
a story author unknown

Are you a crack pot?

An elderly woman had two large pots, each
hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.
One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and
always delivered a full portion of water.
At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked
 pot arrived only half full.
 For a full two years this went on daily, with the
 woman bringing home
 only one and a half pots of water.
Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.
But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own
imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had
been made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be bitter
failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.
'I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my
side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.'
The old woman smiled, 'did you notice that there
 are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?'
 That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower
 seeds on your side of the path, and every day while
we walk back, you water them.'
For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to
decorate the table.
 Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.' Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we
each have that make our lives together so very
 interesting and rewarding.
You've just got to take each person for what they
are and look for the
good in them.
 SO, to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day
and remember to
smell the flowers on your side of the path!
And send this message to any or all of your Crack pot

2年間という時間が過ぎましたが、それでもその女性は水を容器いっぱい半分ずつ運んでいました。もちろん、その完璧な容器は、自己のその成果と完璧さを誇りに思っていたのですが 哀れなひび割れを持つもう一方の容器は、自分の不完全さを恥じ、半分しか運ぶことができなかったことを惨めに思っていました。二年間という失敗に満ちた苦い時間がたった後、その容器が水流のそばでその女性に話しかけました。私は自分を恥じています。私の持つひび割れのせいでいつも水は家にたどり着く前にもれてしまいます。




mama said?

My mama said
That your life is a gift
And my mama said
There's much weight you will lift
And my mama said
Leave those bad boys alone
And my mama said
Be home before the dawn
And my mama said
You can be rich or poor
But my mama said
You can be big or small

But I'm always on the run

My mama said
That it's good to be fruitful
But my mama said
Don't take more than a mouthful
And my mama said
That it's good to be natural
And my mama said
That it's good to be factual

But I'm always on the run

My mama said
Baby don't ride that crazy horse
And my mama said
You must push with much force
And my mama said
Go get all that you're after
And my mama said
That love's all that matters

But I'm always on the run
-Lenny Kravits


Islam and peace talk

Does Islam really mean peace?

I do not like religious talk. I love to talk anything else but religion. If possible, I would rather leave it as “whatever”
I believe in godhood whether it is called God or gods,or something so called any other name here on earth. I just know that I should not be arrogant enough to say that “I know or understand who they are/he is or what he/ they can do” It seems so much superior and so much more than I could ever think ofor understand. Yet my favorite gods are Sun,moon, and Jupiter and mother earth. (I love Saturn, Uranus,Neptune,Mercury,Venus,too)
As I hear recent news about Middle East,my heart has been achy. I know and feel that the suffering in the regions are somehow related to the religious turmoil . Probably,it is creating power game originated in religious dialog, within people's mind. Putting political Power and God(gods) on the scale to see which means more. Politics seems to be failing,yet I have not seen peace making process, freedom for people taking place yet?
So I searched about Islam a bit I thought I knew basic knowledge,yet was not sure.
Reminded me of the last month, and thought of those famous beings that I encountered, they all are being upset and hurry to do something about gold dog believers to save my life. They all wanted to be free from the obligation because they were the ones created it. They all wanted my help,yet,I hesitated because it was against my belief in love,value of life. They knew all that,so they just saved my life,doing the job, first and asked my opinion about it. I was grateful because we all agreed saving life matters most. (although there seems to be sacrifices I do not know for a greater good??) So, I gave them what they asked away from the “give and take” evil trade action which many gold dog believers do. They are painfully sorry about their creation and I just know they suffered enough for people's stupidity. Jesus suffered from choosing Jew for the role to leave his teaching to be understood,but there were even more suffered beings because of the name of religions.

When I searched information about Islam online. It sounded good and I saw many commonality in my belief about peace and love. And then I thought about my country's history, my father's religion Buddhism and traditional godhood in my country, and thought about violence, al Quaida who changed my love for airplane and flying,and then thought about my favorite musician,what Kid Rock wrote. somewhere

The book my father gave me state and encourage six main ideas of wisdom/knowledge. I thought there was commonality in Islam. Those six ideas for a day to day life are
1 to become a being who is pleased,loved by many
2 to become a being who keep promises and rules
3 to become a being who keep smile in face all the time
4 to become a being who make best effort at everything
5 to become a being who keep peaceful calm mind all the time
6 to become a being who keep thinking positive idea

I agree with praying and fasting,too although I believe praying should not be habit or things to be forced to be a member of an organization of some kind. I think if you keep love in the heart, praying just come naturally as impulse  at individual's free will any time without set time or certain way of form . Praying should be individual private matters,maybe that is why I cannot understand the reason government have to hold power deciding people's religion.
My question is that isthat is  there choice in what to believe in individual in Islamic countries? if Islamic regime don't force the religion on people, would people leave it behind at free will? or would the people still WANT TO believe thesame religion? The answer to this question would reveal who is true believer and who is not isn't it?

I believe benefit of fasting,too. Food is chain of life. whatever we eat becomes part of our physical body,part of life. As long as we appreciate all the life we encounter,or consume,we keep receiving its blessings part of ourselves,but ignoring the essence, killing takes over blessing,the killing  becomes part of ourselves,too. So maybe fasting is valuable point of finding a point of neutral between physical and Nonphysical, neutral in self, eliminating the arrogance.
Whenever I tried to fast during new moon, I felt my getting closer to Non physical part of myself. Though it makes me physically too vulnerable lately that, I rather try to eat more during New moon,but for those trapped with the idea of “religion” maybe in needs of  fasting till they see the correct answer,the value of life,the value of freedom.

People who don't know how to grow or crops food,or plant flower and tree tend to forget the blessing of life. Blessing from thesoil and land. Thinking money can buy anything? Look around to see what own god of lands gave to them. Why? lesson to learn to live without water?! :)
I think it is in order to teach how to find friendship,cooperation, true love,made it that way and it was blessing originally. I believe all of those area had advanced knowledge about reading sky,stars and was able to predict own land's future. Those ancestors knew people of the own land would experience  suffering being away from own land's guardians,and tried to leave the artifact as reminder in history,but it was just too noble thoughtful plan and idea for the people to understand for a long time.
I believe they are still watching observing every act of people who reside on the land. What is good and bad, I think they know what is best for them,they had teaching prepared,but people kept ignoring own true guardians, their ancestors and regional gods and religion that is brought based on gods belief.

Surely all the religions got something wrong in the name of political game as it seems. Some are fake at some level in their prayer. And it is time to pay the long due debt of the fake or the misunderstanding.some are greater amount than the others,but debt is debt till its balances out.

I love people. am not Christian,yet believe what Jesus tried to teach,and received help from non physical being as “m” last month. Yet,I am still alive,so I am not Buddhist either. One thing for sure is that I believe in love and peace, existence of gods,God( in many people's expression)without name of any religion or anything.
I love to see artifact of ancestor's creation, reminders of power of gods. Pyramids, river, mountains, valley, and canyons.

my favorite musician,What Kid Rock put message somewhere is that:
if it looks good you will see it
if it sounds good, you will hear it
if it's marketed right, you will buy it
but if it feels REAL,you will FEEL it

love and peace



Two oranges and

There was a story that Abraham explained about happiness using example about two oranges.
When they were traveling, they stopped at the light,and there was a person holding a cardboard sign saying "hungry",there was a few cars in front of them,and people who was in the car right ahead of where Abraham was, looked at the person's sign, and gave the person two beautiful large oranges.  But as soon as the person noticed it was not cash, but oranges, threw them back into the car being angry about getting oranges.
And Abraham said that  it would be a great movement that till every person realize the value of the two oranges,we should just keep throwing oranges to those people who  do not know how to appreciate  such offering and love
Law of attraction states that we receive what we ask for.  If  you are happiest state of mind,things come easily,naturally.amount of faith in dream always match up the reward at the moment.  When having wish or favor,desire in  mind, it is easier to receive from someone happiest or most confident.  Tricky part is it works for fear, anger and disappointment.

Another story was that when Ester and Jerry were traveling using a cutting edge GPS system,that always tell  where they are, Jerry  said we must be going wrong direction just by looking at the scenery, and as Esther kept driving,they decided to test to see whether they were heading right direction or not,after finding out right direction to go, Esther kept wondering where did things go wrong,and suggested to go over every step by checking things in order to find the cause  of error happened in the travel route?or  equipment they took?, yet Jerry just suggested that they both know that now, they are heading right direction,  just keep going right  without looking back.  and agreed that seems to be most noble idea.

why? because as we keep focusing on a mistake of the past or history, we are more likely to repeat itself again till we clean up the air and create something new away from it.

When someone is trying to make a pie in the kitchen,she was really worried about Tabasco source getting into the pie and worried about ruining everything. So she kept worried and worried about the  pie Tabasco getting in, ruining every work she's done so far. so she did everything  about NOT to spill the Tabasco sauce just because it was in the kitchen where she was working on the pie.  yes, she did everything to avoid Tabasco sauce getting into the pie.  But it did,why? because she kept worried about Tabasco  sauce,couldn't keep eyes and attention away from it. when  trapped in the fear,law of attraction will prove the law this way.

so lets focus on love and peace, and  success in every dimensions we could ever think of

FYI,I like oranges,strawberries,cantaloupe, I like money,honey,tea,coffee, a sweet pie,chocolates.and I love people,love making love,love to smile, love to see smile, love fun, love party!!!



私は体を動かしていると体調がいい。若いときにはテニスばかりして走り回っていたけれど、大人になり、病気をしてからというもの激しい運動をするのには制限があるものの、無理のない範囲内で体を動かして汗をかくのはやっぱり気持ちよくてたまらない。最近またヨガに夢中になってきた。きっとエネルギーはうまく使うことではじめて体にも心にも行き渡るのかもしれない。私の体調は心も体もOK になってきている。

詳しくは覚えていないけれど、先日のヨガのクラスである先生はヨガの瞑想のときに親指と指をつなげて輪を作ることの意味を教えてくれた。日本では人差し指と親指をつなげて相手に見せることは時に”OK”を意味したりするのだけれど、ヨガではその輪はUnityを意味するものであり、残りの三本の指はPreservation, Reservation, Transformationを意味するのだそう。Preservationはきっと夢を維持すること、もちつづけることで、ReservationPassion(情熱)Power(力)をコントロールして保持すること、Transformationはものごとが絶えず変質していくという現実の本質と、変化そのものの過程を意味するのだろうと思う。


エイブラハムはいう。信念(a belief)とは夢をあきらめずに絶えず追い求め何度も何度も思考するアイディアそのものであると。そしてその夢を追い続けて、思いが夢に追いついたとき、その夢は現実化するのであって、夢を現実に現象化するまで夢の実現を信じられないようではその夢をかなえることはむずかしく、夢を信じてその現実化のProcess(過程)を楽しむことができるようになって初めて人は夢に追いつくことができるようになるのだと。
夢について思うとき、私はお気に入りの曲をよく聞く。エリッククラプトンの”change the world”Lenny Kravits ”Are you gonna go my way”,そして ”believe”は私が一番苦しい思いをした昨年の夏にとくに励まされた曲だった。聞いてみて。。
Change the World


If I could reach the stars I'd pull one down for you
Shine it on my heart so you could see the truth
That this love I have inside is everything it seems
But for now I find it's only in my dreams

That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world

If I could be king even for a day
I'd take you as my queen I'd have it no other way
And our love will rule in this kingdom we have made
Till then I'd be a fool wishin' for the day

That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world


That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world

Are you gonna go my way


I was born long ago
I am the chosen, I'm the one
I have come to save the day
And I won't leave until I'm done
So that's why you've got to try
You've got to breathe and have some fun
Though I'm not paid I play this game
And I won't stop until I'm done
(But what I really want to know is)
Are you gonna go my way
(Please baby) and I got to (please) got to know (I got to know) yeah

I don't know why we always cry
This we must leave and get undone
We must engage and rearrange
And turn this planet back to one
So tell me why we got to die
And kill each other one by one
We've got to hug and rub-a-dub
We've got to dance and be in love
(But what I really wanna know is)
Are you gonna go my way
(Please baby) and I got to, got to know (I got to know)

Are you gonna go my way
'Cause baby I got to know, yeah



I am you and you are me
Why's that such a mystery?
If you want it you got to believe
Who are we? We're who we are
Riding on this great big star
We've got to stand up if we're gonna be free yeah

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved

The Son of God is in our face
Offering us eternal grace
If you want it you've got to believe
'Cause being free is a state of mind
We'll one day leave this all behind
Just put your faith in God and one day you'll see it

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved

The future's in our present hands
Let's reach right in
Let's understand
If you want it you've got to believe yeah

If you want it you got it
You just got to believe
Believe in yourself yeah
'Cause it's all just a game
We just want to be loved


(Today, we had snow.It really is joyous thing to me for someone who grew up in the countryside of Japan called Echigo/Niigata that is known as"snow country"
Since we  are blessed with snow,water and air stay relatively clean through the year. Because of that, the region is known for high quality  rice crop. Because of the quality of the rice, we are also known  for  high quality alcohol drink called sake.  The town my family live has three sake brewery and producing nice sake every year.The town is written in the story of "Kura"(both in novel and movie)
  by my favorite author Tomiko Miyao,too.)

日本の歴史に残っている戦国時代において私の故郷には上杉謙信という指導者がいたことでも知られている。彼はとてもまっすぐな人で、当時争っていた敵地、相手の地域の民衆に塩を送ったことでも知られている。 塩は海の産物で、人間の体には必要不可欠な栄養素でもあり、その欠乏に苦しんでいた敵地の民衆に闘いの責任はないと、争う相手地に塩を送ったのだった。

(In the past history of Japan there was a  long fighting period based on old feudal system.   During the period, my home region is known for having a famous leader named Uesugi Kenshin.  He was known for very noble leader.
He was known for the episode that sending salt to the people who reside in rival's land  despite the fact that he was fighting against their ruler  for both offending and defending.  Salt is very important nutrition for human body. when he found out that people were suffering for deficiency of salt, he saw no fault of fighting against the people themselves who reside in rival's land, and sent salt to them.)

(People's life  who live in the region start from planting rice in Spring and harvesting it in Fall.  Every season has smell of the plant in day to day life. In winter, things get covered with snow and it really brings  some severe nature being cold,but as if it it all cleanse all the impurity of the air,things become very clean and clear during this time.  Snow really is beautiful and blessing,but for the people who live in this region, it sometimes mean limitation of daily life. Because we have such winter that teaches us severity of nature,we long for season of Spring more than anybody and cherishes it more by knowing how to wait patiently for the Spring to come.



My husband and I are going to get divorce soon,but he was such a good teacher who taught me many things to me.  He taught me a lot about being a good American. When he took me to the outdoor camping for the first time,he cooked me hot dogs and showed me S'more. which are typical outdoor camping food for Americans?  It was so fun and so tasty.
To make s'more,we  put marshmallow on stick and put  it on fire  and let it melt a little and making sandwiches with chocolate with graham crackers.    cannot burn too much,yet it gets so hot,needed to be careful not to burn your lips or burn marshmallow itself because marshmallow is so easy to burn to charcoal
We met each  other in the summer class, Politic of Middle East at university.
It was very difficult and challenging class for someone like myself who was still learning English as second language,and he had helped me great deal at that time.  Well, I never missed a class,so I was helping him too, let him copy my note and all. An instructor we had   was very passionate about culture and politics about Middle East,and he even introduced us their  traditional snacks and drinks in the class, and it really was great learning. I forgot many things I learned at that time,but somehow I remember thing a lot about Mustafa Kemal of Turkey recently. I think I may have written a paper about him.
My husband I usually shared very different political point of view,so we never really discussed it much seriously,but  we shared very peaceful point of view in different expressions.
One time,  we both agreed and dreamed that, whenever people want to fight over something,argue something in the world,whoever has most power and money should just give those  "s'more" as relief.  It is most peaceful idea and suggestion we both agreed and everybody would get happy,making,  eating,"s'more"and enjoy it together  because it taste so good,usually making people so happy.  It was  one of the dreams we had together after taking the class,Politics of Middle East.Whatever my soon to beEx husband think of me,to me,he remains my   friend.

 私と夫はもうすぐ離婚する仲であるけれども、彼は私にアメリカ人であることの人となりをよく教えてくれたすばらしい教師だった。彼は初めて私を連れ出したキャンプで最も典型的な食べ物、ホットドッグとスモア を私に教えてくれたのだった。とても楽しくておいしいものだった。
スモアを作るにはマシュマロを棒にさして火にかざし溶かしてこんがりさせながらグラハムクラッカーにチョコレートと一緒にはさむのだけど、唇にやけどをしないように、マシュマロを焦がさないようにすごい注意が必要なのだった。私たち二人は大学での夏の中東政治についてのクラスで出会っている。そのクラスはとても難しくて英語を外国語として学んでいた私にとってはとても難しい ものだった。彼はそんな私を助けてくれたし、一度も授業を欠席することのなかった私はそれなりにノートを見せてあげたりして、彼を助けてもいた。
その授業を担当した講師は中東の文化や政治に情熱を持っていた人で、授業中に典型的なスナックだとか当地の飲み物を持ってきて紹介してくれたりもした。そのクラ スでの内容の多くは私の記憶からぬけてしまっていたのだけれど、最近なぜかよくトルコのムスタファファケマルの名前が頭によく浮かぶ。 もしかしたら課題で私は何かを書いたのかもしれない。

あるとき、私たち二人が夢みたことは、世界のどこかで議論や闘いが起こるとき、最もお金と力のある者が スモアを援助としてあげればいいということだった。サモアを作るのもたべるのも一緒に楽しむのは最も平和的なことであるから、きっとみんな幸せになると夢みたのだった。それは私と彼が中東政治について学んでから一緒に夢みたことだった。離婚後、彼が私をどのように思っていようと私は彼をずっと変わらない友人だと思っている。





Michael Jackson and Seventh generation

Not sure why and the real cause,but since I read a book about Native American's shamanism,whenever I think about what to do, what "they" want me to do, I get some inspirational discovery and impulse.

 初めてアメリカを訪れたとき私は彼が本当に大好きでロスアンジェルスで、彼の実物大の写真像の前で記念撮影をして帰ってきたのだった。1992,3年のことだった。あの頃は絶対いつか会う気でいたのに、彼が亡くなってしまうなんて。。とっても悲しい。彼の曲のHeal the worldは最近心によくしみる。昨晩彼の曲を聞いていて彼の曲の一部に”I am a lover, not a fighter..”(僕は愛する人であって、闘う人ではないんだ)という一節に初めて気がついて驚いた。彼の曲の中に見つけたメッセージもそのうちの発見の一つだ。

I started listening songs of Michael Jackson. What I have, his CD's album  titled is "HiStory"and  got me interested in his horoscope.  His Sun sign was Virgo and his moon sign was Pisces.I felt his artistic character in that horoscope.
When I visited United States for the first time,I took picture in front of his real size picture stand.It was 1992 and I really loved him then.  I really wanted to see him someday, but he passed away and its so sad.  His song"Heal the World" sounds really beautiful to my heart. As I listened his songs, I realized the part of lyrics I never realize before him singing that "I told you I am a lover not a fighter" and it was shocking to me. Such message is one of those discovery I have day to day lately.

 今朝思い出したのは私があるアメリカのお店で接客のお仕事をしてたとき、お客さんが私に説明してくれたお話。そのお客さんは自然にやさしい、自然保護を目指してつくられている商品"7th generation” というブランドのキッチン用洗剤がどうしてそういう名前かということを教えてくれたのだった。
What  I remember this morning was the day when I worked at a store in US,talking to a customer,he explained  about the product called "seventh generation" to me.  The product is known for environmental friendly use and being ecological.
He explained that the reason it is called "seventh generation" is that because of native Indian's philosophy,doing thing good and preserve things now for seven generation ahead of current generation.
Surely, changes that could happen over a night or a month could be limited of a longer vision of history. By acknowledge that, doing,trying a little,but sure step by doing the right thing for future generations probably mean something.  It may be small significance today,but there was far bigger picture there, and his story really was impressive to me.


earth is source of every beginning

 It seems that many people are in the middle of journey of some kind all over the world.  And religion and politics are taking big part of it?
Once again,Lets talk about love, peace, success.  And trust own ancestors who guides us all.

The other day,my friend loved to talk about bible told me about a guy of Africa to me although I asked him not to continue our conversation about it
 After all we stop talking about bible which he believes that  is basic instruction before leaving earth.
Well, my  opinion about that was:
In our past history,the part we never knew, we had never found out yet,good people were always left on the ground burn to death for  days and had to start over from scratch ,spending prehistoric time.

Every time when people created something against gods wishes,people were tested by gods about who are gods and what is true love.
People who believed  books of religion or prophecy stay high place above the ground for escape,so as  recent cycle of life,people who had no power in religion were left on ground and people who know how to betray gods in the name of great religion survived and has been holding political power.

For Physical being,bible,or all knowledge of religions, belong to Non physical beings And in political reason, bible or religious literature were passport to escape responsibilities for own failure.(in that sense, bible probably once was or was going to be  "basic instruction before leaving earth",taking off ground?)- (I had nightmare the other day that either UN or  an organization might be buying many airplanes to escape from the responsibilities.)
For Non physicals being,bible or information about religion are  for Non physical part of human being.  It was knowledge needed to be understood before arriving earth,those literature are , passport to coming to earth to enjoy,experience being "physical".

If this is a map, what is compass?
emotion,intuition,basis of Non physical part of human being, who we are.
follow your heart,follow the bliss.



There's A Place In Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place
Could Be Much Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need To
Cry In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways To Get There
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong It Only Cares For Joyful Giving
If We Try We Shall See In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread We Stop Existing And Start Living
Then It Feels That Always Love's Enough For Us Growing
So Make A Better World Make A Better World...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me And
The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place For You And For Me
And The Dream We Were
Conceived In Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep Strangling
Life Wound This Earth Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See This World Is Heavenly Be God's Glow
We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart I Feel
You Are All My Brothers Create A World With No Fear Together
We'll Cry Happy Tears See The Nations
Turn Their Swords Into Plowshares
We Could Really Get There If
You Cared Enough For The Living
Make A Little Space To Make A Better Place...
Heal The World Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place For You And For Me
Heal The World Make
It A Better Place For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying If You Care
Enough For The Living Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal The World Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying If You Care Enough
For The Living Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better
Place For You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
You And For Me
- by MJ

There's A Place In Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel There's No Hurt Or Sorrow


There Are Ways To Get There
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...


☆Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me

And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me



If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For Joyful Giving
If We Try We Shall See In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living


Then It Feels That Always
Love's Enough For Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...



And The Dream We Were conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow

なぜこの地球を傷つけ その魂を苦しめるのだろうか

We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart I Feel You Are All My Brothers
Create A World With No Fear
Together We'll Cry Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn Their Swords Into Plowshares


We Could Really Get There
If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place...


Michael Jackson