
Japanese old tale_ごんぎつね

ある日ごんはある男が川に魚が取れるようにと仕掛けをしてているのを見つけるたですが、ごんはそれによって捕まえた魚やウナ ギを男が気づく前に逃すといういたずらをしてしまいました。それから十日ほど後、その男の母親の葬列を見たごんは、あのとき逃がした魚やウナギはその男が病気の母親のために用意していたも のだと悟り、自分の犯したいたずらをとても後悔しました。
それからごんは反省し今度からは自分の力で何かをすることにしました。しかしその男は毎日届けられる栗や松茸など、家に届けられる贈り物の意味が判らず、友達の助言から、神様のおかげ だと思い込むようになっていました。それを知ってごんは寂しい思いをしていました。ある日きつねの気配を察したその男はきつねがいたずらをするために家に忍び込んだと思い、それをを撃ってしまいましたその男がそばに駆け寄るとそこにはごんが横たわっており、そこに栗が固めて置いてあるのでした。それらを目に、はじめて、そのときすべてがごんのおかげだったことに気づき、男は銃を持って立ちつくすのでした
Long long time ago,there was an orphan fox named Gon.Whenever he come down to a village where people live,he was enjoying trick to people, causing problems to people for fun.
One day,Gon saw one man setting up fish trap at the stream in order to catch fishes and eel,but Gon wanted to play a trick to him,and he released all the fishes and eel before the man found them.
After ten days have passed,Gon saw the funeral outside of the man's house,and found out that the guy's sick mother had died, and also realized that those fishes and eels he released were probably meant for the man's mother.
Gon experienced great regret and sorry for what he did to the man.So he stole dried fish from the store and threw it to the man's house to make up his mistake, but the owner of the store misunderstood that the man stole the dried fish,and the man  ended up  beaten up by the store owner for Gon's stealing.
Since this day, Gon decided to do something good on his own for the man and started collecting tree nuts and mushroom himself and delivered them to the man's house.
The man did not understand why and how he kept receiving  tree nuts and mushroom,but his friend told him that those must be gifts from God,and he believed what his friend said to explain such mysterious gift from no one. As Gon kept bringing his gift to the man, Gon started feeling a little sad about the man thinks all his gift is not from Gon,but from God.
As Gon kept bringing his gifts to the man, one day, the man happens to see fox coming into his house. He got very angry believing,thinking the fox coming to his house to trick him and shot the fox.
As the man ran closer to the fox,he saw Gon laying down on the ground,and his gift,tree nuts as usual, and the man finally realized who was bringing the gift and he just lost words and just stood there with his gun.