
Abraham daily quote

Is Abraham saying that you could reach what you consider to be a prime human physical condition and that you could maintain it for as long as you remain physically focused in this body? The answer is, absolutely yes. And it doesn't mean reach your prime and then jump off a cliff the same day, either. It means, reach your prime and bask in the deliciousness of that. Now, why is other than that the more consistent experience? Because most everybody is looking around and vibrating in response to what they are seeing. So, what is the solution? Look around less. Imagine more. Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is the most familiar vibration that you have.

なぜなら多くの人は目に見えるものに反応して自己の存在をそれに対応させているから。では解決策は?といえば、周りを見渡すのを(現実を直視するのを)少なくして、想像の世界が(それ以上に)最も影響的なものになるまで 想像の世界をひろげればいいということになる

--- Abraham