

私は体を動かしていると体調がいい。若いときにはテニスばかりして走り回っていたけれど、大人になり、病気をしてからというもの激しい運動をするのには制限があるものの、無理のない範囲内で体を動かして汗をかくのはやっぱり気持ちよくてたまらない。最近またヨガに夢中になってきた。きっとエネルギーはうまく使うことではじめて体にも心にも行き渡るのかもしれない。私の体調は心も体もOK になってきている。

詳しくは覚えていないけれど、先日のヨガのクラスである先生はヨガの瞑想のときに親指と指をつなげて輪を作ることの意味を教えてくれた。日本では人差し指と親指をつなげて相手に見せることは時に”OK”を意味したりするのだけれど、ヨガではその輪はUnityを意味するものであり、残りの三本の指はPreservation, Reservation, Transformationを意味するのだそう。Preservationはきっと夢を維持すること、もちつづけることで、ReservationPassion(情熱)Power(力)をコントロールして保持すること、Transformationはものごとが絶えず変質していくという現実の本質と、変化そのものの過程を意味するのだろうと思う。


エイブラハムはいう。信念(a belief)とは夢をあきらめずに絶えず追い求め何度も何度も思考するアイディアそのものであると。そしてその夢を追い続けて、思いが夢に追いついたとき、その夢は現実化するのであって、夢を現実に現象化するまで夢の実現を信じられないようではその夢をかなえることはむずかしく、夢を信じてその現実化のProcess(過程)を楽しむことができるようになって初めて人は夢に追いつくことができるようになるのだと。
夢について思うとき、私はお気に入りの曲をよく聞く。エリッククラプトンの”change the world”Lenny Kravits ”Are you gonna go my way”,そして ”believe”は私が一番苦しい思いをした昨年の夏にとくに励まされた曲だった。聞いてみて。。
Change the World


If I could reach the stars I'd pull one down for you
Shine it on my heart so you could see the truth
That this love I have inside is everything it seems
But for now I find it's only in my dreams

That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world

If I could be king even for a day
I'd take you as my queen I'd have it no other way
And our love will rule in this kingdom we have made
Till then I'd be a fool wishin' for the day

That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world


That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world

Are you gonna go my way


I was born long ago
I am the chosen, I'm the one
I have come to save the day
And I won't leave until I'm done
So that's why you've got to try
You've got to breathe and have some fun
Though I'm not paid I play this game
And I won't stop until I'm done
(But what I really want to know is)
Are you gonna go my way
(Please baby) and I got to (please) got to know (I got to know) yeah

I don't know why we always cry
This we must leave and get undone
We must engage and rearrange
And turn this planet back to one
So tell me why we got to die
And kill each other one by one
We've got to hug and rub-a-dub
We've got to dance and be in love
(But what I really wanna know is)
Are you gonna go my way
(Please baby) and I got to, got to know (I got to know)

Are you gonna go my way
'Cause baby I got to know, yeah



I am you and you are me
Why's that such a mystery?
If you want it you got to believe
Who are we? We're who we are
Riding on this great big star
We've got to stand up if we're gonna be free yeah

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved

The Son of God is in our face
Offering us eternal grace
If you want it you've got to believe
'Cause being free is a state of mind
We'll one day leave this all behind
Just put your faith in God and one day you'll see it

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved

The future's in our present hands
Let's reach right in
Let's understand
If you want it you've got to believe yeah

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself yeah
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved