
no title April 26

crying is not that hard
 being alone is not that hard
pain is not that great
rain is not that great
thunder is not that great
 eventually you would learn how to take it
  tear is water of the eyes
fire is power of life
 pink is your blood on your cheek
blue is your day under the Sun
smiling is not that hard
playing is not that hard
 hiding them is not that hard
eventually you would know how to live with it
 hair is wind to your  shoulders
  your eyes are showers to my sunny day
  your arms are cradle when I take a nap
 your voice is a song that bring me into the dream
standing alone
here on earth
 trying to see the other side of world
 swimming through
 between the seas
trying  to see the world of Savannah
world  I can take
under one sky
 above one ground
in  the air