
冬至 (Winter Solstice)


 Today is Winter Solstice.  In Japan, we cook and eat pumpkin(a kind of squash) and have a citron bath with iris roots wishing for good heath, the season without sickness or cold.
Sure, I cooked my pumpkin yesterday.  But I  burnt at the end by careless mistake of mine, so disappointing...
By the way, Did you see the lunar eclipse?I always love to see eclipse or meteor showers,so  took a short walk by myself  last night and observed it.  There was a little clouds in the air,but saw beautiful Orion constellation and the moon,sky was not so clear,yet I saw the moon changed it color to reddish. It was cool. I read that having lunar eclipse and winter solstice on the same day is somewhat very rare.like since 1700s? Not sure what it meant, but winter solstice  signifies a new beginning? If so, I wish everyone something new,some good events in store as a new year approaching to us as all.

This is my pumpkin(remake version)これが私のかぼちゃ(再度トライバージョン)