

Ocean sooth my heart wherever I go
clean cool air
  flower of wave flying in the air
  By the lake you blossom
 you showed me the series of shooting stars
 gentle breeze that carries flagrance of soil
 gentle breeze that carries flagrance of the flower
 gentle breeze that carries to where you want to be
 gentle breeze that carries  a drop of rains
 gentle breeze that carries my dream
 toward the ocean toward the Milky sky
 cosmic vacation
 by the sea
 rhythmic vacation right by your side
sound of ocean is every breath of  your soul
 deeper and deeper
 brighter and brighter
 flower of the garden
 flower blossom right by the side of road
in big picture
 its all microcosmic world of flower
 petal is you
 stem is your heart
your hands are for the sky to hold you