
Michael Jackson and Seventh generation

Not sure why and the real cause,but since I read a book about Native American's shamanism,whenever I think about what to do, what "they" want me to do, I get some inspirational discovery and impulse.

 初めてアメリカを訪れたとき私は彼が本当に大好きでロスアンジェルスで、彼の実物大の写真像の前で記念撮影をして帰ってきたのだった。1992,3年のことだった。あの頃は絶対いつか会う気でいたのに、彼が亡くなってしまうなんて。。とっても悲しい。彼の曲のHeal the worldは最近心によくしみる。昨晩彼の曲を聞いていて彼の曲の一部に”I am a lover, not a fighter..”(僕は愛する人であって、闘う人ではないんだ)という一節に初めて気がついて驚いた。彼の曲の中に見つけたメッセージもそのうちの発見の一つだ。

I started listening songs of Michael Jackson. What I have, his CD's album  titled is "HiStory"and  got me interested in his horoscope.  His Sun sign was Virgo and his moon sign was Pisces.I felt his artistic character in that horoscope.
When I visited United States for the first time,I took picture in front of his real size picture stand.It was 1992 and I really loved him then.  I really wanted to see him someday, but he passed away and its so sad.  His song"Heal the World" sounds really beautiful to my heart. As I listened his songs, I realized the part of lyrics I never realize before him singing that "I told you I am a lover not a fighter" and it was shocking to me. Such message is one of those discovery I have day to day lately.

 今朝思い出したのは私があるアメリカのお店で接客のお仕事をしてたとき、お客さんが私に説明してくれたお話。そのお客さんは自然にやさしい、自然保護を目指してつくられている商品"7th generation” というブランドのキッチン用洗剤がどうしてそういう名前かということを教えてくれたのだった。
What  I remember this morning was the day when I worked at a store in US,talking to a customer,he explained  about the product called "seventh generation" to me.  The product is known for environmental friendly use and being ecological.
He explained that the reason it is called "seventh generation" is that because of native Indian's philosophy,doing thing good and preserve things now for seven generation ahead of current generation.
Surely, changes that could happen over a night or a month could be limited of a longer vision of history. By acknowledge that, doing,trying a little,but sure step by doing the right thing for future generations probably mean something.  It may be small significance today,but there was far bigger picture there, and his story really was impressive to me.