about big auto accident in the middle of nowhere, rice fields. A car was deeply buried in mud a mother with two small child, was stuck in the middle of rice field. She cried out for help to get the car out of mud,but no one heard her crying out for help. People are standing far sites observing how she 's going to dig the car out. They even made excuses to refuse help nicely saying that they have to take care their own children first straight telling lies to her.

I offered help,but she refused to explain why she ran into the mud. So I just kept listening her crying yet I had to take off the scene because I realized I was making her very uncomfortable. She eventually stop asking for help to those people and carried her children out of the car and left the scene.
Later day, I searched dream interpretation. I guess god found her and helped her friends who stand by her side honestly and gave lesson to the others.

Déjà vu

Déjà vu

Things I feel contempt for

there are four things I feel strongly contempt for
1) act of reading someone's mail, letter,and diary 2)act of taking advantage of someone who is weaker in any situation 3)act of bully to weak people 4)act of making fun of anyone.

My friend once tried to explain “sins” in bible to me one time. 
I was wondering that any chance, is one of those, stealing? or taking advantages of people or bully be one of those sins?
bible sometimes feel to me like a book for "sinners" book for the people in prison for reflection.  Maybe that is why I always feel some kind of  fear about the book.
Within a year or so in my life, I witnessed and experienced so many behaviors I feel contempt for.
One day,Someone mentioned about day that Hiroshima was bombed 66 years ago, and I remembered the time I traveled through Hiroshima.  Yes. the radiation of the bomb did caused many generations problems causing long health problem in  the survivors after the war. Wars maybe now one of my contempt lists now?
Yet, I would rather argue meaning of patriotism. Since everybody did things for the war in order to “protect” own country.

According to one of the online dictionaries,Patriotism is defined by devoted love, support, and defense of one's country,national.
History taught in each country often tend to be different from simple fact in order to glorify own country's mistake or failure in attempt cultivating patriotic attitude in own people. yet real patriotism seems to be always harder to define.
Japan's emperor was believed to be descendant of god in Japanese history. However,somethings were not fully understood outside of the country.

First Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and second one was dropped on Nagasaki. And Japan surrendered officially few days later.
Why Such small country with limited resource was headed to war against the world?
It was all about divinity and resource/money called patriotism or nationalism.
Surely there were a lot of learning associate with it.

When anyone get desperate, or feel out of faith toward life, away from love and security of soul,it tend to act toward self destructive behaviors. Sometimes, it manifest as drinking alcohol,or could be drug use, could be over eating, could be starvation, could be psychiatric disease to protect something that is not characterized by physical thing. All focus tend to go toward destruction of self to end the agony itself? as it seems. It is usually done by both conscious and unconscious stupid decision making. Maybe this apply to a person to person, or to anyone, to any government, any country. And All war was wrong wasting lives, in the eyes of God, in anyone's eye and to the heart. And eventually we all  pay the price.

I believe that the peaceful constitution Japan received after the war was gift from God or from our ancestors, ,those who lost lives in the war leaving it for their future generations peace after experiencing the long painful time.

During the war time, country's emperor was worshiped and considered as country's leader,considered as “living god”. Being patriot Japanese had been referred being able to die for the emperor and the country. All the actions was done and described in the name of “god”or in divine, which was promoted by the government. Surely, to express own opinion differentiate from the authority was strictly banned and punished. -(The Clint Eastwood's movie, “letter from iwojima” could give you good idea how it was.
Each country has certain historic view about incident in own way. surely, American and Japanese shared totally different historic view. I learned the both perspective.
Many lost lives inside and outside of the country just like any other wars,
Japanese fought and died for the country,and American did the same,but there was clear difference about Japanese patriotism and the reason and attitude that American fighting for the war based on their patriotism.

All wars are wrong to begin with, but if those two atomic bombwere to be our country's wake up call to end the war,the Wake up call was not be gentle and it seemed very harsh.
But as a result, peace constitution was brought to Japanese, I would like to believe that it might have been a gift from somewhere and hope to be reminded by that intention for peace. It probably was based on tough love. Hope to share the wisdom and experience of our ancestors and godhood.
The constitution now clearly states that emperor is “symbol” of Japanese and It also states people's rights for freedom, and basic human rights are assured and included  to make sure country's peace and to keep dignity and nationality to the people.

If ending war were to be right thing,, I guess  the war, dying for the god that the government created was not right or not really god's wish. Japan maybe choose to receive “teaching” by doing something stupid attacking pearl harbor. It was just one of desperate stupidity of human kind.  It was just like stupidity of Hitler's decision and its dictatorship, action toward Jews and everybody was fighting all over the world in order to “protect” own country.

Irony of the history

Japan has long history and beautiful culture. Our country had been closed door to foreigners for a long time. That created beautiful distinctive culture of its own in artistic way, yet American battle ships were the ones who demanded our opening of the country for commerce,almost forcibly
(ref   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Ships) Well, Japanese tried to westernize the culture and attitude accordingly as a result. It just went overboard trying too hard and I am here wearing jeans and western clothes.
History bring such irony sometimes.
Japan was forced to open and led to expand and got beat down to ground. Lost war, lost everything as result of the expansion,but it made through the survival after the war.
After all, we still hold some tradition and beautiful culture. There are many good teaching we could all learn from. It was always pure,and beautiful,so much so that it always manifest in very artistic,and most often appear to be in very tragic way.  
The real  teaching and learning of Japan as a country was any man,any human cannot be or assume god or cannot act like god(God) over anyone's life or any country.
.In my pinon,government should do nothing other than providing reality check to each life and people just give enough power to do so by voting,but I like the way it is.
It creates mass conscious in the process,but without any individual giving it power, it has no significant power to anyone.   Law of attraction defines everything. Power to each is power to govern self. If each give power and focus toward love and peace, we all can live heavenly with or without government.

hear that Japan?
hear that America?