

今朝目覚めたときvortex の中で目覚めた。こんな風にvortexの中で目覚めるのが好きだ。満足していてやる気に満ちている。こうやって気持ちよく目覚めるのが大好きだ。見る人見る人に愛を感じ感謝の念でいっぱいになる。そのきもちがたまらなく心地いい。Vortex の中にいるとただ気持ちがよくてたまらないからずっとvortexのなかにいたくなる。ただそれだけで満足し、心が弾んでくる。
vortexの中にいると食べ物がおいしくて、体調がよくてただ散歩がしたくなり、何か楽しいことがしたくなる。Vottex の中にいるとただ気分がよくて何故か犬が私の頬をなめにくる。心が軽く自分でも澄んでいるのが分かる。Vortexの中にいると自分画題隙で、自分の本当の力を感じることができる。迷うことが少なくなって理解することの方がが多くなっていく。Vortexの中にいると迷いがなくなり、何でも前向きに出来るような感じがする。Vortexの中にいるとただ良い方向に流されていっているかのごとくただ安心できて気持ちがいい。

Vortexの中にいるとただ楽観的になんでもできるような気がする。何でもうまくいくと信じることができる。自分自身のよさを認識できる。どんなことをしてもされてもほかの人に、その現実にただ寛大になれる。ただいいことだけが起こってくのが見える。Vortexのなかにいると全ての私を取り巻く環境が私のvortexと同じくらい心地良いものに変わっていく。vortex の中にいるとただ時間がゆっくりと過ぎ満足感だけがおおきくなる。Vortexの中にいると今まで生きてきた全ての経験に感謝できる。今までの苦労や苦悩さえ小さなことのように思えはじめる。
私はどんなときにも言い訳をせず、vortex の中に存在し続けることに努力をそそぎつづける。ユニバースの力を信じ、自分の無駄なもがきをやめ、ただ信じて待つことに決めたの。


Astrology compatibbility(星座間の相性)

Astrology to share_ sun sign compatibility(占星術の一般的知識)

I love Astrology and believe its power,many people tend to call it just as coincidence.   As I described before each person has Sun sign and Moon sign as Earth goes around the sun taking about 365 days and Moon goes around earth about 28 days.
Today,  I would like to share something to show combination and harmony between the signs.  There are many kind of sign to read in Astrology,but Sun sign is considered to be most significant in general,I guess, just because Sun is origin of life's energy.So I would like to show how to read harmony between the 12 signs.


When you look two signs which you want to know the compatibility or harmony of. For example,  between Leo and Taurus,there are two spaces,between Pisces and Scorpio has three spaces which is both water sign and considered to be pretty good overall.
相性を見たいふたつのサインを絵の輪で見てそのふたつのサインの間の空間を数えてみて。例えば、しし座とおうし座の間には空間がふたつ。うお座とさそり座ならその間には3つの空間が存在するでしょう。魚座もさそり座も 両方とも水のサインであることもあって、(空間を三つ持つとされる)このふたつのサインはとっても相性がよいとされるの。

sharing signs one space between the signs(sextile)60 degree星座の間にひとつの空間(セクスタイル)
sharing signs two space between the signs( square)90 degree星座の間にふたつの空間(スクエア)
sharing signs three spaces between120 degree星座の間に三つの空間(トライン)
sharing signs four spaces between星座の間に四つの空間(印コンジャンクト)
sharing signs five spaces between星座の間に五つの空間(オポジション)

all I know is trine and sextile are good and square is challenging.

 and Trine are considered to be most harmonious and sextile is OK. some are supposed to be more  challenging than others,but  hold more possibility of ease than square.well most relationships are challenging any way?So who care?

 セクスタイルとトラインはけっこう調和した関係と見られていて、スクエアは逆にけっこう厳しいというか波乱ありの相性で 冒険を好む人向け。コンジャンクト、インコンジャンクトはきっとスクエアほど厳しくないとされるの。結局どの人間関係も難しさは伴うわけだものね。相反する者、お互いないものを持っていてそのあいて魅了される、っていうのには強く引き寄せられるって言うのがオポジションかも。

This is probably trine occurs between same element(such as water, air, fire,earth,) and most harmonious sharing same kind of world view,and sextile complement each others world,and square is more likely water and oil that require constant shaking to be "mixed" well ?

anything else probably good as long as both know how to accept the world as is, so not much shaking either?  as long as they both stay  in rut? because all relationship carry possibility of indifference and require  endless effort to begin with.


  but in case of love compatibility, it sees combination of Sun sign, Moon sign(position of Moon), Venus sign (position of Venus), Mars sign(position of Mars), and I think itall  affect in various way.  Astrology consider love and money as similar category,and Venus is planet of love, some seeks security in love, some seeks security in money,too.  And both are right and  interpretation is always up to person to person...time to time.I guess


   I believe Abraham's law of Attraction as well.
I never had astrology lesson,and don't know well. not sure things I read here and there,seems all got  mixed up!. So all I wanted to share was what's good to look for and what  to be careful for next time.. thats all.
Please check thing on your own there are lots of resource on line.  I like reading it, but not studying it..

興味がったら自分で調べてね。星占い読むの好き。でも勉強するのはちょっと。本当の未来派知らないほうが原則的に楽しい。 デモ天気予報は時々知っておいて損はないかなとも思う。 占星術は天気予報みたいなもの。大雪のときに 裸で外にでないように。。。私は必要がなければあまり知りたくない。本当は未来のことなんて知りたくないのでよくわからない ママのこともいっぱい。。


Japanese tale_鶴の恩返し


昔むかし、あるところにおじいさんとあばあさんが住んでいました。ある冬の日、おじいさんが町に薪を売りに出かけた帰りに、罠にかかった一羽の鶴を見つけ、可哀想に思ったおじいさんはその鶴を罠か らはずして逃がしてあげました。ある雪の夜、美しい娘がふたりの家へ現れました。道に迷ったので雪が落ち着くまでの間一晩泊めて欲しいと言うその娘をおじいさんとおばああさんは快く家に入れてあげました。。しかし雪はなかなか降り止まず、娘は老夫婦の家に留まっていました。その間、娘はおじいさん、おばあさんの世話をし、彼らをとても喜ばせました。
娘がどのように布を織っているのだろうかと奇妙に思いながらも、娘の見ないでくださいという言いつけを守っていたのですが、だんだんとやせ細っていく娘を心配したおじいさんとおばあさんは娘が布を織っているところを覗いてしまいました。娘の姿があるはずの部屋の中には、一羽の鶴がい てその鶴は布に自分の羽根を織り込み、布を織っていたのでした。機織を終えたその娘は自分が以前おじいさんに助けてもらった鶴だと告白し、姿を見られた以上はここにはもいられませんと告げ、両手を広げ鶴になり、 老夫婦に見送られ空へと帰っていきました。
Long long time ago,there an old couple living somewhere. One winter day, an old man left house to sell firewood in town. On his way to town, he found a crane caught trapped in pain. He felt pity and got rid of the trap off the crane and release it. One snowy day,One beautiful woman showed up their house and told them she got lost, asked for staying one night to avoid severe snow outside. Listening her situation,the couple invited her into the house pleasantly,but as the snow storm kept going outside, her stay got longer,and for that time, the woman started helping,taking care the old couple,and they became very happy having her in the house.
One day, the woman said to the old couple” I would like to weave cloth. Please buy some thread for me”,so the old man went to town and obtained some thread and gave it to the woman. Before she started working she said “ while I am working, please never come to look inside the room and keep this promise”and the woman started weaving and after awhile she showed up with beautiful cloth in her hands, and told them to buy more thread selling the cloth. The cloth was so beautiful that whenever they sold them, it became very popular and it made the couple very rich.
The couple always wondered how the woman is weaving such beautiful cloth,but they kept their promise not to look inside the room while she was working, weaving cloth.
However, as time goes on, the woman was becoming obviously weak and skinny,so the couple was very worried about her one day, and peaked the room while she was working on weaving.
When they looked inside the room, there was not the woman, but a skinny crane weaving the cloth applying own feather into the thread cloth.
When the woman come out from the room,she confessed that she was the crane who was saved by the old man the one winter day . And she said “after revealing who I am,because of you seeing how I was weaving the cloth, I can not stay here anymore”,and she opened her wings and turn herself into a crane,and flew away in front of the old couple.

Japanese old tale_こぶとりじいさん

むかしむかし、あるところに、頬に大きな瘤(こぶ)のある二人の老人がいた。二人とも、片方は無欲な老人で、もう片方は欲張りでしたが同様に顔にもつ大きな瘤にはいつも困っていました。ある日の晩、無欲なその老人がが夜更けに鬼の宴会に出くわしてしまい、酔った鬼を目前に踊りを披露することを命じられ、おどることになりました。するとその鬼は大変にそのおじいさんを気に入って感酒とご馳走をすすめ、翌晩も来て一緒に踊るように命じ、明日来れば 返してやると翁の大きな瘤を「すぽん」と傷も残さず取ってしまいました。
それを聞いた隣の欲張りな老人は、それなら自分の瘤も取ってもらおうと話に聞いたとおり、鬼の宴会にでかけていくのですが、その欲張りの老人はこぶをとってもらおうと一生懸命踊るのですが鬼がどうしても怖いためにその踊りはとてもひどいものになってしまいました。とうとう鬼は怒って最初の正直な老人から取り上げておいたまでもを欲張りな老人のもう一方のあいた頬に押し付けくっつけるとその老人をおいて去っていってし まいました

Old men with lump on their face.

Long long time ago, there were two old men living somewhere. face,but one was honest and cheerful, the other was a little greedy,but both man had lump on the face and felt troubled all the time.
One day, The honest old man was out walking,encountered where ogres having party. ogres were very drunk and forced the old man to dance and be cheerful for ogre's entertainment. So the old man danced for them, and got drunk with ogre.
When the old man tried to go home, Ogre told him to come back again, and to assure his coming back,Ogre took his face lump away.
After the old man coming back home, he told the neighbor what happened to his lump, how ogre took his lump away.
As the greedy old man hear neighbor's story, he decided to find ogres in order to remove his lump on his face.
The greedy old man found ogre's party eventually, and as expected, ogres told the old man to dance as he had heard, but the old man was so scared of ogres, he could not dance good as ogres wanted him to. He tried very hard in order to get his lump removed from his face, but it was so bad that ogres got so angry in stead. Ogres told him to go home, giving him another lump to his face that was taken from the other old man, and left the old man there and disappear.

Japanese old tale_ごんぎつね

ある日ごんはある男が川に魚が取れるようにと仕掛けをしてているのを見つけるたですが、ごんはそれによって捕まえた魚やウナ ギを男が気づく前に逃すといういたずらをしてしまいました。それから十日ほど後、その男の母親の葬列を見たごんは、あのとき逃がした魚やウナギはその男が病気の母親のために用意していたも のだと悟り、自分の犯したいたずらをとても後悔しました。
それからごんは反省し今度からは自分の力で何かをすることにしました。しかしその男は毎日届けられる栗や松茸など、家に届けられる贈り物の意味が判らず、友達の助言から、神様のおかげ だと思い込むようになっていました。それを知ってごんは寂しい思いをしていました。ある日きつねの気配を察したその男はきつねがいたずらをするために家に忍び込んだと思い、それをを撃ってしまいましたその男がそばに駆け寄るとそこにはごんが横たわっており、そこに栗が固めて置いてあるのでした。それらを目に、はじめて、そのときすべてがごんのおかげだったことに気づき、男は銃を持って立ちつくすのでした
Long long time ago,there was an orphan fox named Gon.Whenever he come down to a village where people live,he was enjoying trick to people, causing problems to people for fun.
One day,Gon saw one man setting up fish trap at the stream in order to catch fishes and eel,but Gon wanted to play a trick to him,and he released all the fishes and eel before the man found them.
After ten days have passed,Gon saw the funeral outside of the man's house,and found out that the guy's sick mother had died, and also realized that those fishes and eels he released were probably meant for the man's mother.
Gon experienced great regret and sorry for what he did to the man.So he stole dried fish from the store and threw it to the man's house to make up his mistake, but the owner of the store misunderstood that the man stole the dried fish,and the man  ended up  beaten up by the store owner for Gon's stealing.
Since this day, Gon decided to do something good on his own for the man and started collecting tree nuts and mushroom himself and delivered them to the man's house.
The man did not understand why and how he kept receiving  tree nuts and mushroom,but his friend told him that those must be gifts from God,and he believed what his friend said to explain such mysterious gift from no one. As Gon kept bringing his gift to the man, Gon started feeling a little sad about the man thinks all his gift is not from Gon,but from God.
As Gon kept bringing his gifts to the man, one day, the man happens to see fox coming into his house. He got very angry believing,thinking the fox coming to his house to trick him and shot the fox.
As the man ran closer to the fox,he saw Gon laying down on the ground,and his gift,tree nuts as usual, and the man finally realized who was bringing the gift and he just lost words and just stood there with his gun.


Abraham daily quote

When you acknowledge what you do not want, and then ask yourself, "What is it that I do want?" you begin a gradual shift into the telling of your new story and into a much-improved point of attraction.
You get the essence of what you think about - whether you want it or not - because Law of Attraction is unerringly consistent - therefore, you are never only telling the story of "how it is now." You are also telling the future experience that you are creating right now.
--- Abraham



Abraham explains Prayer(祈り)



そのような問題提起の仕方は今までになかったことを説明できるという点で素晴らしいことではあるけれども、少し勘違いのないように詳しく説明しましょう。 あなたたちが呼ぶ神という存在は教会という場所に行くという行為によって経験できるものではないし、そのエネルギー、存在を感じる為に、我々のセミナーに参加する必要などないということをまずはじめに言っておきましょう。あなた方それぞれの存在自体に、そのエネルギーといったものはすでに備わっているのです。どこにいてもそのエネルギーに自分で同調しアクセスすることで神さまという存在とコミュニケーションをすることがいつでもできるのです。たとえば病気を持つものが医者に行くことの効用、回復の可能性を信じることなしにその治療の効果を十分に受け取ることが出来ないのと同じように、何をどのように祈っているのかその祈りについて本当に理解していないようではそのよい結果、効果を十分に受け取ることは出来ないものです。

人々の祈りというものには二種類あって、ひとつはvortex(幸せを感じる精神感情の状況)の中から発する祈りであって、もうひとつはvortex の外側から発する祈りです。多くの人はvortexの外側から祈りを行いますがその祈りの答えを受け取るにはその祈りそのものがvortexの内側からのものでなければならないのです。


多くの人が本当に求めているものというのは多くの場合、その場その場に存在する抵抗を少しずつゆるめるような言葉やインスピレーションそのものであって、癒しや、励ましがうまく出来る人というのはどのような状況においても前向きで、明るい展望をもたらすような言葉やインスピレーションをもたらすことができる存在であることが多いのです。解決策の波長、言葉がインスピレーションそのものでもあり、それが人をvortex の中に導く祈りのちからの源そのものなのです。
でも私たちはあなた方一人ひとりにしてほしいのは(俗に言う)善い者、(俗に言う)悪いものの、両方の幸せのためにであって、すべての人がvortex の中に入れるような助け方をもって祈りを捧げて欲しいのです。


Fun Astrology to share

each sign has own planet ruler and that is considered to be most significant.  And yes you have both Sun sign and Moon sign.  To find out, here is free site I found.


Jupiter-Expansion,good fortune,benevolence
Moon- emotions and habit
Mercury- communication, thought,process,
Venus-love,money,power of attraction

Pluto-transformation, major changes

Abraham daily quote

Is Abraham saying that you could reach what you consider to be a prime human physical condition and that you could maintain it for as long as you remain physically focused in this body? The answer is, absolutely yes. And it doesn't mean reach your prime and then jump off a cliff the same day, either. It means, reach your prime and bask in the deliciousness of that. Now, why is other than that the more consistent experience? Because most everybody is looking around and vibrating in response to what they are seeing. So, what is the solution? Look around less. Imagine more. Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is the most familiar vibration that you have.

なぜなら多くの人は目に見えるものに反応して自己の存在をそれに対応させているから。では解決策は?といえば、周りを見渡すのを(現実を直視するのを)少なくして、想像の世界が(それ以上に)最も影響的なものになるまで 想像の世界をひろげればいいということになる

--- Abraham











*tomato note

(無事故点検ではなく、)安全点検が好ましいsafety check!
(地鎮を願うのではなく、)自然のちからを讃えよう  Natural,health,wealth and peace!
(死ではなく)生に焦点を alive!


Abraham daily quote

When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there's usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you're going to get it. When you pose questions you don't have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.
--- Abraham


Messages,Utubemovies I found

Abraham daily quote_to be or not to be?

I guess everybody has own opinion about things and I was wondering what should I do. To say nothing or let myself be.
And This is Abraham's daily quote for today

Don't do anything that you don't really want to do. Keep yourself in a place of feeling good. Reach for the thought that feels better -- and watch what happens.
--- Abraham 

So I will just have fun doing house chores...
Have a lovely day my friends!


Prayer for peace (latest version):)

Dear my bother and sisters,

Wish you best of everything for your country.
Hope your days be filled with love,safety and peace
Hope there be always understanding and appreciation.
May God bless you all
Good luck

Prayer for peace

mighty gods who guides us all
please guide us all for peace and salvation
please give us chance for survival
please let us show our appreciation,life here on earth
let us cerebrate greatness of divine
let us unite in peace creating process
let us focus on peace
let us focus on success
please show us sign
please give us sign of your judgment
we all trust in your power and love
please give us chances to do things right
all angels all of our guardians,
divinity of all of nature surrounding us
please guide us all
please show us divine light
please give us chances to praise and appreciate all your love and existence
please let us work for your guidance and love here on earth

Thank existence ALL That Is surrounding us,guiding us all
Thank God
love to the all in the sky above us,surrounding us here on earth


Amazing facts of Frog

Frog-(Wiki description)

Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura (meaning "tail-less", from Greek an-, without + oura, tail), formerly referred to as Salientia (Latin salere (salio), "to jump"). Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Frogs are widely known as exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomical characteristics of frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs, are adaptations to improve jumping performance.

日本の蛙観Japanese famous frog expressions

蛙の子は蛙-( frog's child is always  frog)
even though a tadpole look like nothing like frog,but it cannot be nothing but a frog.
ど根性ガエルーtittle of Japanese animation stories about a  frog who lived even after squashed into picture of T shirts. the expression to describe characteristics being ,having strong firefighter  spirit.

 Frog symbolismhttp://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-symbolism-frog.html
  • Luck(運)
  • Purity(純粋)
  • Rebirth(再生)
  • Renewal(更新)
  • Fertility(成熟)
  • Healing(癒し)
  • Metamorphosis(超自然力による変質変容)
  • Transitions(移行、変遷、過渡期)
  • Dreaming(夢うつつ)
  • Opportunity(機会、好機)
  • Intermediary(中間、中継)

When the frog jumps into your life it may indicate now is a time to find opportunities in transition. We see animal symbolism of transition with the frog in its unique growth cycle. The frog undergoes incredible transformations to reach the destination of full adulthood, and so do we as humans.
The frog understands what it is like to undergo some serious growing pains – and so it is a fantastic animal totem for teenagers as they sometimes struggle to find their place (in-betwix youth and adulthood) in society.

In many cultures the primary symbolic meaning of frogs deals with fertility. This is largely because these cultures observed Frogs laying enormous quantities of eggs, therefore making it a fertility symbol as well as a symbol of abundance.
A quick-list for animal symbolism of the frog includes:
In Egypt we see the Frog-headed Heket who is an Egyptian goddess of birth(ing).
As a Celtic symbol meaning, the Frog was deemed lord over all the earth, and the Celts believed it represented curative or healing powers because of its connection with water and cleansing rains. More Western and European views focus on the Frog's three stages of development (egg, tadpole, fully formed amphibian) to symbolize resurrection and spiritual evolution. For these same reasons it is also a common Christian symbol for the holy trinity and resurrection. It is often seen in Christian art to express this symbolism.
In China the Frog is an emblem of Yin energy and thought of as good luck. Feng Shui practices recommend putting an image of a Frog in the east window of your home to encourage child birth and/or happy family life.
Frog energy is also considered to be a link between the living and the dead. An interesting ancient Asian custom was to place a jade frog in the mouth of the deceased to insure his/her spirit would pass safely into the spirit world. This custom was believed to allow the spirit of the deceased to speak more clearly to loved ones still living.
Frogs are also good luck symbols in Japan - especially for travelers. Images or charms were worn during long voyages to assure safety (particularly across water).


Mercury retrograde part II

Please let   cease fire everywhere From  March21 till Aprill12 While Saturn Jupiter opposition is in effect and Mercury Retrograde is happening right before and after.  Things could go easily wrong.I want everybody to make right decision at right place at right time.
Whenever something impossible became possible, I heard that  there was help from the sky,but help I expected from sky was expressed in unexpectedly huge  earthquake in Japan.
I don't mind everybody calling me crazy any more, I just  hope more people to feel safe and secure surviving this time,this chaos together.

The opposition of Jupiter(planet of justice and expansion_positivity) and Saturn(Planet of hardship,learning,limitation_negativity) is happening around 28th?

Coming Mercury retrograde for 2011
March30th-April 23
August3-Aug 18
Nov 25-Dec14
In Greek myths, Mercury was Hermes, the winged messenger god and in Roman times, he was portrayed as a trickster. The planet's movements are said to influence communication. Mercury rules the signs of the intellect Gemini and Virgo.it supposed to affect everything that Mercury affect,communication,perception,and expression

Gemini is about interaction,curiously,moodiness,short trip and being twin?
Virgo is about practicality,productivity and being woman, being a maiden?

Astrology is fun!

I want everybody to be happy learning something.is it too much to ask?

In my country's four things to fear by tradition is Earthquakes, thunder storms, fire, fathers...
What I love and what I want are peaceful world, blue sky, and want my daddy to be happy.

My chart ruler is Mercury,and I have Sun in Pisces, Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Gemini
And you?


Message to people of Egypt and surrounding countries

First of all former president of Egypt,Mr. Mubarak,and the person who made passionate speech at UN about saving the own country of Libya, I would like to show my respect for doing the right thing. Surely, that took enormous courage doing it. I hope more and more people recognize the courage and honor of what you have done and its message . It will be recognized in your country's future. So I wish you best and hope you keep working for your country's own good. Your ancestors would guide you around it if you let yourself follow your heart focusing love and peace There is no coincidence or accident in life. You did good listening and seeking its guidance chosen by them moment to moment so far.
Second of all,there was amazing discovery about Pyramids that exist in Pyramid. as so called jasmine revolution kept happening in that region.. It is just a beginning.
The everything that was stored in the Pyramid was gift and planned rewards long time ago from the ancestors of the region. And it is also called “curse”for whoever stole them and I think merchant had something to do with its stolen golds and treasures and distribution. Yet I am not sure.

Oh yes King Solomon sort of did the same as it seems,but not sure how he prepared. I never read the bible or anything, so I don't know about him yet, but those ancestors planned “teaching and waiting for you all. So Good luck with that. They are nothing I felt before and they are ruthless and strict. May not give you second chance? But not sure, I think Mr Mubarak got it, so do your best from the beginning hopefully.

Everything I wrote here so far tell you what to do, what things meant to be.
They have my life over conveying this message or not,yet they wanted me to help them by telling this message before ahead. Only they can decide or judge your own actions. And it is at individual level of actions. History and your own blood is big hint here,but I don't encourage looking into too much. Just focus on saving life and peace and love. Love of brotherhood, then  it would be all right.  thats how they guide you for  it,so if you ignore peace and love, you will receive things relevant
O yes brothers and sisters always fight each other over stupid silly stuff for fun  observed by the parents, and as they get mature, it becomes less and less, finding own love, finding way of life growing, way of self healing.
Until each of them do the right thing, the reward will be kept at safe place. So far nothing ever went wrong in our ancestors eyes as whole. Abraham has all the answer,but I am just a stupid human who always try to offer unnecessary help intervening each individual's life before even asked. Sorry if no word is better than bad words.
But I believe, good or bad don't matter if it convey its essence and intentions. Intention is always good if always following own heart. Message always reaches as it meant to,who meant to, at the time it meant to be best.
So I want to keep myself happy and I want everyone to be happy.
Amazing fact around those regions is that there were amazing civilizations that was able to foresee the future,reading the sky even before so called “religion” emerges. your ancestors had prepared asset and learning and teaching by creating the pyramids. So if you think you have been worshiping anything other than that, I would go to them and show appreciation and ask for guidance..
United State might give you assistance in that Journey,but not sure. But personality of President Obama is decent  and pretty honorable.   You might get good “personal” assistance and advice if you open your heart and be honest to “him” United States has term limit in the presidency,and United states got own crazy fanatic redneck of our own,too whether religious freak or not, people who have no principle in life, no firm belief in life,but got money in bank are  things and people watch out for..

so whether you do this change slow or fast is your call.
but if you have other intention other than peace and love, you won't receive right answer soon enough. And "Tit for tat" and "give and take" is advocate of devil, act of evil although there is no such thing as Devil or evil unless you want it there to be.I hope there is just cooperation,unconditional love,helping each other..
that is fine print I should add unnecessarily
enjoy your journey..
Its gonna be fun if you want it to be..
love,and good luck to all,


Bridge over troubled water

When you're weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all

I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you

I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on Silver Girl,
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way

See how they shine
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind




Please help my country Japan

I aaw the news.  Please help my country Japan.
It really is beautiful country just like anywhere else yet most of that   have not  shown or enjoyed by many outside of  the world yet.  Please help.

It's a big earthquake M.8.9.  most part of the  affected area are still cold weather having ice and some snow here and there.

  And Thank you for offering the help so immediately.  I appreciate all the help we have received and offered for helping my country,Japan.


My law of Attraction Dilemma


I had a friend whom I met through my soon to be ex husband long time ago. He is a guy who is honest to heart, who loves music and a lot of alcohol. He is a good funny guy,but I know he had done something bad in his past. And now I learned that my husband's trying to help him toward financially secure way,but I also knows that if he helped the friend in his way this time, he probably would probably be end up in prison. But The friend drinks a lot of alcohol and his health condition probably is not that good. And I kept wondering something...
My dilemma is that if I said something to the friend,he probably choose beers before health, would shorten his life drastically because of what he does and what he love,but if I just left alone and let it be, he would get prison treatment which has no beers but got good health care which is a lot better than what people outside of the prison get in the US interestingly. Its supposed to be where everything he needs at minimum is taken cared of basically,probably
I want him to "live",but law of attraction states that he is only one who can make the decision. Yet should I say something? What do you think? I just kept asking that to my friends,and no answer yet
so till then I decided to trust law  of attraction, Abraham's teaching.


Abraham's message in short


Abraham explain Grief and Joy


funny movie

This is movie about prep drill trying to catch an escaped tiger at the zoo..
so funny and cute I loved it!!



Jasmine and Lions?

Things,news, I read online day to day basis are so painful lately.
This piece of art is nothing but to show the great value of life?




Abraham explains Religion


Abraham expains about Angels and spirit guide

Abraham explains about Jesus


Abraham explains about a dictator and









Shocking discovery! and my message to middle eastern countries

Shocking to see the price of gasoline today!!Is this because of the dictator in Libya?Or?
O my goodness.  I just drove through in front of the gas station,got shocked by the price. 

I know everybody doing best possible all over the world,but please help us with this gasoline price going up like this here in US.
Every time, things like this happen, Only Bush families got benefited, and as far as I know,at  where I live. No one supports them or what  president Bush"accomplished" we were  just like people  in Libya.
Doing the right thing takes time and energy..
Please help us who do not support its family business...they may be planning "problem " here in the oil finery to take advantage of the situation again?(because when oil price goes up, support rate for the President  goes down,as it seems..hope anyone figure out who we really are supporting here honestly...  yet I am not an American.

I don't know much about economy,but sure there are people who know how to help certain people certain way!?  please let that be people  in the middle eastern countries...or anyone with oil please.

And thank you for those who have already been helping,decided to increase its production,  oil to the world.


Please let gas price to be cheaper and stable...

Playing for change newest episode

過去(昨年?)にもこの団体についてポストしたことあるのだけれど、これが最近のプレイングフォーチェンジ(playing for change)運動のおもしろそうな最新エピソード。日本の国や、ほかの国々もいつか参加してくれたらいいのにね。見てみて!
I posted about this foundation in the past,maybe last year? Here is interesting update of Playing for change. I wish more people from other countries, Japan,or other places  to be
participated in this  someday.
Check this out!!


My question is

I love my friends and most of friends I have are some sort, or at some level,we share something common.  I believe bird of feather flock together is true phenomenon based on the law of universe, Law of attraction..
My question to all is when you encounter people who obviously need help,is there right or wrong answer in trying to do something for those people?  The people  maybe considered to be a bad person in various level, socially or those people might not deserve to be saved from other people's view, but is it good idea to ignore all  and act like did not see it?
Do you have to know  their marital status or religion, family history to offer your help?
I know that I am not that strong,but I sometimes feel I am healthier than some people and stronger than some people.   It all changes time to time. And I do not commit act of bully.
Tomorrow, I could be weakest, but for now,I hope to be someone  who can offer my help  if anyone seems to be in need of help.
I believe if we help anyone with full trust,and love, we both benefit in our greater future. If we happened to fail, that's  probably because we pushed our will against something away from heart felt.
I believe our heart knows everything we need to know to do things right for each individual's life.
Even,things right for me doesn't mean right for the dictator in Libya, I am OK with that.  But if one of my friends show up at my door and tells me not to give upon the friend,  I will do anything,will look for the words for ease to ease,giving relief and comfort in any way.

love and peace are most simplest beauty in this world.  It seems to be happiest beings were just filled with the  essence of the "pure"

and maybe just we are started waking up to the creation of love and the divine in each one of us.

Yes I happened to have had helped someone without being asked,and had regretted  a little because that person happened to harm someone I adores,yet I believe it was right thing at that moment. No one is perfect or see through the future who  is right or wrong to be.  So  I just let that part go and trying to be as  much happy person as possible,just in order to help the one I truly love,and care I know it will give me great sense of happiness in the act of love
Yes point is to seek and create joy out of nothing even we make one or two mistakes.

It seems never ending fight against fire.  We all know fire is powerful and should not play with it.  So the fear and turmoil seems to be getting bigger,but I think what getting bigger is our dream,our expectation for world peace.
I believe everything happening in the world is just  simple will to   participate in this peace creating process.

at country level, there is"politics" exist,but at people's level,at level, of heart being online or not, there is no border no limitation, in our imagination,in our dream.
We all are connected "online" already, by invisible bonding,invisible love and natural trust.

my response to my friend

Good to know that you don't read bible much any more.
(my friend spoke about hali silasi (jah rastafari) at one point)The story I thought it might be relevant was two mother figure( I think one is birth mother and the other was not but took cared the child most of the time and fighting over the child  to judge or decide who love the child best,or most sort of thing.  I think the judge let those mothers pulled the child's hand left and right telling them whoever pulled harder, getting the child into their arm get the child,so both of the women pulled child's arms against each other,yet the kids started crying for the pain,so  one of those women let go off the hand to release the kids from the pain by impulse and the one who release the hand first got the child.  Have you heard about  this sort of story?  The woman who recognized the kids pain first was recognized as better.

I agree with your point of view about politics, Libya or foreign policy in general.  When I was about to be a high school student,Berlin's Wall fell, and Soviet Union,as well,and it was such chaotic time on media and politics,we all are living insecure time,yet hopeful. I think each of us just stay who we are,and it all went OK.   yet there was Gulf war and other thing in China ,too, Maybe we all  are dealing with negative asset in front to do the right thing.
But my right things doesn't mean anybody's right things?!so I have been wondering,but if I were asked help, and it might seem to be wrong and helpless to help the person to change the world,, I probably would help to make the person survive the moment.  To help anyone, I don't ask religion or marital status or family history or social status or belief.  I think timing has more to with things,so  If something was wrong, they just be ignored,but it got bigger,so just do the right thing moment to moment at core and let other things be?

You may not believe me,but When I met JG,he had such light around him,and wanted to know more about him,but I was in control, not to fall but it all changed over one unfortunate accident,was so sure he was looking at death and I just wanted to help him to survive the hardest moment in his life.   I don't know what "help " really mean nowadays,I think I helped someone who I was not supposed to help last month,and my love is in such pain.  I thought I did right thing then,so not sure.
But if you see a child drawn,you will surely to do something to save the child right? if it was your child, you would jump right in without thinking,right? I never had a child,so I don't know.  but right or wrong be judged later on when we starts to forget the incident.

politically,probably its all wrong,but it is about people's life coming together,so just set one good example and leave thing as is be smart?

What happened to the guy of Ethiopia at the end?  If he was smart enough, did he live happily ever after?  or it was just in the book?


my question to my friend

  I really do not know much about bible,hope anyone explain that to me.
need you to tell me about the guy in Africa you told me.  the guy,something,someone to do with King Solomon.
There is an episode I need you to explain to me in your words.
I was thinking about recent turmoil about Lybia and situation about Middle Eastern countries.
my question is if we solve one problem in Lybia, would United States or United Nation be able to solve each individual rebellion exist in those countries?  Is it good idea to  support people holding guns in hand?
And both side claim they love their country most and defending.which side is right and wrong seems to be obvious place to place,yet I believe most right and decent people are who escaped believing natural gods(God's law.
And I  saw the article about a what a country's King giving generous direction about  the rebels which I thought it was pretty noble,the whoever King was, probably loved his country and had trust in his people.
the one of the stories I need to know in bible is about two mothers fighting over a child, claiming self who love the child most? and how those  judgment was made deciding who loves the child best.Sort of the story..  Can you recall?  Or nothing? if not,  probably it mean nothing relevant.
What do YOU think about what is happening in North Africa and Middle East.  You sure read a lot about the region in bible right?

Ooops.  I guess it was story in the "old testament? .  I should  stay away from it as my revelation was to stay away from the old one,since there is a special way to read it?
We need to create new solution to the problem following our heart.  In my country's old rule, any quarrel,fighting was to punish both sides,but it seems to be too cruel and doesn't "feel" right to me after many lives have been lost already.
I like President Obama and support UN countries,and support its judgment.  I wonder what other middle eastern countries believe and support about this matters.