
My book and publishing plan

I have been organizing my messages and prose for my new book.  For that reason, I closed my most of blog sites temporally.
  When  the religious activity is over on the day of December 31, 202,some things had changed and revealed, but I still live my life same way.  I am looking for a new way of life.  I also   feel that everybody wishing some sort of conclusion and a new beginning.
After all, you could share something with Christ,or time   with a person  who  has Jesus Christ as  Guardian Angel is precious  life experience/ opportunity. Ah yes he is part of my life,and represent  most of my life.
It is all spiritual.  Thank you all for being part of my life.
I am hoping my publishing book is  another beginning of my  spiritual journey.  I hope this  would provide me opportunity to meet new people and bring me   chances for a possible  new adventures.
  The title of book at this point is going to be LIFE GOES ON.  I am putting things together from my blog posts and records. I  have been working on my new book and trying to  make it as good as as possible.
 The book  is about my life, and religious view which express my experience  about Christianity, spirituality in general.. When I look back those years,,those pots and records were my diary and records of my spiritual journey.  My primary language is not English, but Japanese.  Please note that my writing is not written or structured "right" for  English composition at all.. I expressed thing as spiritual   thought and message  came to my mind.( some use the word "channel" but I don't feel it happening)  I did my best to express what I was supposed to write time to time.
hope to have a good experience in this new project.

