
Dear people who want me to be successful

United States government, Japanese government, and the organization, I need all of you to do your best to retrieve my asset that was resulted from my blog. that was collected from all over the world for,  me to be successful.
 I know that first half of the  asset are spent on my family and friend.
  I don't bother to know what had happened.
the Second half, my friends( never seen the guy, but Google loved him) took and holding. That fund got to be under my management.
  those are my resources for my work and I have plan with the money. not to buy toy, sex or buy anything  that last few decades. I need the fund for my spiritual work and people relations that last longer than our lives.

I hope you all  put real effort retrieving  the fund and put it  under my friends(Greg)'s management or organization's management, so I can directly   utilize it or have it   for greater good.
 all the help and assistance be appreciated.

 thank you

 for my spiritual work, my environment must be English spoken for indescribable reasons.
  Not many message  comes in my own primary Language. English spoken environment must be my  work environment.
Hopefully  I be safe and protected well.
