


mother is sunshine
center of  family
center of  small universe
create laughter and joy out of nothing
When her light get clouded, the air  get cooler
When her feeling is filled with anger, insecurity, the air get hot and passionate
mother is nurse
always perform healing
you never know when you are healed
beauty of mother is its existence
Work of mother is art
Work of mother is never ending
always restore its love into  center of soul
glass full of water never to get drought.
mother is warm blanket
always want to bring wherever you want to go
insecure being always look for security
loving so much babies that create a world of fear
good mothers are blessing to all human being
bad mother are product of politics and human history

Every important decision should be made on warm blanket wrapped being
self centered
most loving creation of the world
most ruthless creation of the world
support mothers
enough praise for fathers
single father is both mother and  father
 generous enough not to seek the recognition for its greatness
taking all the blame,
spending all energy,
accepting all responsibilities,
so torn out
so worn out
yet still standing strong
yet still loving strong
loving mothers
loving fathers
taking care of mothers
taking care of others
help each other
help create secure motherhood
pains were not because of men,
pains were because of misunderstanding
because of the hard work

married not married,do not matter
All are loved being.
All is well
All are forever babies in the eyes of mothers and fathers

Japanese knows so called "god" is symbol,essence,life that exist within,exist everywhere you look for.
Something greater something superior
there is only great respect
divinity has no face,

but stature,symbol of Buddhas,mystical creature has unisex face, breast and  graceful smile
just like one of us

some are more female than the others.
because they are all born out of mothers.
beautiful blessed mothers

 a belief
there is something far greater  
far superior
possibly we could ever think of
which is
"All" that Is
and everything we see is just one of the examples
and we are also one of it,part of it
we are part of the god we believe
part of the love we all share